
  1. 华为和中兴否认有任何倾销行为,也否认获得过不正当的政府补贴。

    Huawei and ZTE have denied any dumping practices or receiving illegal state subsidies .

  2. 一些国家便开始以国内立法的方式制定针对倾销行为的反倾销法。

    Some countries then legislate the Anti-dumping Law under their own way which aims at the dumping action .

  3. 美国还表示,中国存在倾销行为在美售价低于中国国内售价。

    It also said China was dumping - selling at a lower price in the US than at home .

  4. 曼德尔森否认自己试图削弱现有机制,以便对其它国家的倾销行为和不公平补贴进行报复。

    Mr. Mandelson denied attempting to weaken the existing mechanisms for retaliating against dumping and unfair subsidies by other countries .

  5. 从而积极维护公平的贸易体制和竞争环境,并从根源上制止反倾销行为。

    To actively maintain a fair trading system and the competitive environment ; to stop the antidumping action from root causes .

  6. 作为抵制倾销行为的反倾销措施,是世界贸易组织允许的防止不公平贸易行为、保护国内产业的合法手段。

    Anti-dumping is a kind of legal measures approved by World Trade Organization in preventing unfair trade and protecting domestic industry .

  7. 此案也引发一场涉及面更广的辩论:即便调查确定倾销行为成立,对中国商品征收高关税有哪些好处?

    That case has also stirred a wider debate about the merits of imposing higher duties on Chinese imports , even if abuses are found .

  8. 同时我国部分企业确实存在管理不当的低价倾销行为,易引发外国反倾销指控,这些给我国经济及民族企业健康发展埋下了巨大的隐患。

    At the same time a foreign part enterprise unfair behavior of dumping at low prices for our country economy and national enterprise brought great threat .

  9. 本文运用反事实的研究方法,构建了反倾销行为对产业价格指数变化影响的研究框架。

    This paper puts forward a research frame of the effects of anti-dumping behaviors on the price index of industry involved , by using contrafactual analysis .

  10. 在实践中,与更普遍、更容易证明的倾销行为相比,对补贴行为征收的罚款较少。

    In practice , the penalties for subsidy cases are no more onerous than those for the far more prevalent and easier to prove offence of dumping .

  11. 除此之外,还存在战略转换、夹在中间、战略禁区、倾销行为模式。

    In addition , there are still other models such as strategic transformation , the " stuck in between ", the " strategic taboos " and dumping behavior .

  12. 国际市场上对中国的大量反倾销行为对我国出口企业构成了越来越严重的威胁。

    A number of anti-dumping behaviors directed to china on the international market have posed the more and more serious threat to the export enterprises in our country .

  13. 会计系统在倾销行为认定、争取市场经济地位和个案待遇、提供抗辩证据等方面为企业应诉国外反倾销提供信息支持。

    Accounting system provides information support for enterprises to plead antidumping on defining dumping behavior , striving for market economy status , dealing with individual case and providing pleading evidence .

  14. 一周之后,美国公开宣布由四家中国公司制造的电视机也有倾销行为,所以这将取决于一项在4月份才能完成的调查它们将面对惩罚性关税。

    A week later the Americans declared that television sets made by four Chinese companies were flooding in too , and that-pending an investigation due to finish in april-they would face punitive tariffs .

  15. 在不完全竞争的进口国市场上,由于受到生产能力约束、信息不完全等条件的限制,外国企业的倾销行为不是简单的价格竞争,而是一种生产能力竞争。

    In the imperfect competition market of import country , with the restriction of product capacity and asymmetric information , dumping is a product capacity competition , rather than a kind of price competition .

  16. 除了货币举措,该法案还要求创建一个跨部门贸易执法中心和对不公平交易行为立即作出回应的系统,比如以低于生产成本的价格出口产品的倾销行为。

    Besides the currency measure , it includes the creation of an interagency trade enforcement center and a system to respond faster to unfair trade practices like the dumping of exports at prices below the cost of production .

  17. 该部表示,中国钢铁绝大部分供给国内市场,只有8%的粗钢出口海外,不存在倾销行为。

    China 's steel overwhelmingly feeds the domestic market , the ministry said , with only 8 % of China 's crude steel shipped overseas . ' There is no dumping taking place , ' the ministry said .

  18. 由于倾销行为大都会带来一定的负面效应,损害倾销的出口国、进口国以及第三国的利益,所以反倾销法便成为规避倾销损害的有力武器。

    For dumping acts will bring more or less some negative effects , thus impairing the interests of the exporting , importing and third countries , anti-dumping law serve as a powerful weapon in avoiding damages caused by dumping .

  19. 曼德尔森上周已向阿什顿表达了自己的极大担忧。他表示,没有证据表明,据称的倾销行为正在损害欧洲制造商,因为它们的市场份额正在恢复,而关税将损害消费者利益。

    There was no evidence that the alleged dumping was hurting European manufacturers , since their market share was recovering , and that consumers would be harmed , said Lord Mandelson , who had expressed his very great concern to Lady Ashton last week .

  20. 随着国际贸易竞争的加剧,各种规避反倾销的行为层出不穷,反规避规则也因此逐渐出现在欧美等一些国家的反倾销法中。

    With the frequent occurrence of evasion of antidumping activities , more and more countries begin to write anti-circumvention measures into their national antidumping laws .

  21. 即便欧盟委员会认定确实存在倾销且这种行为损害了欧盟企业,它仍有可能不开征关税如果它认定此举不符合欧盟整体利益的话。

    The commission can determine that dumping occurred and harmed EU companies but still refrain from imposing tariffs if it concluded this was against the broader EU interest .

  22. 根据《反倾销协定》行为守则,有关斜坡必须是1:12或更少,斜坡是平等的崛起的斜路分为经营的斜路。

    Based on ADA codes , the slope must be1:12 or less , Slope is equal to the rise of the ramp divided by the run of the ramp .

  23. 随着国际竞争的日益加剧,针对反倾销措施的规避行为大量发生。

    With the increasing international competition , large of circumvention behaviors for anti-dumping measures happened .

  24. 越来越多的国家正在实施反倾销法,增加了倾销行为的曝光机会。

    The fact that more countries are adopting antidumping laws to increase this ex-poseur .

  25. 笔者认为,反倾销的目的在于消除倾销行为及其对国内产业造成的实质性损害或损害威胁,或者对国内产业的建立造成的实质性阻碍;

    The author indicates that , the purpose of the antidumping is to prevent and remove dumping behaviors , and to eliminate the substantial injury or the threat of injury thus caused to the domestic industry .

  26. 在中国屡遭反倾销过程中,国外商品在华倾销行为也经常发生并扰乱了正常的贸易秩序,阻碍了中国国内产业结构的调整,给生产者造成破产压力。

    In the course of being anti - dumped , China suffers dumping from other countries quite often that disturbs normal trade order , obstructs the adjustment of Chinese local industrial structure and imposes the pressure of bankrupt on local business enterprises .

  27. 反倾销措施虽然能够有效地制止外国企业的倾销行为,但是无法约束非倾销企业针对倾销做出的反应。

    Although AD can restrain dumping , the counteraction of non-dumping enterprises aim at dumping behavior would never be offset by it .

  28. 采取反倾销措施需要满足三个条件:有低价倾销行为,产业损害的后果,倾销行为与损害后果之间有因果关系。

    The present of Anti-dumping investigations must meet three conditions : there are low-priced dumping practices , the consequences of industrial damage , there is a causal relationship between the consequences of dumping and the damage .

  29. 为此,中国亦于1997年制定了《反倾销和反补贴条例》,并对外国的倾销行为采取了相应的反倾销措施。

    In these circumstances , China made the first regulation on anti-dumping and countervailing in 1997 while anti-dumping measures have been taken for the dumped products from foreign countries .

  30. 在这种情况下,各国纷纷通过征收反倾销税等反倾销措施以抵消国际贸易中低价倾销行为所带来的消极影响并为本国国内工业提供持续有效的救济。

    Under these circumstances , the importing countries use antidumping measures one after another to reduce the negative influence of dumping and relieve the domestic industries .