
  • 网络load effect combination
  1. 荷载效应组合时的失效概率

    Failure Probability under the Load Effect Combination Cherishing Time

  2. 结构二次防御能力分析的荷载效应组合方法

    Method of Load Effect Combination for Analyzing the Alternative Defensive Ability of Structures

  3. 荷载效应组合系数的统计方法

    The Statistical Method of Coefficient of Combination for Load Effects

  4. 相关荷载效应组合及结构可靠度计算

    Combination of correlated load effects and structural reliability analysis

  5. 10.荷载效应组合;

    10.the combination of load effect ;

  6. 预应力混凝土结构荷载效应组合及正截面承载力设计计算的建议

    Recommendations on the combination of action effects and normal section loading-bearing capacity of prestressed concrete structure

  7. 采用反应谱分析方法,计算结构在不同荷载效应组合下的的地震响应。

    Adopting the method of response spectrum analysis , this paper calculated the seismic response of structure under different load effect combination . 3 .

  8. 结合工程实例,说明了体外预应力加固设计中所涉及的荷载效应组合、极限设计、预应力损失等主要问题的设计计算及构造设计方法。

    With a practical example , the paper illustrates some important aspects in external prestress strengthening design , such as , load combination , ultimate design , prestress loss and construction details .

  9. 并针对桥梁结构设计和评估对应的不同极限状态,建立不同的荷载效应组合,保证了可靠度计算结果和可靠性评估的一致性。

    Besides , load-effect combinations are established according to different limit states of bridge design and assessment . The combinations present the consistency between calculating degree of reliability and reliability assessment . 3 .

  10. 中欧规范中荷载效应组合的方法都是在相同的可靠度理论基础上发展而来的,并主要是在长期的经验中总结修正得到组合系数值。

    The evolutions of load combination in Chinese and European codes are both on the same basis of reliability theory . They also sum up the experience in the long-term to revise the value of combination coefficient .

  11. 电站锅炉构架设计中的荷载及其效应组合

    Loads and Their Effect Combinations of Steel Structures in Utility Boilers

  12. 提出了温度效应与荷载效应的组合;

    Temperature effect and load effect should be combined .

  13. 本文根据荷载效应及其组合最大值的概率分布,按照等保证率原则对荷载效应组合系数进行了分析,并与国内外现行规范的组合方法作了比较。

    This paper is based on load effect and distribution of probability of maximum value according to equal assurance principle against combination factor of load effect to make analysis and undertake comparision with both domestic and foreign current specification of combination methods .

  14. 永久荷载效应控制的组合设计值范围

    Range of modular design value of permanent loading effect control

  15. 荷载效应最不利组合的简化判别

    Simple Discrimination about the Most Disadvantageous Load Effect Combination

  16. 按荷载效应的基本组合进行承载能力极限状态分析,按荷载效应的标准组合进行抗拉疲劳分析,采用许用应力设计法进行地脚螺栓的设计。

    Ultimate state analysis of carrying capacity and tensile fatigue analysis are conducted according to basic combination of loads effect and standard combination of loads effect respectively . Design of foundation screws through allowable stress design method is presented .

  17. 对总安全系数、荷载效应比、荷载组合形式对可靠度指标的影响进行了探讨。

    The influence of the total safety coefficient , load effect ratio and load combination onthe reliability indexes are discussed . Finally , researching partial factors .

  18. 本文首先介绍用结构可靠度理论分析现役钢筋混凝土框架结构构件承载力可靠性,主要研究了荷载的概率分布、荷载效应组合、可靠度计算及安全等级划分。

    First , the use of structural reliability theory in analysing reliability of existing RC frame 's members is recommended . Distribution probability of loads , combination of loads ' effect , calculation of carrying capacity of members , calculation of reliability and partition of safe grade are studied .

  19. 以实例证明新荷载规范增加由永久荷载效应控制组合的必要性,并推导出简化判别最不利荷载效应组合的方法。

    The paper proves the necessity that increasing permanent load effect control combination in new " Load code for the design of building structures " by a real instance and drives out the method how to discriminate the most disadvantageous load effect combination .

  20. 该文探讨的是《建筑结构荷载规范》中有关荷载效应控制的组合、地下室抗浮、地下室外墙和底板的荷载组合以及消防车等效均布荷载的确定等内容。

    In this paper , load effect combination , resisting buoyancy of basement , load combination of basement outer wall and basement soleplate and equivalent uniform live load of fire engine basing on Load Code for the design of building structures are discussed .

  21. 通过对实测荷载值的统计分析,再经荷载效应组合,确定了钻井井壁荷载标准值及其分布函数,这为钻井井壁设计向概率极限状态设计法过渡提供了重要参数。

    By statistical analysis on practical measuring data and organization of load effect , the normal load value and its distributive function are defined , which will provide important reference to the transition from drilling shaft lining design to probabilistic limit state design .

  22. 在风、浪联合作用下,最大浪荷载叠加随机风荷载时程工况一般可作为荷载效应组合的控制工况。

    With the joint effect of wind and wave , the superposition of maximum wave loads and random wind loads can be generally considered as the critical load case of load effect combination .

  23. 在将随时间变化的荷载随机过程假定为平稳二项随机过程的基础上,研究多个相关或不相关荷载(或荷载效应)组合问题。

    Assuming that loads are stationary binomial process es , combinations of multi correlated or uncorrelated loads are studied .