
  1. 在为《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)报道期间,AdrianChen探访过一个美其名曰“互联网研究机构”(InternetResearchAgency)的巨魔农场,他相信那里的俄罗斯人可能是最有组织的“巨魔”。

    Adrian Chen , who visited a troll farm called the Internet Research Agency while reporting for The New York Times , believes that the Russians might be the most organised trolls .

  2. 他们在所谓的“巨魔农场”(trollfarm)工作,这个带有贬义的名称源于那些在网络上散播仇恨的人的绰号。

    They work in what have come to be known as " troll farms , " named after the derogatory nickname used for people who spread hate on the internet .

  3. Chen表示,在俄罗斯,互联网用户可能不会听信“巨魔”在网站上留下的评论。

    In Russia , Mr Chen says , internet users may not be convinced by the comments left by trolls on internet sites .

  4. Chen补充道,墨西哥和印度的巨魔农场也是以类似方式运作的,同样的道理也适用于“GamerGate”事件。这起在线骚扰视频游戏业女性从业者的有组织事件发生在2014年。

    Troll farms in Mexico and India work in a similar way , Mr Chen adds , and the same principle applied in " GamerGate , " an organised online harassment campaign against women in the video game industry , which erupted in 2014 .

  5. 当莫妮卡莱温斯基(MonicaLewinsky)作为反对互联网巨魔的行动人士最近再次露面时,她看起来像是上个时代的遗物,就像一个穿着熊皮的史前人从山洞走出来。

    When Monica Lewinsky resurfaced recently , as a campaigner against internet trolls , she seemed a relic of a bygone age , like a prehistoric person wandering out of a cave wearing a bearskin .

  6. 而在巨魔的许多传说中,被LOA祝福的巨魔具有非凡的再生能力,比如断肢或要害器官再生。

    Tales abound in troll culture , however , of those blessed by the loa with extraordinary regenerative abilities , such as the ability to regrow limbs and even vital organs lost in battle .

  7. 巨魔领袖祖金被关押在希尔斯布莱德。

    The troll commander , zuljin , is captured at hillsbrad .

  8. 冰霜巨魔的施法者则站在后方,施展法术。

    Ice troll spellcasters stay behind to cast spells .

  9. 冰霜巨魔通常有相当浓密的头发。

    Ice trolls typically have thick manes of hair .

  10. 比如,恐怖巨魔可能是被炼金术或魔法转变而成的。

    For example , dire trolls might have been altered alchemically or magically .

  11. 冰霜巨魔是一种生活在寒冷气候中的巨魔亚种。

    Ice trolls are a subspecies of troll that lives in cold climates .

  12. 大哥布林与巨魔是强者的范例。

    Hobgoblins and trolls are good example of toughs .

  13. 同样和其他巨魔一样,冰霜巨魔致力于复兴他们失落的帝国。

    Also like other trolls , ice trolls seek to reclaim their lost empires .

  14. 永久性增益,增加伤害到150%,并且使巨魔处于困惑状态。

    Permanent buff , increases damage to150 % and sets troll to confused state .

  15. 他们的社会结构和森林巨魔非常类似。

    Their social structure is very similar to that of their forest dwelling cousins .

  16. 没过多一会儿,我就把照片中的自己变成了有着水亮头发的巨魔娃娃。

    In moments , I transformed my digitized self into an aqua-haired Troll Doll .

  17. 土地和谷物由巨魔制成!

    Soil and grain is made from trolls !

  18. 巨魔都是野蛮的,他们有灰绿色橡胶般的皮肤和对肉类贪婪。

    Trolls are savage , rubbery grey-green skinned giants with a voracious appetite for flesh .

  19. 冰霜巨魔被认为居住在一种圆顶雪房或是简易帐篷中。

    Ice Trolls have been observed to live in both igloo-like structures and simple tents .

  20. 一些冰霜巨魔跟着地精商人到达过洛丹伦和卡利姆多。

    Some ice troll mercenaries and slaves reach Lordaeron and Kalimdor through the goblin merchant empire .

  21. 这些巨魔身着灰色的皮甲,留着红色的鸡冠头。

    This troll has blue-white skin under grayish leather armor , and he sports a red mohawk .

  22. 就如大家所猜一样,巨魔的坐骑目前是一种猛禽。

    As most of you have now guessed , the Troll 's mount is currently a raptor .

  23. 这些隐遁的,足智多谋的丛林巨魔在他们各自的战斗部落中享有最崇高的威望。

    These reclusive , wily jungle trolls are considered to be the highest authority within their respective warbands .

  24. 当认出进攻方中这种经常作为恶心的巨魔的盟友的怪物时,盖伦喊道。

    Galen shouted when he realized that the common allies of the wretched trolls were among the attackers .

  25. 一些冰霜巨魔督军拥有很强大的能力和头脑,让其他战士作出很有战略性的行动。

    Some ice troll warlords are charismatic and savvy enough to impose more sophisticated tactics on their warriors .

  26. 在旅程中,他们遇到了恶龙史矛革、巨型蜘蛛、巨魔、半兽人。

    Their adventures lead to encounters with Smaug the dragon , giant spiders , trolls , and goblins .

  27. 帮助巨魔反弹的蘑菇,收集所有的成果,并参照了环瓦

    Help the troll to bounce on the mushroom , collect all the fruits and light up the rings wh

  28. 像是血瓶,巨魔血药水,尖刺水晶之类可以给予你帮助的东西。

    Things like Health Pots , Trolls Blood , Sharpening Stones , etc all can give you a boost .

  29. 现在,卡兹莫丹的残余冰霜巨魔依然在和他们远古的敌人对抗着。

    Ice trolls in Khaz Modan take advantage of the current chaos there to strike against their ancient enemies .

  30. 很大程度上,巨魔再生的速度使他们成为可怕的敌人。

    For the most part , it is the speed at which trolls regenerate that makes them formidable foes .