
jù dònɡ
  • giant void
  1. 伯利兹城最富盛名的旅游胜地莫过于巨大的水下天坑--蓝色巨洞以及玛雅遗址。

    The most famous tourist attractions in Belize include the Great Blue Hole , a giant submarine sinkhole and the Mayan ruins .

  2. 我到哪儿都找不到他的身影,就像我的胸口被打穿了一个巨洞。

    But the absence of him is everywhere I look . It 's like a huge hole has been punched through my chest .

  3. 塔上有两个巨洞,海水以惊人的高速从这两个巨洞中流过,从而卷起狂澜,形成巨大旋涡,使这一带水域的浪潮汹涌澎湃,海面雾气腾腾。

    Tower has two giant holes , the sea at an alarming speed from the two giant holes flow , which rolled up strong spray , a huge vortex , so that this band wave surging waters , the sea fog with activity .

  4. 在炎炎夏日,你可以舒适地泡在佩腾伊察湖的凉水里或者去游览一番ActunKan(传说中的巨蛇之洞)。而且你一定要带回去一些当地著名的魔鬼辣椒酱,除非连你自己都怕得不行。

    On a steamy summer day , you can dip into the cool waters of Lake Peten Itza or tour the caves of Ak'tun Kan . And make sure you take away some of the great local habanero chile salsa , unless you 're just too afraid of it .