
jù mǎnɡ
  • huge boa/python
  1. 但在房间的不是她的妻子,而是一只躺在床上的白色巨蟒,吐着血红色的蛇信。

    But instead of his wife , he found a giant white serpent with the bloody7 forked tongue in the bed .

  2. 我画的不是帽子,是一条巨蟒在消化着一头大象。

    My drawing was not a picture of a hat . It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant .

  3. 因为我从来没有画过羊,我就给他重画我所仅仅会画的两副画中的那副闭着肚皮的巨蟒。

    But I had never drawn8 a sheep . So I drew for him one of the two pictures I had drawn so often . It was that of the boa constrictor from the outside .

  4. 巨蟒剧团于1969年首次在BBC登台演出,1974年登陆美国公共电视频道。

    Debuting on the BBC in 1969 , " Python " landed on American public television channels in 1974 .

  5. 梦幻庄园最大特色之一就是,里面一座名副其实的动物园,有着来自世界各地的动物,包括一条名为Muscles的巨蟒和一只叫泡泡的黑猩猩。

    One of the most amazing features of the ranch was the veritable zoo of exotic animals including a boa constrictor named Muscles and famous chimpanzee named Bubbles .

  6. 这句台词出自特里·琼斯(TerryJones)扮演的母亲一角,是布莱恩被错当成耶稣时的众多笑谈之一。该片由英国著名喜剧团体巨蟒剧团(MontyPython)出品。

    It was spoken by Brian 's mother , played by Terry Jones , and is one of a series of jokes in which Brian is mistaken for Jesus .

  7. 除了一名当地的导游之外,没有其他国家的公民和该患者一起参观该洞穴,但Maramagambo森林的“巨蟒洞”是非常有吸引力的景点。

    No citizens of other countries were involved in this trip except for a local tour guide , but the cave in the Maramagambo Forrest is known to be a tourist attraction .

  8. 他们相互挽起手以象征巨蟒的动作。

    They link arms to symbolize the movement of a python .

  9. 一条巨蟒曾在谷歌纽约办公楼里失踪

    A python once got loose in Google 's New York offices

  10. 巨蟒深深烙在文达的传说中。

    The python is at the heart of many Venda legends .

  11. 1/4的人被带有网状花纹的巨蟒攻击过。

    A quarter of the men had been attacked by reticulated pythons .

  12. 有个传说说一条巨蟒娶了两个女人。

    One story tells of a python marrying two women .

  13. 这条巨蟒足以让村民大吃一惊。

    A giant python sure gave these folks a scare .

  14. 这是巨蟒歇息的地方,于无形。

    This is where the serpent lives , the bodiless .

  15. 我的博士论文研究对象是卡宾诺格的杀手兔(电影《巨蟒与圣杯》中的角色)

    I wrote my master 's thesis on the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog .

  16. 没人知道这条巨蟒是如何爬进水管的。

    It 's unclear how the snake made its way into the pipes .

  17. 巨蟒甩着尾巴猛地拍了一下玻璃窗上的一块小牌子。

    The snake jabbed its tail at a little sign next to the glass .

  18. 巨蟒迅速地伸展开盘着的身体,溜到地板上。

    The great snake was uncoiling itself rapidly , slithering out onto the floor .

  19. 一名老妇人在浴室受到一条巨蟒的攻击,老妇人侥幸逃过攻击。

    An old woman narrowly escaped a python that attacked her in her bathroom .

  20. 公路回环于山间,蜿蜒曲折,好像一条巨蟒。

    The twists , and turns on the mountain road resemble the shape of a python .

  21. 只有伪君子才穿衣服;人们身上往往只有暴躁的巨蟒和肥胖的蛆虫。

    Only hypocrites wear clothes ; fiery serpents and fat maggots are often the only attire .

  22. 我也很喜欢恶搞电影,比如“巨蟒和圣杯”。

    I also like parody movies , like " Monty Python and the Holy Grail . "

  23. 达力用鼻子紧贴着玻璃盯着这盘亮闪闪的棕色巨蟒。

    Dudley stood with his nose pressed against the glass , staring at the glistening brown coils .

  24. 虽然这六位演员都有各自的事业,但他们创造了巨蟒剧团的传奇。

    Though all six actors also had successful individual careers , the legacy of Monty Python remained .

  25. 当巨蟒正在摇头回答时,哈利背后突然传来震耳欲聋的喊叫,哈利和巨蟒都吓了一跳。

    As the snake shook its head , a deafening shout behind Harry made both of them jump .

  26. 雷神索尔将杀死环绕“中庭”的巨蟒耶梦加得,但被后者的毒液毒死。

    Thor will kill Jormungandr , the serpent so large it encircles Midgard , but dies from its poison .

  27. 有一家人在旷野徒步时,一只宠物狗被巨蟒缠绕勒死。

    Families hiking in the wilderness have been known to lose a family dog to a python 's stranglehold .

  28. 没有人注意。他回过头来看着巨蟒,也对它眨了眨眼。巨蟒猛地把头转向弗农姨父和达力那边,然后又抬眼看着天花板。

    The snake jerked its head toward Uncle Vernon and Dudley , then raised its eyes to the ceiling .

  29. 虽然现实生活中的巨蟒没有这样庞大,而且也不吃人,然而它们确实是让人印象深刻的巨型生物。

    Although real anacondas are not nearly as large and rarely eat people , they are impressive creatures nonetheless .

  30. 由于洗手间内不断发出奇怪声音从而惊动了房客,当他去看个究竟的时候被这条巨蟒吓坏了。

    The snake had terrified tenants since it was first spotted in a toilet last week , reports the Mirror .