
  1. 战术情报官:那个围攻巨炮能够适合我们的需要。立即打捞它。

    TO : That Siege Cannon might be adapted to our needs . Salvage it immediately .

  2. 这种巨炮能发射超过半吨的石弹,除史诗巨墙外,任何防御设施都无法抵御一次猛轰。

    This massive Bombard fires a stone ball weighing well over half a ton , obliterating any but the most massive walls in one shot .

  3. 他们是精锐的飞行队,被选中成为巨炮的守护者。很讽刺,同一支本来仅用来打流星的巨炮,如今却变成了这场战争的催化剂。

    They were the elite flight squadron , chosen to protect the cannon . ironically , the same cannon who was created to shoot down the asteroids , became a catalyst to the war .