
  • 网络Strengthening the foundation;improved ground;consolidated subsoil
  1. 根据Biot固结理论,采用有限单元法对简化为二维问题的碎石桩加固地基进行计算。在单元划分时,碎石桩作为竖向土层处理。

    Based on Biot 's consolidation theory , computations by FEM are made on the simplified two-dimensional problem of an improved ground with stone columns , which are treated as vertical soil strata in the element division .

  2. 一名勘测员说是地面下陷导致了这些问题出现,房子需要加固地基。

    A surveyor said that the problems were caused by subsidence and the house needed to be underpinned .

  3. CFG桩是一种新的加固地基方法。

    CFG pile is a newly foundation reinforcement method .

  4. 如果在实际工况中有裂隙的产生,CFG桩加固地基对减小路堤的水平位移也可有一定的效果。

    If there is Generation of cracks , foundation firmed by CFG pile can reduce the horizontal displacement of embankment .

  5. 高压喷射注浆加固地基RJP工法及北京现场试验

    High Pressure Jet Grouting Method ── RJP ( Rodin Jet Pile ) and Field Practice in Beijing

  6. 本文结合海南东环客运专线的建设,对天然地基和CFG桩加固地基断面沉降计算中遇到的一系列的问题进行了研究。

    This paper , combined with the construction of Hainan East circle passenger dedicated line , studys on a series of problem of the settlement calculation of natural ground and CFG pile composition .

  7. 采用塑料排水板(PVD)加固地基存在固结解析解求解过程复杂且参数繁多的缺点。

    For the prefabricated vertical drain ( PVD ) ground , most analytical solutions of consolidation are very difficult to solve and too many parameters are involved in the solving process .

  8. 强夯法加固地基现场检测结果表明,采用1600kN·m的夯击能使该粉土地基有效加固深度达到8m。

    The field detective data of the strengthened foundation show that the valid strengthened depth is about 8 meters by the 1600kN · m compacted energy .

  9. 挤密碎石桩加固地基的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Consolidation of Foundation by Pressed-Crushed stone Piles

  10. 钻孔振击碎石桩加固地基的工程应用

    The engineering application of drilled vibro-rammed gravel pile in soil improvement

  11. 秦皇岛市某公司车间注浆加固地基实例

    The grout reinforcement base example of a company plant in Qinhuangdao

  12. 水泥浆喷搅拌桩在加固地基中的质量监控

    Quality control of cement gunite mixing pile in the foundation strengthening

  13. 强夯法加固地基的影响深度远大于有效深度;

    The effective reinforced depth was deeper than the influence depth .

  14. 石灰桩加固地基在火车站风雨棚工程中的应用

    Lime piles strengthened subgrade applied to construction of Weather-shelter of railway station

  15. 单管高压旋喷法与深层搅拌法加固地基对比分析

    Comparison analysis on consolidated ground by single-pipe jet grouting and deep-strata mixing

  16. 波速法用于检验强夯加固地基效果

    Elastic wave technique used in detection of dynamic compaction effect

  17. 高压旋喷注浆加固地基的工程实例

    Practical Examples of Subgrade Treatment by High Pressure Intrusion Grouting

  18. 碎石桩是一种常用加固地基的形式。

    Gravel pile foundation is a common form of reinforcement .

  19. 塑料排水板联合真空预压法加固地基的应用

    Application of plastic drainage combined with vacuum pre-pressing method to strengthen foundation

  20. 挤密碎石桩的加固地基施工与检测

    Construction and inspection of Foundation Reinforcement by the Compaction of Stone Pile

  21. 强夯法加固地基的质量风险与瑞雷波法控制

    Rayleigh Wave Control of Quality Risk in Dynamic Compacting Ground

  22. 关于强夯加固地基影响深度的研究

    A study of the influencing depth of dynamic consolidation for foundation strengthening

  23. 土工网格材料加固地基室内静态蠕变试验研究

    A Study on the Static Indoor Creep Test of Geogrid Reinforced Subgrades

  24. 强夯法加固地基的几个技术问题

    Several technical problems of strong tamping method in foundation reinforcement

  25. 预制桩基础化学灌浆补强加固地基的工程特点

    Characteristics of Reinforcement of Prefabricated Pile Foundation with Chemical Grouting

  26. 总结了真空预压加固地基渗流计算和固结计算的基本方程,介绍了采用有限元方法进行真空预压加固地基固结计算的基本过程。

    Basic process of vacuum preloading analysis using FEA method was introduced .

  27. 生石灰桩加固地基的应用与实践

    The application and practices of quicklime pile in foundation stabilization

  28. 高压旋喷桩加固地基的施工实践

    Construction practices of foundation reinforcement high pressure grouting pile

  29. 强夯法加固地基的质量缺陷原因与处理

    Cause and treatment of quality defect of the foundation reinforced by intensive tamper

  30. 应用强夯技术加固地基的施工及检测方法

    Construction and Detection of Foundation Stabilization with Dynamic Compaction