
  • 网络California State University-Long Beach;California State University Long Beach;California State University, Long Beach;California State University,Long Beach;CSULB
  1. 上个月她在加州州立大学长滩分校的毕业典礼上,带来了自己3个月大的女儿阿莉娅。

    At her graduation from Long Beach State University in California last month , she brought along her three-month-old daughter Aaliyah .

  2. 尼尔森出生于韩国,在加利福尼亚州莱克伍德市长大,她的两个姐姐也是故事板美工,她在加州州立大学长滩分校学过插画。

    Born in South Korea and raised in Lakewood , Calif. , with two older sisters who are also storyboard artists , she studied illustration at California State University , Long Beach .