
zhènɡ chánɡ rén
  • normal person
  1. 医生说她有一种精神病,她不能像正常人一样照顾自己。

    The doctor said she had a kind of mental disease , she couldn 't look after herself like a normal person .

  2. 方法:利用P型迭代学习控制方法,对正常人和偏瘫患者上肢肘关节运动角度分别进行了运动反馈控制研究。

    Method : To use P type iterative learning control ( ILC ) on normal person and hemiplegic patient by upper extremity elbow joint movement angle feedback control .

  3. 统计显示抑郁症患者比正常人更容易生病。

    Statistics indicate that depressed patients are more likely to become ill than are normal people

  4. 本过上正常人的生活的机会真的非常小。

    There was really very little chance that Ben would ever have led a normal life .

  5. 我们跟其他正常人不一样。否则,他们就不会压迫我们了。

    We are not normal like everybody else . If we were they wouldn 't be oppressing us .

  6. 当那些正常人因把车错停在专供残疾人用的停车位而被警察抓到时,他们总是能找到各种各样的借口。

    Police officers hear plenty of excuses from people caught parking only for the handicapped persons .

  7. 正常人及胃癌患者胃蛋白酶原C基因多态性研究

    RFLPs of Pepsinogen C Gene in Normal Individuals and Patients with

  8. 治疗缓解期上述指标均有不同程度的恢复,但与正常人相比仍有差异(P<0.05)。

    In remission stage all the changes recovered in different degree but were still abnormal .

  9. 正常人汉语句子事件相关电位N(400)的研究

    N_ ( 400 ) event-related potentials of semantic matching of sentence-ending words in healthy Chinese subjects

  10. 据此,我们将患者与正常人的B细胞在同一条件下分别培养以诱导类别转换。

    These two types of B cell were cultured at the same condition where Ig class switching was induced .

  11. 137例正常人血清载脂蛋白Al及B的数值与血脂的关系

    Levels of serum apolipoproteins AI and B and their relationship to blood lipids in 137 normal subjects

  12. 正常人膝关节软骨MRI显示的分层现象分析

    The Sign of Layers of the Articular Cartilage on MRI in the Normal Knees

  13. C5和C6脊髓损伤患者与正常人在伸肘活动中上肢的角位移及角速度比较

    The angular displacement and angular velocity of the upper limb during elbow extension activities in spinal cord injury patients and normal individuals

  14. 结果SLE病人与正常人B细胞系均有催乳素受体的表达,两者表达量无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    Results : The level of mRNA for prolactin receptor showed no significant difference in the two cell lines .

  15. 研究人群为104例EH患者及113例正常人。

    The study population consisted of 104 hypertensive and 113 normal subjects .

  16. 用ESR自旋捕集技术研究正常人和病人血清中的SOD活力

    The study of SOD activity in healthy person and patients by ESR using the spin trap method

  17. 磁化矿泉浴对正常人血清免疫球蛋白及补体C3C4的影响

    Observation of magnetic mineral spring water effect on immunoglobulin and C 3 , C 4 of normal human being

  18. 采用散射比浊法测定48例偏头痛患者治疗前后和28例正常人血清CRP水平。

    Serum CRP was measured in 48 patients with migraine and 28 normal controls by nephelometry .

  19. 正常人椎间盘MRI弥散张量成像ADC值、FA值与年龄和解剖部位的相关性研究

    The Correlation between the MRI-DTI-ADC / FA Value and Age , Anatomic Location of Healthy Volunteers Lumbar Intervertebral Discs

  20. 然而P2X7受体在正常人外周血单个核细胞(peripheralbloodmononuclearcells,PBMC)、单核细胞中的表达调控机制尚未阐明。

    However , its expression and modulation in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) and monocytes remain unclear .

  21. 用其rSj31-b-ELISA检测52份慢性日本血吸虫病人血清及83份正常人血清,敏感性和特异性与常规应用的天然抗原SEA(可溶性虫卵抗原)差异无显著性。

    The recombinant Sj3l ( rSj31 - b ) were purified , then used as an antigen for ELISA to detect serum samples from chronic schistosomiasis patients and normal persons .

  22. 目的观察正常人及圆锥角膜中I、II型的表达,探讨胶原I、II型在圆锥角膜病变中的变化。

    Objective To observe the expression of collagen type I and II in normal cornea and keratoconus , and discuss the effects on the keratoconus .

  23. 同种异体肾移植者与正常人NK细胞活性及IL-2R的研究

    Study of NK Activity and IL-2R in Renal Allograft Recipients and Normal People

  24. 方法对20例特发性葡萄膜炎患者红细胞的免疫粘附功能及其SOD活性进行测定并与正常人进行对比分析。

    Methods A comparative study of the immune-adherence function and SOD activity was performed between 20 patients with idiopathic uveitis and health donors .

  25. 结果和正常人对照相比,角蛋白17可以显著促进银屑病患者T细胞的增殖,并且促进其分泌干扰素γ(P值均<0.001)。

    Results Compared with the control group , K17 significantly enhanced the proliferation of T cells from psoriatic patients and increased the expression level of IFN - ( P < 0.001 respectively ) .

  26. 结果正常人P波形态、时间、电压、QRS波时间及Q波时间与常规导联ECG相似。

    Results Figure of P wave , time , voltage , time of QRS wave and time of Q wave were similar to the routing ECG .

  27. 采用典型相关分析方法对湖南省大庸市某村75例精神发育迟滞(MR)患者和152名正常人的手部皮纹特征进行了研究。

    The dermatoglyphic features of 75 cases with Mental Retardation ( MR ) and 152 persons with normal intelligence in a village of Dayong city of Hunan province were studied with canonical correlation analysis .

  28. SCL-90是现在被广泛用来测查心理健康状况的量表之一,其正常人常模是1986年建立的。

    SCL-90 is one of the most popular scales which are used to measure the people 's mental condition .

  29. 方法应用PCR技术对正常人MDR1C3435T基因进行扩增以MboI进行限制性酶切图谱分析。

    Methods MDR1 ( C3435T ) gene from normal individuals were amplified with PCR and their restricted enzyme digested maps analysis were done with Mbo I.

  30. 目的正常人的交感神经皮肤反应(SSR)进行研究。

    Objectives To investigate the sympathetic skin response ( SSR ) of normal persons Methods SSR was studied in 83 normal persons .