
  • 网络positive thinking;Think Positive
  1. 正面思考就是这些快捷产品中最畅销的那类。

    Positive thinking is one of the best selling of these products .

  2. 正面思考是幸福的重要组成部分。

    Positive thinking is a significant element of happiness .

  3. 积极行动→正面思考→无比的专注!

    Positive thinking positive thoughts and actions and clinking focus !

  4. 平时多进行正面思考,想好、听好、说好

    We can try to be more positive , think about good things

  5. 如果我们从正面思考,办公室爱情会对公司有益。

    If we think positively , office love can be beneficial to company .

  6. 正面思考的力量是实实在在的。

    The power of positive thinking is quite real .

  7. 几十年来,自我成长类的书籍一直在推动“正面思考的力量”。

    Self-help books have pushed the " power of positive thinking " for decades .

  8. 正面思考也正是会帮助我们获得成功和幸福的原料之一。

    Positive thinking is just one of the ingredients that help us obtain success and happiness .

  9. 其它还有关于「正面思考」、「为何笑是最佳良药」的文章,同时还附上很多笑话。

    Other articles were on'Positive thinking'and'Why laughter is the best medicine , 'followed by lots of jokes .

  10. 换句话说,如果你真想从正面思考中受益,并没有捷径。

    In other words , if you really want to benefit from positive thinking , there are no fast food shortcuts .

  11. 另一方面,正面思考有助于疏散你的怒气,给你带来更多要去感受的美好事物!

    Positive thinking , on the other hand , helps diffuse your anger and brings you more good things to feel good about !

  12. 成功的人有四大习惯:永远保持学习的心;永远怀着感激的心;培养最佳的人际关系;培养正面积极的思考方式。

    Four great habits which lead to success are : Always be eager to learn , always be grateful , develop the best relationship , and think positively all the time .