
  1. 会议那时正开得很活跃。

    The meeting was then at its liveliness .

  2. 他们正开着房车在新英格兰旅行。

    They are touring in New England with a caravan .

  3. 韦德从广播中得知了这场招聘,当时他正开着自己0.75吨的雪佛兰(Chevrolet)皮卡在阿尔文转悠。阿尔文是休斯敦南边一座人口2.4万的城市。

    Wade heard about the fair on the radio , while driving his 3 / 4-ton Chevrolet pickup around Alvin , a city of 24,000 south of Houston .

  4. 所以这种PKA传感器不仅显示酶是否开或关,而且当PKA正开或关时在胞内定位它。

    So this PKA sensor not only indicates whether the enzyme is on or off , but also locates where PKA is being turned on or off within the cell .

  5. 要明白这个道理,想象一下你的朋友正开一辆车从你身边驶过,你打算将一个网球投向他的车(如图1B)。

    To see this , imagine you 're ready to throw a tennis ball at a friend 's car going past you parallel to the sidewalk on which you 're standing ( 1B ) .

  6. 事发时,曼福雷德正开着特斯拉走在加尔兴(位于德国慕尼黑北部)A9高速路上,行驶途中发现一辆大众帕萨特异常行驶。

    The driver of a Tesla Model S , Manfred Kick , was headed down the A9 Autobahn near Garching , Germany , just north of Munich when he saw a car moving erratically .

  7. 水正开着,你能拔掉电源吗?

    The water be boiling . can you turn It off ?

  8. 而她当时正开着你们租的车。

    And she was driving one of your rental cars .

  9. 警察抓到我们时,我们正开得飞快。

    We are really traveling when the police catch us .

  10. 所以我正开着车,前杠上驮着一头活着的驼鹿。

    So I 'm driving with a live moose on my fender .

  11. 一片黄色和紫色的龙葵正开得很盛。

    The nightshade was in its yellow and purple glory .

  12. 可以划船啊,而且这个时候荷花正开呢。

    We can boat , and the water lilies there are blossoming .

  13. 我正开前门时,电话铃响了。

    When I was opening the front door , the telephone rang .

  14. 有一辆双截巴士正开过来

    There 's a double dutch bus coming down the street

  15. 维京人D:村子里正开派对在庆祝呢。

    Viking D : The village is throwing a party to celebrate .

  16. 游园会正开得起劲时,天下起雨来。

    It began to rain when the garden party was in full swing .

  17. 他们在一位老工人指导下正开着机器。

    They 're operating the machine under the direction of an old worker .

  18. 我到那时,晚会正开得热闹。

    By the time I arrived , the party was already in full swing .

  19. 我们醒来时发现火车正开近威尼斯。

    We wake to find ourselves approaching venice .

  20. 你说什麽?水龙头正开著,我听不见你说的话。

    What did you say I can 't hear you when the water is running .

  21. 请进,这里正开决策会议&浅析现代企业中技术人员的角色转变

    Role transformation of technicians in modern enterprises

  22. 这所房子后面果园里的桃树正开满桃花。

    The peach trees in the orchard behind the house are just in full flower .

  23. 洋槐树正开着花,空气里弥漫着芬芳的花香。

    The locust-trees were in bloom and the fragrance of the blossoms filled the air .

  24. 我当时正开着车汽车的油门踏板突然开始跳动

    I was driving and my f pedal of my car kind of started skipping .

  25. 你正开着车前往某处,忽然发现自己被堵在车流中了。

    You 're on your way somewhere , when suddenly you find yourself stuck in traffic .

  26. 我看到车了正开着过来,便闪在一旁,这才捡回一条命。

    I saw the car coming , and leapt out of the way to save my bacon .

  27. 抓住后台上的杆子,自己使劲往上拉,上了正开着的火车。

    Grabbed the rod of the rear platform , pulled themselves up , and boarded the moving train .

  28. 我正开着德国设计的美国别克,在韩国设计的雪佛兰伴随下,流窜于中国的街道。

    I 'm driving a German-designed Buick alongside a Korean-designed Chevy through the streets of a Chinese city .

  29. 近年来,以金融深化和市场化为主导的金融改革正开足马力,加速向前推进。

    In recent years , with the financial deepening and market-oriented financial reform in the hype , accelerate advance .

  30. 我正开着车,听到空中有响声,是那架飞机。

    And now , as I drove , I heard a noise in the sky , and there was the plane .