
  1. CNN记者ArwaDamon正在现场。

    CNN 's Arwa Damon is there .

  2. 调查人员和消防员正在现场作业。

    Investigation and fire crews are operating at the scene .

  3. 电视正在现场直播他们的回国迎接仪式。

    There 's a live telecast of the homecoming ceremony for peacekeepers now .

  4. 现在正在现场传递世界杯。

    The world Cup is being transmitted live now .

  5. 电视上正在现场直播那场足球赛。

    The football match is covered live on TV .

  6. 法医们正在现场进行身份验证。

    Forensics is running field ID now .

  7. 我电视新闻节目的鲁珀特·伊夫林正在现场为您报道。

    I-TV news Rupert Evelyn was there .

  8. 加拿大艾伯塔省发生危险的火车脱轨事故并引起大火,目前急救人员正在现场处理事故。

    Emergency crews in Alberta , Canada are containing a dangerous train derailment and fire .

  9. 惠特克夫妇在7月16日凌晨一点钟打电话报警称嫌疑人正在现场。

    The Whitakers called police around 1 a.m. on July 16 to report that the suspect was in the field .

  10. 叙利亚外长周五与联合国秘书长潘基文通话时发表以上观点,一天前,联合国表示正在现场调查的化学武器调查员将于周六离开叙利亚。

    The minister said so during a phone call with UN chief Ban Ki - moon on Friday , a day after the UN said the chemical investigators , currently operative on ground , would leave Syria on Saturday .

  11. 调查人员正在案发现场寻找线索。

    Investigators are searching for clues at the scene of the crime .

  12. 两家当地的电台正在作现场实况广播。

    Two local radio stations were broadcasting live from the scene .

  13. 我们现在正在西岸现场直播。

    We are live right now on the West coast .

  14. 救援人员正在爆炸现场搜救。

    Rescue work is under way on the blast site .

  15. 该录井仪现在已经完成了样机设计,正在进行现场实验,实践证明该样机性能良好,符合开发井要求。

    Experiment with the sample unit is doing now on the well-site .

  16. 一位弹道学家正在犯罪现场提取证据。

    A ballistics expert was taking evidence at the scene of the crime .

  17. 布什总统说,美国航空母舰里根号及其它海军装备正在驶往现场。

    President Bush says the USS Ronald Reagan and other naval assets are moving into place .

  18. 为了让参展企业不虚此行,组委会正在筹备现场招商说明会等活动。

    In order for exhibitors in vain , the organizing committee is preparing for on-site investment shows and other activities .

  19. 会见商业伙伴时,他的言行举止依然带有当警察时的审慎做派,会安安静静、心无旁骛地点头,仿佛正在犯罪现场询问目击证人。

    In meetings with business partners , he retains the deliberative demeanor of a police officer , nodding his head intently in silence , as if interviewing a witness at a crime scene .

  20. 据华商网的图片显示,一架长达30米的无机翼飞机在西安市阎良区的一条街上拐弯驶进一个院子,交警正在指挥现场。

    A 30-meter-long plane without wings was making a turn from a street to a yard in Yanliang district , Xi'an , and the traffic police was managing the scene , according to the photos released by hsw.cn .

  21. 布什总统说,美国航空母舰里根号及其它海军装备正在驶往现场。他说:“我们很乐意帮助,我们要在朋友患难之时伸出援助之手。”

    President Bush says the USS Ronald Reagan and other naval assets are moving into place . " We are happy to do it . We want to help our friends in the time of need , " the president said .

  22. 他和卡西迪中尉正在勘查犯罪现场。

    He and Lieutenant Cassidy were checking the scene of the crime

  23. underinvestigation在调查研究中警察正在调查罪案现场。

    The venue was under investigation by the police .

  24. 你正在侵入犯罪现场的警戒线。

    You are violating the perimeter of an active crime scene .

  25. 你知道你正在破坏犯罪现场吗?

    You know you 're disturbingan active crime scene ?

  26. 正在开展进一步现场和实验室调查以查明病因。

    Further field and laboratory investigations are being performed to identify the aetiology .

  27. 事实上我正在调查犯罪现场。

    Actually , I 'm investigatingan active crime scene .

  28. 你正在预谋杀害现场的所有人,而且我能证明。

    You 're plotting to kill all these people and I can prove it .

  29. 你正在给犯罪现场打电话。

    You 've called a crime scene .

  30. 我们正在汇总来自现场的反馈并用以改进方案的设计。

    We are collating the feedback from the field and using it to improve the design of the scheme .