
  • 网络Continuous casting equipment;continuous casting installation
  1. PID控制器在水平连铸设备电液速度伺服系统中的应用研究

    The Application of PID Controller in the Electro-hydraulic Speed Servo Control System of Continuous Casting Equipment

  2. AutoCAD在更改连铸设备布局设计中的应用

    The Application of AutoCAD in Changing the Layout Design of Continuous Caster

  3. 将AutoCAD应用到更改连铸设备布局设计中,可使更改过程一目了然。

    Using AutoCAD to change the layout design of continuous caster can make process of changing plain .

  4. 在自制的水平热型连铸设备(OCC)上,采用一定的工艺参数,制备出表面呈镜面,内部组织沿轴向定向排列的柱状组织Cu-Al-Ni形状记忆合金。

    Using appropriate process parameters , the Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloy with good surface quality and unidirectional dendritic crystal was prepared by the self-made ohno continuous casting equipment .

  5. 在自制的单晶连铸设备上,通过各工艺参数合理匹配,成功地制备出了表面光洁、直径8mm、长8~10m的铜单晶铸棒。

    Single crystal copper rod , 8 mm in diameter and 8 ~ 10 m in length with mirror smooth surface has been obtained by using a seff made equipment under rational match of technological parameters .

  6. 在自制的水平式热型连铸设备上,选用合适的工艺参数制备出了表面质量良好、内部组织沿轴向均匀分布的Ag-Cu-Zn合金铸棒。

    By appropriate process parameters , the Ag-Cu-Zn alloy ingot with good surface quality and even unidirectional microstructure was fabricated on the self-designed horizontal heated mould continuous casting apparatus .

  7. 开发了双辊薄带连铸设备和工艺,成功地连铸出了厚3~5mm、宽580mm的不锈钢带,简述了铸带的表面质量、铸带的机械性能和耐腐蚀性能。

    The twin roll caster which produce stainless steel strip in thickness from 3 mm to 5 mm , in width up to 580 mm has been developed successfully . The surface quality , mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of cast strip are presented .

  8. 在自制的连铸设备上,通过工艺参数的合理匹配,成功地制备出外层为铜内层为铝,外径为40MM、铜壁厚为8MM、长为80CM的铜包铝棒坯。

    The Cu-cladding Al rod composed of outer Cu and inner Al with outer-diameter of 40 mm , Cu wall thickness of 8 mm and length of 80 cm was prepared successfully by self-developed continuous casting machine with proper matches of processing variables .

  9. 称之为连铸设备的心脏。

    Call it the " heart " of continuous casting equipment .

  10. 连铸设备集中润滑系统的优化设计与实践

    Optimized Design and Practice of Continuous Casting Equipment 's Lubrication Systems

  11. 铜棒料水平连铸设备&拉坯机设计

    Design of Blank Drawing Machine ── Copper Bar Horizontal Continuous Casting

  12. 论连铸设备在连铸生产中的地位和作用

    Status and effect of continuous casting equipment in a continuous casting production

  13. 本溪钢铁集团公司薄板坯连铸设备

    Thin Slab Caster Plant at Benxi Iron & Steel Group in China

  14. 近终形连铸设备在不锈钢生产中的应用

    Application of near net shape continuous casting equipment in stainless steel production

  15. 连铸设备润滑复杂系数的探讨与应用

    Exploration and application of complex factor for lubrication system of continuous caster

  16. 铜单晶连铸设备及铜单晶制备

    Single-crystal Continuous Casting Apparatus and Preparation of Single Crystal Copper

  17. 连铸设备综合判断计算机专家系统

    Computer Expert System of Equipment Operation Monitor in Continuous Casting

  18. 板坯连铸设备总体设计系统软件包的开发

    Development of software package for general design system of slab continuous casting plant

  19. 双辊薄带坯连铸设备的电气控制技术

    Electric Control Technology for Twin-Roll Thin Strip Continuous Casting

  20. 铸造高级轧制用板坯的新型连铸设备

    Innovative continuous casting equipment for castings of making high-grade slabs used in rolling

  21. 不锈钢薄带双辊连铸设备的开发

    Development of Twin Roll Strip Caster for Stainless Steel

  22. 连铸设备干油润滑系统存在的问题与改进

    Problems and improvements of grease lubricating system for CC

  23. 生产铝合金棒坯的一种先进设备&萨尔茨堡铝业公司的水平连铸设备

    An advanced horizontal caster for aluminium bar production

  24. 目前采用电磁搅拌装置已经成为板坯连铸设备为提高铸坯产品质量的重要途径。

    Electromagnetic stirring has became an essential way that can improve the quality of cast product .

  25. 该连铸设备真空腔体由分隔板分成两部分,复合铸型通过隔板相连,并可以实现抽真空和气体压差的控制。

    The vacuum chamber is divided into two parts by a panel for the pressure control .

  26. 多点矫直技术和连续矫直技术已经在连铸设备得到广泛的应用。

    The technology of multi-spot unbending and progressive unbending has been widely adopted in the continuous casting equipment .

  27. 本文综述了我国连铸设备的应用发展和制造现状。

    This Paper describes the present application , development and manufacture condition of continuous casting equipment at home .

  28. 搞好连铸设备的点检定修保证全连铸稳产高产

    To guarantee full CC producing with high and stable production by point examine and regular overhaul of CC machines

  29. 利用自行研制的高梯度定向凝固水平连铸设备对Cu-1.0Cr自生复合材料的制备过程进行了研究。

    We have developed a high gradient unidirectional solidification horizontal continuous casting apparatus to investigate the preparation process of Cu-Cr in-situ composites .

  30. 废杂铜冶炼技术在铜线坯生产中的应用铜棒料水平连铸设备&拉坯机设计

    Application of Copper Scrap Smelting Technology into Production of Copper Wire Stock Design of Blank Drawing Machine ── Copper Bar Horizontal Continuous Casting