
lián bài
  • defeat or be defeated repeatedly
  • repeated defeats
  1. 她突然自信心全失,接下来连败5局,并最终丢了这一盘。

    She lost the next five games , and the set , as her confidence abruptly deserted her .

  2. 星期四全队缺乏激情地输给鹈鹕队后,这是掘进第二次连败了,主教练麦克.马龙通过ESPN的AndrewLopez告诫他的球队。

    Following Thursday 's low-energy loss at New Orleans , Denver 's second straight defeat , head coach Mike Malone lit into his team , per Andrew Lopez of ESPN .

  3. 力帆则是两连败,跌至第13。

    Lifan suffered continuous failure and fell to the thirdteenth .

  4. 也许是让连败纪录的开始。

    Maybe it was the start of a losing streak .

  5. 我只关心需要多少场连败才能让范甘迪下课。

    I am just wondering how many straight loss could get JVG fired ?

  6. 他不能让他的思想连败。

    He could not get his thoughts straight .

  7. 连败3场使球队士气大落。

    Three straight losses got the team down .

  8. 我们连败了六场比赛。

    We lost six straight games .

  9. 勒沃库森在前段时间的连败,你感觉还好吗?

    Lena : Do you still feel well in Leverkusen in spite of the last defeats ?

  10. 网利用今晚出色的表现送给了奇才3连败。

    The nets were all about timing tonight as they served the Wizards their third straight loss .

  11. 在我毕业那年我们是全国连败最长的队

    we had the longest losing streak in the nation by the time I graduated as a senior

  12. 还有如果格林利夫失败了你们就是七连败了

    Still , if Greenleaf loses , you 'll be 0 for 7 on the national scene .

  13. 禅师更愿意享受一个四天的休假,不过这就意味着湖人要先意外的遭遇连败。

    Jackson would rather take a four-day break , but that would mean the Lakers'encountering an unexpected losing streak .

  14. 姚明回来前的连败我以为老范已经退出了竞争的行列。

    Wow * after that bad streak right before Yao came back I figured JVG was out of contention .

  15. 篮网4日晚将主场迎战山猫,这是他们终止连败的最近机会。

    The Blue Net will meat with Cats in host in4th and this is the opportunity to stop the fail .

  16. 湖人6连败,奇才3连败,并在过去10场比赛中才赢了3场。

    The Lakers have lost six consecutive games and Washington has lost three straight and seven of their last ten .

  17. 而在遭遇尼克斯之前,马刺经历了一波8连败,这也是球队自1996年以来的最长连败。

    Before the Knicks , the Spurs had lost eight straight , it was the franchise 's longest such streak since 1996 .

  18. 凯尔特人(39-14)结束二连败,将失去两天的东部第一宝座夺回。

    Celtics ( 39-14 ) after two-game losing streak , the eastern part of the first two days will lose the throne back .

  19. 对于像灰熊和快船一样在深渊苦苦挣扎的球队,连败和伤病几乎磨灭了他们进军季后赛的希望。

    For struggling teams like the Memphis Grizzlies and LA Clippers , losing streaks and injuries have seriously dampenedhopes at a playoff run .

  20. 但现在对我而言,能结束6连败,手握几场胜利来到这里,这让我很高兴。

    But after just breaking a six-game losing streak , I 'm just glad we won a few games before we went in there .

  21. 回到主场,五连败且有点混乱的灰熊今晚将对阵波特兰开拓者。

    The Griz return home to face the Portland Trail Blazers tonight with a five-game losing streak and a bit of controversy in tow .

  22. 费城已经失去了三个本赛季首次连败,现在将尽量避免一个冠军三场客场之旅。

    Philadelphia has lost three straight for the first time this season , and will now try to avoid a winless three-game road trip .

  23. 快船有几次差点就能打败他们,但是没有成功,然后就有了现在这个11连败的记录。

    The Clippers came close to beating them several times , but they didn 't , and now they 've sporting an 11-game losing streak .

  24. 一年又一年,我们一次都没赢过,有人说,我同学的爷爷们早就为子孙后代的连败打下了基础。

    Years and years went by without a single victory . It was said that grandfathers of my teammates had contributed to the multi-generational streak .

  25. 迈克尔。卡里克希望从对阵维拉的比赛开始球队能回到正确的轨道上,之前的连败让利物浦又看到了一丝希望。

    Michael Carrick says the Reds are determined to put things right against Aston Villa after opening the title door for rivals Liverpool with consecutive defeats .

  26. 总的看来,火箭在丹佛大失水准,在犹他起伏不定,两连败之后形势还可能变得更糟。

    All things considered , after back-to-back losses in which the Rockets looked awful in Denver and awful for awhile in Utah , it could be worse .

  27. 红军结束了联赛两连败,这得益于罗杰。约翰逊的乌龙球和苏亚雷斯精彩的个人进球。

    The Reds ended a run of two straight league defeats thanks to an own goal from Roger Johnson and a sublime individual effort from Luis Suarez .

  28. 连续几场比赛表现奇差,遭遇连败,大部分对那些对球队失败负有不推卸责任的球员使用,这就是传说中的老爵爷的“吹风机”。

    The ultimate measure for a series of under-performances and losses , most time those players will have made errors as well and need the hairdryer treatment .

  29. 本周,他们再次带着连败回家,胜一场后称进攻已恢复,随即是客场之旅,开门红。

    Once again , they came home with a losing streak this week , won a home game , declared their offense repaired and started a trip well .

  30. 要抹去离开芬威球场与蓝鸟球场的伤痛真的不容易,但是大部分的洋基老鸟以前也曾经经历连败。

    That may not have eased the sting of walking out of both Fenway Park and Tropicana field winless , but the mostly veteran Yankees have experienced these stretches before .