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lián lěi
  • involve;implicate;incriminate;get sb.into trouble;get sb. into trouble
连累 [lián lěi]
  • [implicate;get sb.into trouble] 由于个人或小集体的原故而使别人也牵连受害

连累[lián lěi]
  1. 我不会连累我的委托人。

    I did not incriminate my client .

  2. 以前我弟弟经常连累我遭父母的责难。

    My brother was always getting me into trouble with my parents .

  3. 她可能不怕连累了姊姊。

    She might not be afraid of implicating her sister .

  4. 这件事连累了许多人。

    The incident got many people into trouble .

  5. 她拒绝向警方作陈述以免受连累

    She refused to make a statement to the police in case she inculpated herself .

  6. 就经济而言,基辅方面应该确保与欧盟(EU)签署的贸易协议不会连累乌俄关系。

    On the economy , Kiev should ensure that trade deals with the EU do not entangle its ties with Russia .

  7. 如果跟你共享IP的某一个网站被搜寻引擎惩罚,将连累你也无法登陆到搜寻引擎。

    To share with you if a site is IP of a search engine penalty , will not compromise you can not login to the search engines .

  8. 结论尚未达成,显然还将继续争议。4implicatev.牵连;连累

    The issue is unresolved and certain to remain controversial .

  9. 消费者会受连累,因为整体偿债支出如今花去6800美元人均年GDP中的大约1290美元。

    Consumers are compromised because overall debt service charges now equate to about $ 1,290 out of the annual per capita GDP of $ 6,800 .

  10. 在国外,“财阀”(Chaebol)是韩国的骄傲,但在国内,它们却被很多人视为商业界的霸王,人们指责它们压榨供应商,连累小企业破产。

    Chaebol conglomerates , the pride of the nation abroad , are considered by many to be economic bullies at home , blamed for squeezing suppliers and pushing small businesses into bankruptcy .

  11. 本:爸爸,我不能连累任何人。

    Ben : Dad , I can 't rattle on somebody .

  12. 约书亚说,你为什么连累我们呢。

    And Joshua said , Why hast thou troubled us ?

  13. 事实上,是我连累的你,曼尼。

    The truth is , I 've let you down , manny .

  14. 但是这一次我连累大家。

    Only this time , I got everyone into trouble .

  15. 他宁愿说谎也不连累朋友。

    He told a lie rather than get his friend into trouble .

  16. 它会连累到你身边所有人。

    You can take an awful lot of other people with you .

  17. 你们愿意死,行,可是不能连累别人。

    Die , if you will , but don 't make others die .

  18. 但我会连累你,影响你的生活。

    I mean it would disrupt your entire life .

  19. 恐怕我要连累你了。

    I fear I 've placed you in danger .

  20. 因此那地方名叫亚割谷,直到今日(亚割就是连累的意思)。

    Therefore that place has been called the Valley of Achor ever since .

  21. 我不想连累你和你的女主人。

    Don 't wanna put you or your mistress here in any bother .

  22. 说一些我连累你的话。

    Speaking of which , I got you something .

  23. “但您可以给我这个忠告而不会连累您自己。”

    " Oh , you can give me this without compromising yourself . "

  24. 今日耶和华必叫你受连累。

    The LORD will bring trouble on you today .

  25. 你会把那母子俩连累进来的。

    You might be putting this woman and her son in serious danger .

  26. 连累犯问题之我见

    My Opinion About The Question Of Involvement Crime

  27. 去执行那些可能连累组织的任务。

    On operations that could compromise this agency .

  28. 在某些情况下,他连累了他的几个朋友陷入于困境之中。

    In some way , he involved several of his friends in the trouble .

  29. 不要连累其他人卢克不是吗

    Don 't put the rest of us through this . Luke ? No ?

  30. 自从你连累他被解雇就没有了。

    Not since you got him fired .