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wū xiàn
  • Framing;frame-up;set up;frame a case against;fit up;stitch-up;frame a case against sb.;frame sb. up;make a false charge against sb
诬陷 [wū xiàn]
  • [frame-up;frame a case against sb.] 捏造罪状以陷害他人

  • 看上去完全合法,但一经调查,证明却是诬陷

诬陷[wū xiàn]
  1. 这事不是我干的——我遭到诬陷了!

    I didn 't do it ─ I 've been fitted up !

  2. 他说他是被诬陷的。

    He says he was framed .

  3. 国王被诬陷施行妖术。

    The King was unjustly accused of practising the black arts .

  4. 我得找出是谁企图诬陷我。

    I need to find out who tried to frame me

  5. 他是清白的,是受人诬陷的。

    He was innocent and the victim of a frame-up .

  6. 斯通先生说那些提供证据的同狱犯人是在试图“诬陷他”。

    Mr Stone said inmates who had given evidence were trying to ' fit him up '

  7. 警官诬陷那些他们“知道”犯了罪的嫌疑人是根本没有任何法律依据的。

    There can never be any legitimate basis for police officers to fit up suspects they ' know ' to be guilty .

  8. 他说他受到了前妻的诬陷。

    He said he was framed by his ex-wife .

  9. 被告反诉原告诬陷。

    The defendant made an opposing claim against the plaintiff by saying that the latter had accused him falsely .

  10. 囚犯声称他受到了仇人的诬陷

    The prisoner claimed that he had been framed up by his enemies .

  11. adhoc网络中防御节点合谋诬陷的安全路由协议

    The Security Routing Protocol for Defending Against False Accusation in Ad Hoc Networks

  12. 作伪证陷害同义词:fitup他说他是被诬陷的。

    to produce false evidence against an innocent person so that people think he or she is guilty He says he was framed .

  13. 我刚才眼睁睁地看着自己被诬陷谋杀

    Look , I just watched myself get framed for murder ,

  14. 难道你还不明白那都是诬陷!

    Don 't you see it was all a frame up !

  15. 你只要记住这全是诬陷就行了。

    Just take my word for it that it was a frame .

  16. 也许并不是这个小伙子干的,只是遭人诬陷而已。

    Maybe the boy did not do it and was falsely accused .

  17. 他试图诬陷他的同伴,使其受到惩罚。

    He tried to set his companion up for punishment .

  18. 我被诬陷为谋杀她的凶手。

    So was being wrongly accused of causing her death .

  19. 天哪你还看不出来?我们遭人诬陷了!

    For goodness sake-don 't you see ? We 've been framed !

  20. 你的这个问题本身就在诬陷中国。

    Your own on this issue framed in China .

  21. 现在你试图来诬陷我的委托人。

    And now you 're trying to put the blame onto my client .

  22. 然而你从没发现是谁诬陷了你?

    And you never found out who framed you ?

  23. 腾讯方面多次声明称360恶意诬陷腾讯,并违反商业规则。

    Tencent has since accused Qihoo 360 of slander and business foul play .

  24. 警方在调查对他的诬陷指控。

    The police are investigating fraud allegations against him .

  25. 当他受诬陷的时候,很多人为他说好话。

    When he was framed , many people went to bat for him .

  26. 诬陷,冤枉(某人);栽赃他否认那些指控,说警察冤枉他了。

    He denied the charges , saying the police had set him up .

  27. 还得诬陷她谋杀

    Yeah , and framing her for a murder .

  28. 爱德华现在向诬陷过他的人报复。

    Edward is now even with the man who put him in the wrong .

  29. 我没有诬陷过任何人。

    Not one I was forced to bury .

  30. 我被诬陷参与了一起谋杀案。

    I 've been set up for murder .
