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  • Slander;accuse falsely
  • 人没有做坏事,硬说他做了坏事;把没有的事说成有:~蔑。~赖。~陷。


(捏造事实冤枉人) accuse falsely:

  • 诬陷

    frame a case against; frame sb.

  1. 她控告她的对手故意诬称她是极端分子。

    She accused her opponents of deliberately misrepresenting her as an extremist .

  2. 我们的教师是诬称禁止的优秀作品。

    Our teachers are falsely accused of forbidding good Works .

  3. 李先芳与后七子公案辨诬

    On the Relations between Li Xianfang and Hou Qi Zi

  4. 他们诬他是一个说谎者。

    They stigmatized him as a liar .

  5. 两次辨诬之间的联系与反映出的文化心态折射出了明清时期中朝关系的错综复杂性。

    From the process of their defending against the false records , it reflected the complexity of the Sino & Korean relation during Ming-Qing period .

  6. 《考克斯报告》诬称,中国通过商业发射获缺了美国的制导技术并推进了中国导弹的发展。

    The Cox Report slanders China by saying it had " acquired " US missile guidance technology through commercial launches to promote the development of its own missiles .

  7. 日军在此布置了一个假现场,摆了3具身穿中国士兵服的尸体,反诬是中国军队破坏铁路。

    Japanese in this arrangement , a fake site , put the three Chinese soldiers wearing body suits , Fan Wu is China 's forces destroyed the railway .

  8. 然而,《考克斯报告》却对此视而不见,反诬中国不遵守承诺,这是不符合事实的。

    The Cox Report , however , turns a blind eye to this and , further more , accuses China of breaking its promises , which is not true .

  9. 李贽的言行被当时统治者诬为离经饭道,结果被捕下狱而死。

    Li Zhi 's words and behaviours were lodged a false accusation against the classics and orthodoxy by the governors and he was arrested and put into prison and died there .

  10. 但是,当前国内外却有不少人否定中国所走的社会主义道路,将有中国特色的社会主义诬称为有中国特色的资本主义,甚至认为中国如果继续走社会主义道路将会重蹈苏联的覆辙。

    But , at present , there is some internal and external people negate the socialism road of China , call it " the capitalism with Chinese characteristic ", even think that China will follow the USSR if walking the socialism road continuously .