首页 / 词典 / good

  • thief;traitor;enemy
  • injure;harm;kill
  • crooked;evil;wicked;crafty
  • extraordinarily;unusually;extremely
  • 偷东西的人,盗匪:~人。盗~。~赃。~窝。

  • 对人民有危害的人:国~。民~。工~。~寇。蟊~。

  • 害,伤害:戕~。“淫侈之俗日日以长,是天下之大~也”。

  • 邪的,不正派的:~心不死。

  • 狡猾:~溜溜。

  • 副词,很:~冷。~亮。~横(hèng )。


(偷东西的人) thief:

  • 窃贼

    thief; burglar; pilferer;

  • 盗贼

    robbers; bandits


(做大坏事的人) traitor; enemy:

  • 工贼

    scab; blackleg;

  • 民贼

    enemies of the people;

  • 卖国贼

    traitor; quisling


[书] (伤害) injure; harm; kill:

  • 戕贼

    injure; undermine


(邪的; 不正派的) crooked; evil; wicked:

  • 贼性

    vicious; wicked; villainous;

  • 贼眼

    furtive glance; knavish look; shifty eyes


(狡猾) crafty; cunning; deceitful; wily:

  • 贼鬼溜滑

    dishonest; deceitful; tricky; sly;

  • 老鼠真贼。

    Rats are really cunning.


[方] (很) extraordinarily; unusually; extremely:

  • 贼亮

    uncomfortably bright or glaring;

  • 贼热

    extremely hot;

  • 贼冷

    terribly cold

  1. 那个贼拿着钱逃之夭夭了。

    The thief got clean away with the money

  2. 贼在他的头上重击一下。

    The thief hit him a thump on the head .

  3. 你没有权利把那拿走,你这个贪心的贼!

    You 've no right to take that , you thieving swine !

  4. 警方打击偷车贼的行动遭遇了一点小挫折:匪徒偷走了一辆警车。

    A police clampdown on car thieves hit a snag when villains stole one of their cars

  5. 这四个贼臣弄权,嫉贤妒能,闭塞贤路。

    These four crooked ministers are jealous of real talent and block righteous conduct .

  6. 贼夫人之子。

    You are spoiling this man 's son .

  7. 贼被警察钉住了。

    The thief was tailed by a policeman .

  8. 老鼠真贼。

    Rats are really cunning .

  9. 他紧紧抓住那贼,不让他跑掉。

    He grasped the thief firmly to stop him running away .

  10. 那贼越狱逃跑了。

    The thief broke out of the prison and escaped .

  11. 他承认他是贼。

    He made an admission that he was the thief .

  12. 警察抓住了正要逃跑的贼。

    The policeman stopped the thief who was trying to make away .

  13. 贼纵身跃过篱笆逃走了。

    The thief jumped himself over a fence and escaped .

  14. 贼把赃物藏在山洞里。

    The thieves hid their plunder in the cave .

  15. 那些贼偷了大批珠宝后逃离了珠宝商店。

    The thieves got away from the jeweler 's with a good haul .

  16. 警察撞开了贼窟的门。

    Police battered down the door of the thieves'hide-out .

  17. 这位目击者证实那贼是在行窃时当场被捉的。

    The witness affirmed to the fact the thief had been caught in the act .

  18. 昨夜他家闹了贼。

    His house was burgled last night .

  19. 这贼被关在监狱里。

    The thief is confined in prison .

  20. 往者秦为无道,残贼天下。(《史记》)

    In former times the Qin emperor ruled with utter disregard for principles , plundering and enslaving the empire .

  21. “茶壶在哪儿?”那两个贼红着脸大声喊道。

    " Where ’ s the teapot ? " the two thieves shouted at the top of their voice with red faces .

  22. 罗夫曼是个盗肉贼,他又有赃可销了。

    Roffman is a cattle-rustler , and he'sgot some stuff for sale .

  23. 那些贼拿了首饰,匆匆而去。

    The thieves took the jewels and then cleaned out .

  24. 老板要他提防夜里可能有贼

    The boss alerted him that thief might come out at night .

  25. 贼想抢我的手提包,但被我推开了。

    The thief made a grab at my bag but I pushed him away .

  26. 这个仆人离开之后,主人家中的财务全都被贼偷去了。

    With the servant gone , all the valuables in the house were stolen by thieves .

  27. 从此,富人老是在夸自己的儿子很聪明,而怎么看老邻居,都觉得他像偷了钱的贼。

    Then the rich man praised his son 's intelligence all the time , but suspected his old neighbour of being the thief .

  28. 用爱这个词来形容我的感受太苍白了,我耐你,我中意你,我贼稀罕你啊!

    Love is too weak a word for the way I feel . I lurv you . I loave you . I luff you .

  29. 养蜂人被群蜂围住,痛苦地大喊:“你们这些不知感恩的坏家伙,让那偷蜜的贼逃之夭夭,却一个劲地来刺一直照顾你们的人!”

    At this he fell into a passion and cried , " You ungrateful scoundrels , you let the thief who stole my honey get off scot-free , and then you go and sting me who have always taken such care of you ! "

  30. 半夜两点时,科尔肯太太确信自己听到客厅里有贼,就对丈夫说:“别开灯,轻手轻脚地下楼,悄悄地靠近他,别被他发觉。”

    At 2 a. m. Mrs. Culkin was convinced that she had heard a prowler in the living room . " Tiptoe downstairs , " she told her husband . " Don 't turn on the lights . Sneak up him before he knows what 's happening . "