
yōu pì
  • peaceful and secluded
幽僻 [yōu pì]
  • [peaceful and wild] 幽静偏僻

  • 幽僻的山沟

  1. 由于偏滤器抽气槽路以及偏滤器下侧通至真空室下部舱口的有限的通导能力,这些低温泵在偏滤器幽僻区域有效抽速为160m3·s-1。

    However , limited conductance through the divertor pumping slot and through the clearance between the underside of the divertor and the vacuum vessel results in an effective net pumping speed of 160m 3 · s - 1 in the divertor private region .

  2. 不能想象比这园子更加荒旷更加幽僻的地方了。

    Nothing more wild and solitary than this garden could be imagined .

  3. 蜿蜒小径通向幽僻的地方。

    A winding path leads to a secluded place .

  4. 汽车停在一个幽僻的村庄。

    The bus stopped at an obscure village .

  5. 船停靠在一个幽僻的小湾里。

    We were anchored in a secluded cove .

  6. 我花了一些时间,去探寻岛上最幽僻的所在。

    I spend some time to find out the most retired parts of the island .

  7. 他们时不时地遇到一些幽僻的地方,地面长满青草,绽放着鲜花,宛如块块镶着宝石的绿色地毯。

    Now and then they came upon snug nooks carpeted with grass and jeweled with flowers .

  8. 大钟声惊醒了最幽僻的人家,仿佛在号召大家欢乐起来。

    The sound of public bells rouses the most secluded abode , as if with a call to be gay .

  9. 莱兹说,这一大楼的最大亮点就是面积达8000平方英尺的双层天台公寓,带有3000平方英尺的幽僻露台,该天台屋的售价将为3880万美元。

    The jewel in the building 's crown is the 8000 square-foot duplex penthouse , with a private 3000 square-foot terrace , which will be listed for $ 38.8 million , according to Lenz .

  10. 五月的海风把孤独吹散,我发现林中新开的杜鹃,无叶的花朵伴随潮湿幽僻绽放,让荒凉慵懒的小溪愁眉舒展。

    In May , when sea-winds pierced our solitudes , I found the fresh Rhodora in the woods , Spreading its leafless blooms in a damp nook , To please the desert and the sluggish brook .

  11. 据说扎克伯格已经斥资逾3000万美元购买他在加州帕洛阿尔托的住宅附近的房屋,还斥资超过1亿美元购买夏威夷的一块幽僻土地。

    Mr. Zuckerberg has reportedly spent more than $ 30 million to buy the homes around his in Palo Alto , Calif. , and more than $ 100 million for a secluded parcel of land in Hawaii .