
yōu mò dà shī
  • humorist;joker;master of humor teller
  1. 大家都知道他是幽默大师。

    He He is known as a humorist .

  2. 马梅·瑟伯是幽默大师詹姆士·瑟伯的母亲。她是位享有盛誉的搞怪大王。

    Mame Thurber , the mother of humorist James Thurber , was a renowned practical joker .

  3. 马克·吐温是一位幽默大师。

    Mark Twain was a wit .

  4. 斯蒂芬·利科克(1869-1944)是英语世界最受人爱戴的加拿大幽默大师。

    Stephen Leacock ( 1869 - 1944 ) was the enormously popular Canadian humorist in the English-speaking world .

  5. 美国的幽默大师和现实主义作家马克·土温,被认为是一个世界文学巨匠。

    Mark Twain , a mastermind of humor and realism , is seen as a giant in world literature .

  6. 鲁迅与林语堂作为现代文学史上的两位幽默大师,对幽默文学的创作和研究都做出了巨大的贡献。

    As two humourous masters in Chinese modern literature , Lu Xun and Lin Yutang have done much to humorous literature creation and study .

  7. 戎念竹,浙江省漫画家协会常务理事,浙江人民美术出版社《幽默大师》资深美术编辑。

    Rong Nianzhu is the executive member of the Cartoonists Association of Zhejiang Province and the Senior Art Editor of Humorist of Zhejiang People 's Fine Arts Publishing House .

  8. 比较柏杨与幽默大师鲁迅的杂文创作,在幽默运用上二者的相似与不同之处兼而有之。

    Again , comparing with Luxun , colloquially known as ' the Humor Master ' , similarities and differences are noticeable in both Boyang 's and Luxun 's styles of humor .

  9. 而费曼想成为他那个时代的列奥纳多·达·芬奇,他是音乐家、作家、科学家与幽默大师,布林对此印象深刻。

    He was impressed with the fact that Feynman wanted to be the Leonardo da Vinci of his time . He was a musician , a storyteller , a scientist , and a humorist .

  10. 套句幽默大师罗杰斯的话:我并非任何政治党团组织的成员。政权机关里的党团组织有些地方没有,有些地方有了也用得不完满。

    Pace Will Rogers , I am not a member of any organized political party . In some places there are no leading Party members ' groups in the government organizations , while in others they exist but are not functioning properly .

  11. 漫画艺术与大众反馈的这种互动效应,使华君武成为我们时代、我们民族杰出的幽默艺术大师。

    The interacting effect between cartoon art and feedback by people enables Hua Junwu to become an outstanding art master of humors of our times and our nation .

  12. 美国著名幽默讽刺大师,马克·吐温的写作风格随着社会的发展以及他对社会的认识加深,从前期的幽默发展到后期的辛辣讽刺。

    Mark Twain , a famous American novelist and satirist , changed his writing style from humor to bitter satire with the development of the society and his understanding of it .