
  1. 那么,这些尼安德特人有可能是从一群早期的神秘人类迁徙群体身上获得了DNA。

    It 's possible , then , that these Neanderthals acquired DNA from a mysterious early migration of humans .

  2. 在弗洛斯特的诗歌中,人类认为自然充满了神秘,人类对自然的意义的探索从未停止。

    Human beings think that the nature around them is mysterious , and never stop their search for the meaning of nature .

  3. 研究人员在这个基因组中不但发现了这个神秘古人类的线索,而且也发现了我们人类自己的进化史的线索。

    Within this genome , researchers have found clues into not only this group of mysterious hominins , but also our own evolutionary past .

  4. 通过这一时期的细节和对艺妓回忆录的深深地认同感,这部抒情的和充满感情的小说探究了一个最神秘的人类关系:女性的友谊。

    With the period detail and deep resonance of Memoirs of a Geisha , this lyrical and emotionally charged novel delves into one of the most mysterious of human relationships : female friendship .

  5. 神秘数字对人类法文化有着深刻的影响。

    Mysterious numbers have profound influence on the legal culture of human being .

  6. 这些神秘主义涉及人类从世界中解放他的灵魂的问题。

    The mysteries were concerned with man 's problem of freeing his soul from the world .

  7. 他的理财秘诀建立在仔细测试的基础之上,并结合了他对神秘莫测的人类行为的观察思考。

    His tips are based on careful testing and paired with musings on the mysteries of human behavior .

  8. 虽然多年来它的意思有细微的改变,它仍然指的是被不死之身操纵的神秘地复活人类的尸体。

    Although its meaning has changed slightly over the years , it refers to a human corpse mysteriously reanimated to serve the undead .

  9. 神秘主义是人类开拓外在世界,寻求精神存在的一种思维模式,它也是人类满足自身情感世界与精神世界的一种需要。

    Mysticism is a kind of thinking mode , which is to develop the outside world and look for the existence of spirit . Besides , it is also to satisfy the emotional world and spiritual world of human beings .

  10. 神秘主义是与人类文明相生相伴的一种对世界的认知方式,也是文学的重要表征。

    Mysticism is one kind of understanding world way accompanying with the human civilization , and also one of important characteristics of literature .

  11. 科学家已在自然保护区和生物的栖息地对一些动物做过深入研究。但还有一些动物种类仍很神秘,不为人类所知。

    Some species have been seriously studied by scientists both in nature reserves and in their natural habitats , but other species remain elusive and even mysterious .

  12. 文学作品常常给它所要追求表达的“真理”盖上面纱,为了增加它的吸引力,赋予它们神秘感和超出人类经验的价值。

    Literary texts in effect often veil the'truth'which they seek to convey in an attempt at enhancing its attractiveness and endowing it with a sense of mystery and transcendental value .