
  1. 神后赫拉非常憎恨这位英雄,把巨蟹放在天上成为星座。在二三月的夜晚,在南方天空可以看见巨蟹星座。

    But Hera hated this hero , and later she put cancer into the sky , as one os the constellations .

  2. 野心凌驾了同情心和善良的行为,这一切恶行都是以蜘蛛神后罗丝之名行之。

    Ambition over rides good sense and compassion is thrown away in its face , all in the name of Lloth , the Spider Queen .

  3. 阶级和性别的结合,并非证明性别比阶级更具特权性,只是对传统神后的分析批判多了一层视域。

    The integration of class and gender is an assault , subversion and deconstruction of the myth of traditional patriarchy rather than a testimony that gender is more privileged than class .

  4. 自从远古时期的马崇拜意识的形成,马成为通天之神后,马便同蒙古先民结下了不解的良缘。

    Since Formation of consciousness of worship of the horse in the ancient times , the horse is a Babel God , horses with the Mongolian ancestors forged a harmonious union of puzzle .

  5. 在我长大一些并遇到Leadbeater主教与通神学会后,我开始看见K。

    When I grew older and met with Bishop Leadbeater and the Theosophical Society , I began to see the Master K.

  6. 但是当两位神完工后,拉俄墨冬却拒绝付给他们应得的工钱。

    After the gods finished building the wall , Laomedon refused to pay the agreed wage for their services .

  7. 他说,劫持人质者在打伤一名警方神枪手后被一名狙击兵射中脑门而击毙。

    He said the hostage-taker was killed with a sniper shot to the head after he wounded a police sharpshooter .

  8. 换言之,被男神拒绝后,女生更容易拒绝其他路人甲式的男士。

    In other words , after being rejected by a hunk , women were found to be more inclined to reject a less attractive man .

  9. 所以希腊和俄国有很多年轻人,他们即将成为牧师,他们会在离开神学院后尽快结婚。

    So you 'll have a lot of young men in Greece or Russia who are going to become priests , and they want to quickly get married right out of seminary .

  10. 2012年有传闻称台湾一位青少年在连续打了40个小时的网络游戏《暗黑破坏神III》后猝死。

    In 2012 it was rumored that a Taiwanese teen died after gaming for 40 consecutive hours . Death by " Diablo 3 " ?

  11. 在神拣选他后,摩西有何反应?

    And how did Moses react when God chose him ?

  12. 神学院放假后,你打算上哪去呢?

    Where will you go when the seminary closes ?

  13. 我们聆听了神的话后,必须在祷告中与神对谈。

    After we have listened , we have to talk with God in prayer .

  14. 他成为了自上古之神被驱逐后的最邪恶的势力。

    He is arguably the first evil of Azeroth that appeared after the banishment of the Old Gods .

  15. 在讲故事的指导原则'崛起之前,一项别开生面的秋季在一开始的神,二战后,许多人会颤抖,在脚这个武士-上帝与许多神会不高兴。

    In telling the tale of Kratos'rise before a spectacular fall at the beginning of God of War II , many will tremble at the feet of this warrior-god and many a god will be displeased .

  16. 调神组治疗24h后止痛效果远胜于对照组(P<0.01)。

    The analgesic effect at 24 hours after treatment was much better in the mind-regulating group than in the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  17. 舒郁调神汤治疗中风后抑郁症128例临床分析

    Clinical study on 128 Cases of Depression After Apoplexy Treating with

  18. 健脑调神针法治疗中风后抑郁症62例临床观察

    Clinical Observations on the Treatment of 62 Post-apoplectic Melancholia Patients by Brain-reinforcing and Mind-regulating Acupuncture

  19. 探讨健脑调神针法对中风后抑郁症的治疗作用。

    To discuss the treatment to post-apoplexy depression with acupuncture of strengthening brain and regulating mind .

  20. 祛瘀复神汤治疗中风后强哭强笑68例

    68 Cases of Forced Crying and Forced Laughing of Post-stroke in Removing Blood Stasis and Reminding Decoction

  21. 结论:黛安神治疗脑卒中后抑郁有效,能促进神经功能的康复,并且治疗时间越长,疗效越好。

    Conclusion : Deanxit is effective in the treatment of post-stroke depression and can promote the rehabilitation of neurological function .

  22. 神要我们知道,神的儿子死后三天复活,从而保证了我们也要与祂一同复活。

    God wants us to know that His Son was resurrected from the dead on the third day to assure us of our own resurrection .

  23. 研究发现,“在被男神拒绝之后,女生同样也会轻视或是疏远长相平平的男生,即使这些男生向她们抛去橄榄枝也是如此”。换言之,被男神拒绝后,女生更容易拒绝其他“路人甲”式的男士。

    Researchers found that " rejection by an attractive man also led to derogation of , and distancing from , an unattractive man - even when that unattractive man offered acceptance . " In other words , after being rejected by a hunk , women were found to be more inclined to reject a less attractive man .