
  • 网络Neuromancer
  1. 此外,Oculus还用知名科幻作品中的虚拟现实系统命名其总部的会议室,包括全息甲板、绿洲和来自电影《黑客帝国》的母体,以及更早的一部科幻小说——威廉·吉布森(WilliamGibson)的《神经漫游者》。

    For good measure , Oculus named the meeting rooms at its headquarters after famous fictional versions of virtual reality , including the holodeck , the Oasis and the Matrix , from the movie of the same name and , before that , William Gibson 's " Neuromancer . "

  2. 《神经漫游者》是他的第一部小说,同时也是蔓生都会三部曲第一部。

    Neuromancer was his first , and is the start of the Span trilogy .

  3. 话虽有点极端,但它还是表达出了做为《捍卫机密》和《神经漫游者》的作者所具有的影响力。

    A little bit overboard , but it gives an idea of the influence this author of " Johnny Mnemonic " and " Neuromancers " has had .