
  1. 所选择的映射会影响到连接器设计的方方面面。

    The mappings you choose here will affect all aspects of your connector design .

  2. 射频同轴连接器设计要点

    Some design art for RF coaxial connectors

  3. 虽然我们在这里只强调几个问题,但是对于连接器设计而言,能够彻底理解所有这些问题的答案是至关重要的。

    We will only highlight some of the questions here , but a thorough understanding of the answers to all of the questions is critical to connector design .

  4. 最后建立了局部放电测试系统并应用于高压连接器设计的可靠性验证,局部放电测试与分析结果反馈于设计上,进一步提高了高压连接器组件的使用寿命。

    We have setup a partial discharge test system and apply to use it in production for reliability of design . This kind feedback of testing and analysis for partial discharge data let us to advance applying life of high voltage connector subassembly much more .

  5. 带光检测器件PIN管的活动连接器的设计和试验

    Design and Experiment of Connectors With PIN Light Detector

  6. 基于CPLD的高速USB无线连接器的设计

    Design of Wireless high-speed USB Connector based on CPLD

  7. 我们解释了怎样使用RationalTeamConcert软件中的项目连接器来设计和创建新的连接器。

    We explained how to design and create new connectors by using the Item Connector within Rational Team Concert software .

  8. 本文介绍不锈钢PC型单模光纤活动连接器的设计及制造。

    In this paper , the design and fabrication of a stainless PC SM optical fiber connector is presented .

  9. 基于堆栈式虚拟机的汇编器及连接器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of An Assembler and A Linker of Stack Based Virtual Machine

  10. 系留平台用光电旋转连接器的设计

    Design of Photoelectrical Rotary Adapter for Mooring Platform

  11. 车用低高音喇叭自动延时连接器的设计

    Design of Automatic Delay Connector of Vehicle Loudspeaker

  12. 通常,与其他因素相比,会话管理程序更容易影响连接器的设计。

    Session management will often affect your connector design more than any other single factor .

  13. 高压连接器的设计

    Design of High - Voltage Electrical Connector

  14. 四芯小型野战光缆连接器的设计及制造工艺

    Design and Manufacturing Techniques of Miniaturized Connector for 4 - fiber Tactical Fiber Optic Cable

  15. 纯连接器结构设计,功能稳定。

    Connector-Structure Design : Provide stable performance .

  16. 一种新型光交叉连接器的设计

    The design of a novel OXC

  17. 大功率射频连接器的设计和功率测试系统的建立

    The Design of the High Power RF Connecter and Development of the System for Measuring Power

  18. 线簧连接器的设计方法

    Designing of Wire Spring Connectors

  19. 本文在汽车电线束及连接器常规设计技术和质量控制的基础上,根据线束及连接器的发展趋势,对线束及连接器的设计步骤和设计方法进行了研究,以指导现行设计的改进;

    This article guides design improving according to developing trend based on routine designing technology and quality control for harness and connector .

  20. 在此基础上论文采用了一种使用道威棱镜的多通道光纤旋转连接器的设计方法。根据道威棱镜的转像特性,利用转速比2:1的传动机构实现了连接器多路光信号的旋转耦合。

    According to the image rotation theory of Dove prism , rotary coupling of multi-channel optical signals is realized using a gearing system with an angular speed ratio of 2: 1.The major achievements in this thesis are : 1 .

  21. 母连接器就被设计成使用IDC技术的扁平电缆连接。

    The female connector is designed to be used to connect a ribbon cable using IDC technology .

  22. 介绍了在传统高抗补偿间隙经验公式的基础上,通过对射频连接器中绝缘子设计方法的改进,降低了电缆组件的VSWR。

    On the basis of empirical formula , the improvement on the design method of the insulator for RF connectors is made , resulting in the VSWR of the cable assemblies reduced .

  23. 射频连接器中绝缘子设计方法的改进

    Improvement on the Design Method of the Insulator for RF Connectors

  24. 利用道威棱镜和光纤准直器对多通道光纤连接器方案进行设计。

    By means of Dove prism and collimator , the overall plan of multi-channel fiber optic rotary joint was designed .

  25. 工厂同时提供相关连接器模具的设计及制造并将逐步扩展建成一个德尔福集团全球模具中心。

    We also provide related connector tooling design amp manufacturing and commit to be a global tool manufacturing center of Delphi Group .

  26. 为指定应用选择连接器时,设计工程师面临平衡很多需要的挑战,这些需要既有技术性的,也有商业性的。

    When selecting a connector for a given application , design engineers are faced with the challenge of balancing many needs , both technically and commercially .

  27. 主要工作有:首先,根据所研究堆芯结构的特点,提出了多种抗震计算建模以及简化方案,其中包括刚体简化方式及连接器布置的设计。

    The main contributions are as follows . Firstly , according to the characters of the reactor core structure , several simplification and modeling schemes are presented and compared .

  28. 基于UG的电连接器绝缘体参数化设计

    Parametric Design of the Electrical Connector Insulator Based on UG

  29. 这个版本的连接器得到了重新设计,以使用RequisiteProRESTAPIs,这意味着您可以在除MicrosoftWindows服务器之外的服务器上使用它。

    This version of the connector has been redesigned to use the RequisitePro REST APIs , which means that you can use it on servers other than Microsoft Windows servers .

  30. 电连接器接触件优化设计研究

    Technological Research on Optimization Design of Contacts of Electrical Connector