
  • 网络Serial;serial novel;serial story;feuilleton
  1. 我一直迷恋着阅读杂志增刊上的连载小说。

    I had been so enthralled by reading the serial stories in the magazine supplement .

  2. 1949-1999年朝鲜族报纸连载小说研究

    A Study on Chinese-Korean Newspaper Serial Novels from 1949 to 1999

  3. 而在他的下一个项目《贝尔格莱维亚》(Belgravia)中,费罗斯采用了古老的叙事形式——查尔斯·狄更斯(CharlesDickens)创作《匹克威克先生外传》(ThePickwickPapers)时延续下来的连载小说传统;而且采用了全新的数字传播方式——手机应用。

    Now , for his next project , " Belgravia , " Mr. Fellowes is marrying an old narrative form - the serialized novel , in the tradition of Charles Dickens 's " The Pickwick Papers " - with the latest digital delivery system : an app .

  4. 他开始着杂志上一篇科学侦探的连载小说。

    He started a magazine serial about a scientific detective .

  5. 简奥斯丁的一本新的连载小说。

    A new serialization of a novel by Jane austen .

  6. 报刊的出现与连载小说的兴起

    The Rise of Newspaper Periodicals the Upsurge of Serial Novel

  7. 二十世纪初期连载小说兴盛原因探析

    Analysing the Flourishing Reason of the Serial Novels in the Early Days of the 21 Century

  8. 下周出版的期刊上,我们将开始刊出动人的新连载小说。

    Typical use : an exciting new serial story will begin in our next week 's issue .

  9. 此外,作者在叙述过程中,融入了曾于十九世纪风靡欧洲的连载小说元素,如悬疑、情节突变、预叙等手法,引人入胜,扣人心弦。

    Moreover , the author integrates elements of serial novels which were fashionable in Europe into his narratives , such as intrigue , peripeteia , and prolepsis .

  10. 第三章主要阐述文学空白的运用和意义,对文学空白在说教文学、连载小说、意识流小说等多种文学作品类型中不同程度的运用情况及与之对应的不同审美效果进行了分析。

    The third chapter mainly elaborated the various degrees of applications and significances of literature blank in didactic literature , serial novel , stream of consciousness novel and other kinds of literary work .

  11. 在杂志上分六期连载的小说

    A magazine serial in six installments

  12. 作为一位阅读过多部武侠小说的读者,王家卫说,在20世纪五、六十年代的连载武侠小说中,让角色们在故事情节中时隐时现、于章节内外游离是一种常见的文学写作手法。

    Mr. Wong , a reader of kung fu novels , said that characters drifting in and out of the storyline was a common literary device in serialized martial-arts stories of the 1950s and ' 60s . '

  13. 《拉尔夫124c41+:2660年罗曼史》,这是一部分成12部份在《现代电气》上连载完成的小说,它可以说是美国科幻小说的第一部大作。

    " Ralph 124c 41 + : a romance of the year 2660 " , a novel serialised in 12 parts in modern electrics , is arguably the first major work of American science fiction .

  14. adj.连载的下周出版的期刊上,我们将开始刊出动人的新连载小说。

    serial An exciting new serial story will begin in our next week 's issue .