
  1. 为互联网经济提供动力的成本不论多高,iPhone都不是问题的原因所在。

    Whatever the cost of powering the Internet economy , iPhones are not the culprit .

  2. 与之形成对比的是,未来五年中二十国集团(G20)互联网经济的年均增幅预计将达到8%。

    By contrast , the internet economy in the G20 countries is forecast to grow by 8 per cent each year for the next five years .

  3. 鲁珀特•默多克(RupertMurdoch)试图通过阻止谷歌(Google)链接旗下报纸的内容,以改变互联网经济的版图。此举乍一看是个自我毁灭行为。

    Rupert Murdoch 's effort to change the economics of the internet by stopping Google linking to stories in his newspapers looks , at first glance , like an act of self-destruction .

  4. 随着21世纪互联网经济和IP技术的持续发展,以及移动业务的高速增长和3G的到来,移动业务量超越固话业务量已经十分明显,IP业务对PSTN话音业务的冲击已成大势所趋。

    With the continuous development of Internet economy and IP technologies in the 21st century and the fast increasing of mobile services and the arriving of 3G , the amount of mobile services overpasses that of fixed networks . PSTN audio service is greatly challenged by IP services .

  5. 以此为基础,互联网经济开始建立起来。

    On that foundation , the Web 's economy was built .

  6. 我国互联网经济规制现状分析与政策建议

    An Analysis on the Development of Internet Economic Regulation in China

  7. 数据显示,不同国家有各自独特的互联网经济。

    The data show that different countries have distinct internet economies .

  8. 因为按人口算中国是最大的互联网经济体。

    Because China is the largest Internet economy by population .

  9. 互联网经济信息检索方法谈

    On the Searching Method of the Economic Information through Internet

  10. 互联网经济的范畴也比很多人所意识到的更为宽泛。

    The internet economy is also much broader than many people realise .

  11. 互联网经济的测度指标就其内容而言,实际上是互联网经济。

    The Measuring Indicators of Internet Economy Actually , it means Internet economy .

  12. 建立互联网经济的生态环境

    Creating a Sound Ecological Environment for Internet-based Economy

  13. 中国应该积极发展互联网经济

    China should vigorously develop a Internet based economy

  14. 在中国网络游戏已经成为互联网经济结构中的重要组成部分。

    Online game was played an important part in the Internet economic In China .

  15. 雷军:人工智能是互联网经济的下个引爆点

    Lei Jun : AI will be the next technological tipping point of internet economy

  16. 21世纪,蓬勃发展的互联网经济被认为是注意力经济的代表。

    In 21st century , as the representative of Attention Economy , Internet Economy are flourishing .

  17. 互联网经济功能的实证解析

    Empirical Resolution of Internet Economic Function

  18. 从全球范围看,电子商务将成为规模极其庞大、同时不断扩张的互联网经济形态。

    E-commerce continues to present a gigantic , expanding pool of Internet Economics across the globe .

  19. 随着互联网经济的不断好转,传统企业纷纷开展了电子商务业务。

    With the Internet economy becoming better , the traditional enterprises develop E-commerce one after another .

  20. 然而随着互联网经济发展,社会影响力日增,政府干预也增强了。

    Yet as the internet 's economic and social importance has grown , so has political intervention .

  21. 商业模式概念的兴起得益于上世纪九十年代互联网经济的蓬勃发展。

    The Business Model Concept started in the 1990s which benefited from vigorous developments of the Internet Economy .

  22. 在此期间,互联网经济中的这些超级细分市场必将出现日益激烈的竞争。

    During this period , we will see intensifying head-to-head competition within the super-segments of the Internet economy .

  23. 互联网经济时代下,中国的基础教育是一块大且极具诱惑力的市场。

    Under this Internet economical time , China 's elementary education has a large and enormous attractive market .

  24. 在互联网经济时代,网络成为企业实施业务流程的重要工具。

    In the age of Internet economy , network has become an important means in implying enterprise business process .

  25. 而阿里巴巴将为那些想从中国蓬勃发展的互联网经济中得益的投资者提供了诱人的平台。

    And Alibaba will provide an attractive platform for investors trying to profit from China 's booming internet economy .

  26. 过去10年间,有7大公司在全球互联网经济中赢得了巨大的市场份额。

    Over the past 10 years , seven companies have carved out lion-sized shares of the global Internet economy .

  27. 35.我们认识到互联网经济对促进经济创新发展和推动个体参与经济的作用。

    35 . We recognize the role of the Internet Economy in promoting innovative development and empowering economic participation .

  28. 比在美国人使用谷歌搜索的次数还要多因为按人口算中国是最大的互联网经济体

    in China today than Google does in the U.S. because China is the largest Internet economy by population .

  29. 简言之,过去十年激增的互联网经济可能会放缓发展速度。

    In short , it could be a slowdown in the Internet economy that has ballooned over the last decade .

  30. 按照客户需求组织供应链成为互联网经济的最关键的管理理念。

    To organize the supply chain according to the demand of the customers has become the key idea of management .