
dàn zi fánɡ
  • billiard room;billiard parlor;billiard saloon
  1. 最棒的是地下室有我的弹子房和健身室!

    The best part is I have my very own billiard room and gym in the basement !

  2. 明天课后,弹子房集合。

    Tomorrow after class let 's meet at the pool hall .

  3. 他过去常跟他的死党流连在弹子房。

    He used to h11o12at the poolroom with his buddies .

  4. 你仍然经常出没于弹子房吗?

    You still hane out at the oool hall ?

  5. 它与弹子房相通,好像有意满足我们的需要似的。

    It seems to join the billiard-room on purpose .

  6. 老师抱怨迪克在弹子房鬼混,不做功课。

    The teacher complained that Dick was hanging out in pool-rooms instead of doing his home-work .

  7. 此时弹子房里换了把戏了。有人在逼尖了嗓子低声唱。

    Meanwhile , the billiard-room had become the scene of another performance . Somebody was croaking a song .

  8. 我们有理发室、洗衣房、小卖部、邮电服务、报刊供应柜、弹子房、乒乓球和电子游戏。

    We have a barber shop , a laundry , a store , post and telegram services , a newspaper stand , a billiard , table tennis , video games and so on .

  9. 在弹子球房那晚我倾家荡产了。

    My night at the billiard parlor left me busted .