
  • 网络Continuous Power;MCR;Consecution Power
  1. 综合负荷模型中的非线性因素,对于负荷记录中连续功率谱的出现会有一定的贡献。

    The nonlinear characteristics of synthetic static load models can contribute to the continuous power spectra of the load records .

  2. 系统中,应用连续泵功图法计算油井产液量,利用连续功率曲线实现泵抽空控制,在供液严重不足的油井上有良好的应用价值。

    In the system , a method of continuous pump dynamometer card is used to calculate liquid-producing capacity , and continuous power curves are used to control the pump evacuation , effective application of the system is realized in wells of serious lack of liquid producing .

  3. 电流连续功率因数校正器的电磁兼容问题研究

    Study on Electromagnetic Compatibility in Continuous Mode PFC

  4. 原初连续功率谱宇宙模型下暗物质晕的质量函数

    The mass function of dark matter haloes in a cosmological model with a running primordial power spectrum

  5. 该模式是指在脉冲锻炼达到一定效果后,采用连续功率对腔体进行深度锻炼。

    This model use the CW power to conditioning the cavity deeply after the pulse model had achieve the certain effect .

  6. 分析结果表明,这类电磁脉冲串的功率谱密度由离散功率谱和连续功率谱组成,它们组成的总功率守恒。

    The results show that the PSD of the concerned electromagnetic pulses constituted by discrete PSD and continuous PSD . The total power of the two parts is conservative .

  7. 由系统仿真提供的结果表明,双随机调制方式中引入马尔可夫链,在不影响连续功率频谱特性的前提下,能有效地改善变换器的输出电压精度。

    As a result , the dual randomized modulation scheme based on Markov chain can not only improve electromagnetic compatibility of power converters , but also reduce output voltage fluctuations .

  8. 连续大功率CO2激光器窗口用的复合型砷化镓材料的研制

    Preparation of recombination-type GaAs materials for CW high power CO_2 laser windows

  9. 基于PWM调节器电流连续模式功率因数校正器

    The Current Continuous Mode Power Factor Corrector Based on PWM Modulator

  10. 用于连续高功率YAG激光器的高斯镜稳定腔的设计

    Gaussian stable resonators design for high power CW YAG laser

  11. 研究了准连续高功率面阵二极管激光器(DL)封装技术,采用背冷和硅微通道冷却封装结构设计,封装出不同工作特性的准连续面阵DL。

    The package technique for Q-CW high power 2D-stack array diode laser is studied . Two kind 2D-stack diode laser with different performance are developed based on the back surface cooling and micro-channels cooling design .

  12. S波段2kW连续波功率合成技术

    KW continuous wave power combining technique in S band

  13. 镀膜后直径为600μm的底发射VCSEL获得了室温连续输出功率为1.63W,功率转换效率提高了6%。

    The output efficiency is improved as high as 6 % by using HfO_2 film , and CW output of 1.63 W for bottom emitting VCSEL with 600 μ m diameter was obtained .

  14. 介绍了S波段基于行波管放大器的2kW连续波功率合成技术。

    This paper introduces the 2 kW continuous wave power combining technique based on TWTs .

  15. 这种调制方式具有恒定包络,相位连续,功率谱密度较集中,频带利用率高等特点。MSK信号的诸多优点使得它在信号理论研究和应用中具有重要意义。

    MSK has a lot of advantages , such as constant envelope , continuous phase , concentrated power spectral density and high bandwidth efficiency , which make MSK of great significance in the research and applications of signal theory .

  16. 方法:166例乳头状瘤(鼻部45例,耳部39例,咽部82例)局部麻醉后以连续输出功率为15W的CO2激光切割及气化肿瘤。

    Methods : Among 166 cases were 45 cases of nasal papilloma , 39 cases of aural papilloma , and 82 cases of pharyngal papilloma . After local anaesthesia , We cut and vaporize tumor with CO2 laser in 15W of continuous output power .

  17. 连续波功率输出为0.3W,峰值功率附加效率41%

    The CW power output of 0 3W and the power added efficiency of 41 % is demonstrated at S band ( 5GHz ) .

  18. 经测试,单bar激光阵列连续输出功率达到15.28W,双bar阵列输出达27.8W时,全部达到风冷散热控温精度±0.1;

    Through test , the continuous output power of single bar laser array can be up to 15.28W and double-bar laser array can be up to 27.8W . The temperature control accuracy is ± 0.1 when full air-cooled heat sink effect is attained .

  19. 圆柱盒型窗的连续波功率容限问题的研究

    Research on passing CW power capacity of cylindrical box type window

  20. 准连续高功率面阵二极管激光封装技术

    Q - CW High Power 2D - Stack Array Diode Laser Package

  21. 本文提出连续变功率输出的直接控制方式。

    Text lodge a direct control mode which is series variable power output mode .

  22. 带变反射率耦合输出镜的连续高功率Nd:YAG激光器的研究

    Study on a Continuous Wave High Power Solid State Laser with a VRM Output Coupler

  23. 连续波高功率二氧化碳激光器

    Continuous wave high power CO2 laser

  24. 实验中实现了10Gb/s的全光逻辑或非运算功能,并对理论模拟和实验结果进行了讨论和分析,指出了输出消光比与连续光功率及注入电流之间的关系。

    The 10 Gb / s all-optical logic NOR operation has been demonstrated theoretically and experimental - ly .

  25. 通过改变控制光脉冲和连续光功率来验证它们对超快非线性干涉仪开关窗口的影响。

    By changing the powers of control pulse and the continuous light , the results of simulation are verified .

  26. 由于混沌信号具有非周期、连续宽带功率谱和类噪声的特点,因而使其特别适用于保密通信领域。

    Because of the property including non-period , consecutive BW spectrum and noise-like , chaotic signal is apt to secure communication .

  27. 分析结果表明,连续波高功率激发的铁磁共振折叠效应主要是由于样品发热引起的。

    Analytical results indicated that the foldover of FMR at high continuous-wave power excitation conditions was mainly due to the sample heating .

  28. 由于移动床式连续燃烧功率释放平稳,易于控制,推荐采用这一操作方式。

    The moving bed pseudo-continuous operation is preferred because release of thermal power in moving bed pseudo-continuous operation is more steady and easy to control .

  29. 它能将多个功放模块的功率叠加在一起输出,功率可以达到几个千瓦或几十个千瓦的连续波功率,满足了军用和民用远程通讯的需要。

    The total output power can be up to a few or tens of kilowatts so as to meet the needs in military and civil applications .

  30. 由于化学储能的巨大,这类器件目前输出的连续波功率已达兆瓦级,大大高于所有其他激光器。

    Based on the enormous chemical energy deposit , several kinds of chemical laser now deliver the cw power outputs of megawatt magnitude , far higher than any other lasers .