
guāng tiáo zhì
  • light modulation
光调制[guāng tiáo zhì]
  1. 电寻址空间光调制技术的研究

    Study on Technology of Spatial Light Modulation by Electrical Addressing

  2. 第八章总结全文并展望投影型空间光调制三维测量技术的发展趋势。

    Finally the chapter eight summarizes all the paper and prospects the future trend of the optic-electronical 3D measurement based on spatial light modulation .

  3. 用红外吸收的光调制技术测量Hg(1-x)CdxTe的载流子寿命

    Lifetime Measurement in Hg_ ( 1-x ) Cd_xTe by Optical Modulation of Infrared Absorption

  4. 非对称法布里-伯罗腔光调制特性分析及高对比度GaAs/AlGaAs调制器

    Modulation Characteristics Analysis of Asymmetric Fabry-Perot Cavity and GaAs / AlGaAs Modulator With High Contrast Ratio

  5. 在一个参考光调制周期CCD光探测器每1/4周期记录一帧共四帧干涉图像.以最大限度剔除各种背景和散射噪声为目标获得了最优的参考光信号调制参数。

    The optimum modulation parameter of the reference beam was founded in order to farthest eliminate the influence of the " background " and dispersion noise .

  6. 利用BSO晶体实现光电光调制

    Opto electro optical modulation realized in BSO crystals

  7. 基于LiNbO3调制器高速光调制码型的研究

    Research of High Speed Optical Modulation Formats Based on LiNbO_3 Modulators

  8. 用MBE生长的δ掺杂样品进行光调制光谱测量,发现明显的带间跃迁峰。

    Some obvious interband transition peaks have been observed by the modulated photo-reflection spectrum for S doped sample grown by MBE .

  9. 介绍了LCD、DMD空间光调制器件以及基于LCD、DMD器件的激光显示系统。

    LCD , DMD spatial photomodulator device , the laser display system and based on which along with new style grating valve ( GLV ) photomodulator device are presented .

  10. 文中详细地阐述了用液晶空间光调制方法实现光学四功能交换开关、和Omega互连网络的原理。

    The principle of the optical implementation of exchange-switch with four functions and Omega network by liquid crystal spatial light modulator are described in detail .

  11. 研究了在投影型空间光调制三维形貌测量中光路配置、调制方向的选择、面阵CCD成像器件空间采样特性及成像光学系统孔径等因素对三维测量的影响。

    The effect on optical configuration , selection of modulation direction , spatial sampling characteristic of plane CCD image sensor and the aperture of the optical system are analyzed in opti-electronic 3D profile measurement of projection and optical modulation .

  12. 文中论述了光调制特性、微分增益(DG)、微分相位(DP)、信噪比(S/N)等重要问题。

    The optical modulation characteristics , differential gain ( DG ), differential phase ( DP ) and signal-to-noise ratio ( S / N ) are described as well in this paper .

  13. 通过合理地设置光学带通滤波器(OBPF)的中心频率和带宽,可以实现从NRZ到RZ的光调制格式转换。

    By setting the center frequency and bandwidth of the optical bandpass filter ( OBPF ) reasonably , we can achieve the optical modulation format conversion from NRZ to RZ .

  14. 在介绍光调制技术和偏振光基本理论的基础上,对PDM-DQPSK信号的产生和解调作了分析,并比较了偏振态不同的表示方法。

    And the basic theory of optical modulation techniques and polarized light are described . The generation and demodulation of the PDM-DQPSK signals are highlighted .

  15. 以我们对铯原子法拉第反常色散原子滤光器(FADOF)的研究为基础,结合其它FADOF的研究成果,介绍了FADOF的原理、特性、以及在滤波、鉴频、磁光调制等方面的应用。

    Based on our and other 's study on Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter ( FADOF ), the principle , structure , property and various application of FADOF will be discussed in this paper .

  16. 无机械连接方位角测量系统中磁光调制的温度适应性研究

    Temperature Adaptability of Magnetooptic Modulation in a Disconnect Mechanically Azimuth Measurement

  17. ZnS/ZnSe迭层式波导光栅的光调制特性

    Characteristic of Optical Modulation in ZnS / ZnSe Stratified Waveguide Grating

  18. 偏振保持光纤拍长的磁光调制法测量

    The Magnetooptic Modulation Measurement of Polarization Maintaining Optical Fiber Beat Length

  19. 泡克耳斯效应与法拉第效应组合光调制的应用

    Composite Optical Modulation of Pockels Effect with Faraday Effect and Application

  20. 光调制技术测量半导体激光器固有高频响应

    Extraction of Intrinsic Response of Semiconductor Lasers Using Improved Optical Modulation Technique

  21. 一种基于组合光调制的光测电度表的设计

    A Kind of Optical Measuring Kilowatt-hour Meter Based the Light Combination Modulation

  22. 旋转中心偏移对反射光调制强度的影响

    Effect of rotating center deviation on reflective optical intensity modulation

  23. 一种用弱信号光调制的宽带光纤拉曼相干光源

    A wide-band fiber-optic Raman coherent source modulated with a weak signal light

  24. 我们对这几种波形的磁光调制方法的特性进行了分析和总结出了它们的特点。

    Analyze and summarize the properties of the four wave magneto-optical modulations .

  25. 磁光调制锁相椭偏仪与多层磁光薄膜测试系统

    Magnetooptic Modulating Phase Locking Ellipsometer and Measurement of Multilayer Magnetooptic Thin Films

  26. 磁光调制和法拉第旋转测量

    Magneto - optic modulation and measurement of Faraday rotation

  27. 组合光调制中矢量分析方法

    A vector medthod in the analysis for combination optical modulation ORBIT OF LIGHT

  28. 外调制器光调制指数的设计

    Design of the Optical Modulation Index for External Modulator

  29. 悬臂梁式光纤振动传感的一种光调制方法的特性研究

    Characteristic Study of Light Intensity Modulation Methods for Fiberoptic Vibration Sensor with Cantilever

  30. 光调制散射器在近场测试中的应用

    Using Optically Modulated Scatterer to Measure Radiation Near-Field