
yuán zǐ zì xuán
  • atomic spin
  1. 也就是说原子自旋压缩可以做为一个产生压缩光的机制。

    In other words , the atomic spin squeezing can be used in producing squeezed light .

  2. 我们进一步分析了原子自旋压缩的特点,影响量子态转移的因子。

    And further analysis the characteristics of the atomic spin squeezing , the impact factor of the atomic spin squeezing .

  3. Dicke模型中虚光子过程对原子自旋压缩的影响

    Influences of the virtual photon process on atom spin squeezing in Dicke model

  4. 第五章系统介绍了描述光与物质相互作用系统的Dicke模型,详细考察了量子自旋压缩的动力学性质,并阐述了虚光子过程对原子自旋压缩的影响。

    In Chap.5 , we systematically introduce the Dicke model , which describe the interaction of light and substance , and investigate dynamic nature of spin squeezing , and also expound the effect to spin squeezing in imaginary photon process .

  5. 氦原子自旋自旋相互作用精细结构参数的理论计算

    Theoretical calculation of the fine structure parameter of the spin-spin interaction in helium

  6. 原子自旋波可以极大的提高光与原子相互作用的几率,从而增强一些非线性效应。

    The coupling strength between atom and light can be greatly enhanced by atomic spin wave in atomic ensemble , thus enhances the nonlinearity .

  7. 最后代入原子自旋分量的起伏的表达式来判断是否实现量子态转移和原子自旋压缩。

    First we take it into the expression of the fluctuations of the atomic spin squeezing to determine whether the atomic spin squeezing exists .

  8. 本文关注的是将光场压缩性质转移到原子自旋压缩。原子自旋压缩在实际生活中主要运用到两个方面:第一个是判断多体纠缠,另一个是运用到实验中提高实验精确度。

    This article focuses on the atomic spin squeezing , The atomic spin squeezing in real life is mainly applied to the two aspects . One is to judge the entanglement of multi-body and the other is applied to improve the experimental accuracy in the experiment .

  9. 用强迫恢复法测量原子核自旋晶格弛豫时间T1

    The Measurement of Nuclear Spin-lattice Relaxation Time T_1 Using Driven Recovery Method

  10. 中性氦原子的自旋态

    Discussion of the spin state of neutral helium atom

  11. 在二维电子系统中,电子自旋和原子核自旋通过超精细相互作用相互耦合。

    In the two-Dimensional Electron System ( 2DES ), electron and nuclear are coupled with each other via the hyperfine interaction .

  12. 如果水分子中的两个氢原子核自旋以相同的方向取向,则称为正水分子。

    If the nuclear spins of the two hydrogen atoms in water are oriented in the same direction , it is called ortho-water .

  13. x射线磁性圆二色吸收谱分析Co膜厚度对原子磁矩和自旋磁矩的影响

    Research on the effects of thickness of cobalt layers on the orbital and spin moments of Co atoms using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism in absorption

  14. 用于原子核高自旋态研究的BGO反康普顿高纯锗谱仪

    BGO - HpGe anti - Compton suppression spectrometers for high spin - state study

  15. HI-13串列加速器上的原子核高自旋态研究

    Study of high spin states in nuclei on HI 13 tandem accelerator

  16. o-Ps和p-Ps强度的变化表明,NiO/Al2O3催化剂内Ps原子发生了自旋转换。

    The variation of o-Ps and p-Ps intensity indicates the spin conversion of Ps in NiO / Al2O3 catalysts .

  17. 本文叙述了用国产BGO闪烁体构成的用于原子核高自旋态研究的BGO反康普顿高纯锗谱仪的设计和它的性能。

    The physical design and characteristics of the BGO-HpGe anti-Compton suppression spectrometers for high spin-state study with home-made BGO scintillators are briefly described .

  18. 二键连原子间核自旋偶合常数的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on the Spin-spin Coupling Constant of Indirectly Bonded Atoms

  19. 氦原子2~3P态自旋-其他轨道相互作用的理论计算

    The spin-other-orbit interactions of 2 ~ 3P states of helium atom

  20. 原子核高自旋、超形变的进一步研究

    The Futher Study of Nuclei 's High Spin States and Superdeformation

  21. 原子核赝自旋对称性的性质研究

    Study on the Properties of Pseudo-spin Symmetry in Nuclear Physics

  22. 原子核高自旋态的半经典研究

    The Semiclassical Study of Nuclear High Spin States

  23. 原子核具有自旋和磁矩。因此在外磁场中核能级将发生分裂。

    Nucleoatom has spin and magnetic torque , so Nuclear-Level will split under outer magnetic field .

  24. 重点采用了共线和非共线的计算方式,研究磁性原子的不同自旋组态对表面功函数的影响。

    We especially focus on the effects of difference spin configuration on the work function by collinear and non collinear calculation methods .

  25. 谐振腔中的强磁场是激发起固体中电子和原子核的自旋和轨道运动的理想环境。

    A strong magnetic field in a resonant cavity is an ideal circumstance for initiating the spins and orbital motions of electrons and nuclei in solids .

  26. 但是,它们可以根据氢原子核心“自旋”的特性进一步细分。

    However , they can be further subdivided based on a property of the nuclei at the hearts of the hydrogen atoms - their " spin . "

  27. 利用X射线磁性圆二色吸收谱计算3d过渡族磁性原子的轨道和自旋磁矩

    Calculation of spin and orbital moments of 3d transition metals using X-ray magnetic circular dichroism in absorption

  28. 氦原子sp组态的自旋-轨道相互作用精细结构参数

    The fine structure parameter of the spin-orbit interactions for sp configuration of Helium atom

  29. 超流费米原子气体的动力学自旋结构因子的研究

    Spin Responses of a Superfluid Fermi Gas of Atoms

  30. 对于重原子,必须考虑自旋-轨道耦合相对论效应。

    Alternatively speaking , the effect of spin-orbit-coupling is uppermost in relativistic effects .