
yuán tú
  • original drawing;master map;artwork master
原图 [yuán tú]
  • (1) [master map]∶直接由实测而成的并据以派生其他地图的大比例尺原图

  • (2) [original drawing]∶ 经设计、绘制、校对已最后确定的工程图样,通常为描绘底图的原稿

原图[yuán tú]
  1. 一种新的大规模集成电路原图图形的最小切割算法

    A New Minimum Cut Algorithm of LSI Mask Artwork

  2. 在MATLAB上的实验结果表明,幻方变换全息图方法,生成一些类似数字全息图的图像,生成的图像彻底隐去原图的信息。

    Experimental results based on MATLAB show that this approach can hide the information of the original image whole by generating some image patterns like FDCH .

  3. 在数据合并的时候很方便,因为CONSTRUCT图中的谓词不一定和原图中的相同。

    This can come in handy during data merging because the predicates used in the CONSTRUCTed graph are not required to be the same as the ones in the original graph .

  4. 本课题从Petri网的实用性着手,详细研究了Petri网的分析和化简技术,在此基础上对Petri网的原图和化简图的等效性进行了分析。

    The thesis commence on practical of Petri net , studied the analysis and simplification techniques in detail , analyzed the equivalence between original diagrams and simplified diagrams .

  5. 住宅集团公司已经查看过这些住宅类型的原图,在是否符合SDS标准方面没有发现任何根本性问题。

    The Housing Corporation has looked at the initial drawings for these house types and cannot see any fundamental problems with them complying with SDS .

  6. 在图像达到较高的置乱度时,利用提出的Arnold反变换能够无误地恢复原图,并且计算量大大减少。

    When images have a high scramble degree , the proposed anti-Arnold transformation is able to resume the original image fleetly and inerrably with less computation .

  7. 能谱比值合成图像反映了原图件未显示的线性、环形构适、蚀变带等,其中一些环形构造与MSS图像上反映的环形构造一致。

    , that are not shown in original maps , in which some of the circular structure are consistent to the circular structure on MSS images .

  8. 利用PHOTOSHOP进行图形处理,就是一种数字图像增强技术,其处理的原图可以通过扫描仪进行获取也可以通过数码相机获取。

    Utilizing PHOTOSHOP to carry on graph processing is one digital picture strengthened technology , and the original picture can be obtained through scanner or through the digital camera .

  9. 编码时,将量化后图像Julia块与原图中的图像块进行比较,寻找最适合的量化表和距离最小的Julia图像块。

    By comparing the quantized Julia image block with the block from the original image , a block whose distance is the minimum in Hausdorff measurement is chosen and its corresponding fractal parameter is saved .

  10. 那究竟只是拍原图的机械出现了故障,还是真的是一个UFO,只能又一次由人们自己来解答。

    Is this simply a glitch in the system of those who took the original photo or is this truly a UFO that has once again decided to make itself known to the public .

  11. 在C中将数据写入EXCEL不是一件困难的事,但是有两个问题是必须要注意的:一是如何在EXCEL工作表的规定区域放入图片,并且图片的尺寸要按原图尺寸进行相应缩放;

    Lieutenant General in C # data into Excel is not a difficult task , but there are two issues we need to pay attention to : First , how the Excel worksheet in the region Add pictures , and the animation according to the maximum size corresponding zoom ;

  12. 在实现过程中,利用DXF文件作为转换文件,使得从根据图纸绘制的原图到三维动画形成了一个连贯的流程。

    During the procedure , the DXF-file was used as a swap file to form a coher ent flow frow the original drawing to the 3-D movie which was used in the multimedia training system and courseware .

  13. 实验证明由此算法得到的含水印的图像在视觉上与原图无差异,且对一般图象处理(对抗噪声、均值滤波、剪切、旋转和JPEG压缩等)都具有良好的鲁棒性。

    The experimental results showed that the watermarked images obtained by the algorithm has no difference comparing the original images vision , and the algorithm is perfect robust to image processing such as noise , mean value filter , crop , rotation and JPEG compress etc.2 .

  14. 三角剖分计算量大,实现起来费时,在计算当前三角形内像素点对应原图像素点坐标时,本文运用了一种基于改进的Bresenham坐标变换算法。

    For the problem that the calculation of triangulation is time-consuming , an improved algorithm based on Bresenham coordinate transformation is applied when calculating the pixel coordinate in the original image which is corresponding to the pixel in the current triangle .

  15. 5万区域地质图编稿原图的制作

    Making of initial geological map of 1 : 50000 REGIONAL GEOLOGY

  16. 这幅画也许不是一模一样的复制品,但是已酷似原作了。移开复描纸,就可以看到与原图一模一样的复版。

    Remove tracing paper to find exact copy of original draft .

  17. 数字地图出版原图数据库管理系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of DBMS for Digital Publishing Original

  18. “复描”确保样板原图可以一直保留作参考。

    Tracing-off ensures that the original draft is always retained for reference .

  19. 在对含水印图像的水印提取过程中需要原图和密钥。

    The detection process needs the key and the original host image .

  20. 《富春山居图》的原图是元朝画家黄公望创作的。

    The original scroll is the work of Yuan-dynasty painter Huang Gongwang .

  21. 这不会影响原图,且您的更改会被丢弃。

    You will not affect the original and your changes will be discarded .

  22. 城市大比例尺地形图原图数字化系统

    The original map digitizing system of large scale topographic map of urban area

  23. 详细阐述了地形图扫描数字化成图过程:由地形原图到栅格式数字图;

    This paper expounds in detail the process of mapping by digital scanning .

  24. 原图扫描屏幕矢量化技术在水电建设中的应用

    Application of the screen-vectorizing technology for scanning of original drawings in hydropower construction

  25. 阳像线划原图和注记必须是不透明的。

    Positive line work and letterpress must be opaque .

  26. 你可以改变原图的位置、尺寸和外观。

    You can change the position , size and appearance of chart elements .

  27. 丢失了拷贝纸样、衣片,还可以从样板原图上重新复描。

    Copies of lost pattern pieces can be retraced from the original draft .

  28. 那我们就开始吧,首先打开这张原图。

    So let 's get right into this thing and open her up .

  29. 样板原图可贮存,为将来作参考。

    Drafts can be stored away for future reference .

  30. 周氏点对脐孔腔镜阑尾切除术的应用报告《周氏太极图》原图考

    Application of the Zhou 's tenderness point in the peritoneoscopic appendectomy through the umbilicus