
  • 网络magnetic field configuration
  1. 磁流体发电机的最佳端磁场位形的确定

    The determination of the optimum end magnetic field configuration in magneto-hydrodynamic generator

  2. 本文对最近几年来暗条结构、动力学和磁场位形在观测和理论上的研究进展进行了回顾;

    In the present paper , the observational and theoretical progresses in the more recent study of the structure , dynamics and magnetic field configuration of the filament are introduced .

  3. 结果表明,同极磁流合并是少数(4%)活动区磁场位形出现的演化过程,它的强X射线耀斑的产率很高。

    The results show that the incorporations of the magnetic fluxes of similar polarity only exist in a few active regions ( 4 % of all ) and its productivity for class M , X flares is very high .

  4. 触发CME时采用具有同心圆磁场位形的触发模式,触发的CME事件具有和磁云横截面磁场相似的结构。

    CME triggering model has concentric circular magnetic field profiles to make CME magnetic field structure similar to that in the section of the magnetic cloud structure .

  5. 在两个冕流间采用具有同心圆磁场位形的触发模型触发CME事件,研究CME的日冕传播特征。

    Then the CME triggering model with concentrically circular closed magnetic field structure is taken to trigger CME between two streamers for research about CME propagating features near corona .

  6. 模拟结果表明,CME被约束在两冕流间传播,CME闭磁场位形和磁云横截面磁场位形相似,可以解释1AU处观测磁云的部分特征;

    The numerical result shows that the CME event is confined by the two streamers to propagate between them and the closed CME magnetic field structure is similar to that in the section of magnetic cloud , which can explain some features of magnetic cloud observed at 1 AU .

  7. 用有限元方法详细分析并计算了HT7超导托卡马克等离子体实验装置上低杂波天线壁上的涡流分布、感应磁场位形和天线所受电磁力。

    It analyzes the eddy current , the distribution of the induced magnetic field and the electromagnetic force on the lower hybrid wave launching antenna on the superconducting tokamak HT 7 by using finite element circuit method .

  8. 通过对原ASDEX极向场线圈系统进行改造,优化设计出HL-2A极向场线圈系统,模拟计算了磁场位形演化并估算了伏秒消耗。

    Optimum design of the PF coil system on the HL 2A is made by changing the PF coil system of the ASDEX . The evolution of plasma current configuration is simulated and the data of the volt second consumption is estimated .

  9. 行星际高密度结构的磁场位形

    The Magnetic Field Configurations Associated With the Interplanetary High Density Structures

  10. 任意磁场位形下弱相对论等离子体的普遍色散关系

    Dispersion relation of general magnetically confined weak relativistic plasmas

  11. 假设初始磁场位形为势场,根部等离子体运动使活动区磁场扭转。

    It was assumed that the initial magnetic fields configuration is a potential field ;

  12. 但是这些喷流的三维磁场位形依然不是很清楚。

    However , the details of three dimensional magnetic configuration are still not very clear .

  13. 从微波爆发的精细结构谱估算粒子能量及磁场位形

    The Estimation of the Particle Energy and Magnetic Field from the Fines Structure of Microwave Bursts

  14. 利用该编码可以方便地研究各种磁场位形及隙压参数对束流输运的影响。

    Its code can easily calculate the effect of various electric and magnetic element parameters on the beam .

  15. 第21周太阳峰年期活动日场的统计分析及磁场位形分类

    Statistical Analysis and Configuration Classification of the Magnetic Fields of the Active Prominences on the Solar Limb During Cycle 21

  16. 本文为探索大尺度磁场位形的起源和应用提供了一种有效的途径。

    This paper provides an effective way to explore the origin and application of the lage-scale magnetic field in astrophysics .

  17. 最后,从磁场位形对电子运动影响的作用角度,详细说明霍尔推力器通道内磁场设计的三个重要参数在推力器进行磁场设计时的作用。

    Finally , the important function of magnetic field parameters in Hall thruster is summarized based on the influence of the magnetic field on electron motion .

  18. 因此适当的磁场位形可以降低微波器件对导引磁场的要求,有利于实现永磁包装微波器件。

    A proper profile can reduce the requirement of the guiding magnetic field , it is advantageous to realize the high power microwave devices packed by permanent magnet .

  19. 用时间缓变的非线性无力场模拟超级活动区(弧岛式大型δ黑子)的磁场位形。

    Within the framework of nonlinear force free fields , the authors try to model the magnetic field configurations of a super active region ( with large island sunspots ) .

  20. 聚焦良好的磁场位形能够有效控制通道内离子束流特性,减小羽流发散角,提高推力器工作性能,同时对壁面腐蚀产生明显的影响。

    A good focusing magnetic field topography can effectively control the ions action in Hall thruster chamber , decreasing the angle of plume , enhancing the working ability , and notedly influencing the wall erosion .

  21. 本文考虑了波驱动通量对磁场位形以及电子密度和温度的空间分布的依赖,应用伴随关系,计算了低混杂波驱动的等离子体电导率的空间分布。

    Considering the dependence of wave driving flux upon magnetic configuration , electron density profile and electron temperature profile , we have found the conductivity profile in LHW driven plasma by using the adjoint method .

  22. 本文阐述了黑洞系统的大尺度磁场位形与黑洞吸积盘内区连续分布的环向电流的关联,计算得到环向分布的电流产生的大尺度磁场位形。

    Correlation between large-scale magnetic field and electric current loops locate at the inner region of the accretion disc is illustrated in this paper , and the magnetic configuration is calculated based on toroidal electric current distributed continuously in the inner disc .

  23. 结果表明,地磁场位形及其引起的磁层等离子体的各向异性是决定哨声射线几何特征及速度结构的主要因素,而电离密度仅在一定程度上改变上述特征;

    The results show that the configuration of the geomagnetic field and resultant plasma anisotropy are governing factors which the geometric features of whistler ray and velocity structure of whistler wave depend on , while ionization density may change , to some extent , these features .

  24. 建造了一台微波等离子体增强化学气相沉积实验装置,利用该装置实验研究了微波功率、工作气体种类、工作气压及磁场位形对等离子体特性影响。

    A microwave plasma enhanced CVD experimental apparatus for thin film deposition and surface modification of materials has been constructed . The influence of input microwave power , process gases , operating pressure and permanent magnet configurations on the plasma behaviour were experimentally investigated using the apparatus .

  25. 无拓扑不变性的磁场平衡位形

    The equilibrium configurations of magnetic field without topological invariance

  26. 在光球表面的某个区域浮现新的磁通后,背景磁场的拓扑位形将会发生改变,在新浮现磁通和背景磁通之间会形成电流片。

    A flux emergence is then introduced somewhere on the photosphere , and it causes a variation of the topology of the background field and a formation of a current sheet at the interface between the newly emerging and preexisting fluxes .

  27. 在电流片两侧的基态速度场与磁场相互平行的位形下,讨论了速度切变对撕裂模不稳定性的影响。

    The influence of shear flow along the magnetic field accompanied with a plane current layer on the tearing instability is analyzed .

  28. 两组磁铁产生的磁场在真空室中相互叠加,形成会切场磁场位形。

    The magnetic fields resulting from the two groups above interact with each other and form a figure of cusp magnetic field .

  29. 不同于磁层顶的磁场重联,磁鞘重联仅仅会导致行星际磁场的结构位形发生变化以及磁鞘区的等离子加热以及加速。

    Unlike the magnetopause reconnection , the magnetosheath reconnection can only lead to the topology change of IMF and the acceleration and heating of the magnetosheath plasma .