
  • 网络Magnetic field shield;screen of the magnetic field
  1. 基于FDTD方法的脉冲磁场屏蔽效能研究

    Investigation of shielding efficiency against pulse magnetic field based on FDTD method

  2. 在电磁屏蔽的领域中,低频(100kHz)磁场屏蔽一直是其中的重点和难点。

    In the field of electromagnetic shielding , magnetic shielding for low frequency ( 100kHz ) is one of the key and difficult points .

  3. 建筑中大面积金属构造物的工频磁场屏蔽效果

    Experimental Investigation of Power-frequency Magnetic Shielding by Large Metallic Structure in Buildings

  4. 屏蔽室对磁场屏蔽效能的三维有限元计算分析

    Magnetic Field Shielding Analysis of Shielded Cell with 3D Finite Element Method

  5. 钢筋网尺寸参数对配电房母排磁场屏蔽效能的影响研究

    Influence of steel grid parameter on its shielding effectiveness for indoor distribution substation

  6. 电磁屏蔽中的难题-磁场屏蔽

    Magnetic Shield & the Difficulty of Electro magnetic Shield

  7. 屏蔽技术可分为:电场屏蔽、磁场屏蔽和电磁场屏蔽。

    The magnetic shielding technology can be divided into electric shielding and magnetic shielding .

  8. 建筑物金属构架对近区雷击的磁场屏蔽效果

    Shielding Effect of the Building Metal Cage Against Magnetic Fields Excited by Near Lightning Strokes

  9. 小型脉冲磁场屏蔽效能测试设备

    Portable magnetic Shielding Effectiveness Measurement Device

  10. 重点讨论了电场屏蔽,高、低频磁场屏蔽和同轴电缆线的屏蔽问题。

    The electrical field shield , high and low frequency magnetic shield and shield of coaxial cable are focused .

  11. 超高压电场和低压大电流磁场屏蔽方法研究

    Study on Shielding Methods of Electric Field in Extra High Voltage and Magnetic Field in Low Voltage and High Current

  12. 笔者对这种大面积金属构造物,包括架空活动地板、金属装饰敷层,以及常用的铝板和镀锌铁皮板的工频磁场屏蔽性能进行了实验调查。

    Experimental investigation of the shielding properties of such metallic structure as well as large flat sheets used in buildings is carried out .

  13. 防电波干扰装置:设有高周波频率稳定器及高频磁场屏蔽系统装置,将高频干扰降到最低。

    Anti-radio interference devices : with high-frequency frequency stabilizer and high frequency magnetic field shielding system device , the high-frequency interference to a minimum .

  14. 从工频磁场屏蔽的角度,首先提出了对电抗器架设低电阻率防护体的措施。

    From the point of view of power-frequency magnetic field shielding , the erection measure of low-resistivity protection body was firstly proposed in the paper .

  15. 有利的影响是指:地球磁场屏蔽了来自宇宙空间的高能粒子和宇宙射线,使人体免受其害;

    The favorable influence is that : terres-trial magnetic field screens the earth from the most high-particle and cosmic rays and ensures people avoid hurt .

  16. 我们在地球上受到磁场屏蔽的保护,而火星的电磁场早在亿万年前就已经消失了。

    We on Earth have protection in the form of a shield . But that shield is dead on Mars , gone for billions of years .

  17. 本文在分析各种干扰源性质的基础上,分别对电场屏蔽和磁场屏蔽进行了详细的介绍,以实现最佳的抗干扰效果。

    This paper introduces in detail electronic shielding and magnetic shielding respectively based on the analysis of interfer - ence sources , to obtain the most anti - interference effectiveness .

  18. 将传统磁控溅射设备阴极内的磁场屏蔽,而在基片下放置一块永磁铁,即在溅射空间加一纵向磁场;

    Shielding the magnetic field in the cathode of the traditional magnetron sputtering device and introducing a magnet below the substrate , let the magnetic field under the substrate take action during sputtering .

  19. 介绍了一种小型脉冲磁场屏蔽效能测试设备的原理、结构及参数,讨论了磁场测量波形的校正问题。

    In order to measure the magnetic shielding effectiveness of buildings such as reinforced concrete construction , metal enclosure a portable measurement device was developed . The principle , structure , parameters are introduced here .

  20. 本文根据屏蔽性质,简单介绍了电场屏蔽,磁场屏蔽和电磁场屏蔽的原理,详细介绍了实际工作中如何对电测仪器进行保护。

    In accordance with shielding property , the article simply introduces the principle of shielding for electric field , magnetic field and electro-magnetic field , and details how to protect the electronic measuring instruments in the practical operation .

  21. 本文从电磁兼容性设计的特点出发,结合电磁兼容性设计的内容,对干扰源的抑制、电场屏蔽、磁场屏蔽、滤波、接地、搭接、布局与线缆敷设的方法和注意事项进行了阐述。

    This paper discusses the methods and advices for suppression of jamming source , shield of electric field , filtering , grounding , joining , distribution and cable laying , based on the nature of electromagnetic compatibility together with the design of electromagnetic compatibility .

  22. 对磁场的屏蔽,采用高导磁率的坡莫合金材料,其屏蔽反射损耗R理想;

    For the shielding of the electric field f interference , used the metal Cu or the material Al which has high conductance and ideal shielding echo wastage R.

  23. 屏蔽电机的磁场与屏蔽层损耗的解析计算

    Calculation of magnetic field and shield loss for shielded motor

  24. 空心电抗器工频磁场干扰屏蔽措施的研究

    Power Frequency Magnetic Field Shielding Measures Analysis of Air-core Reactor

  25. 楼宇结构钢筋对低频磁场的屏蔽作用

    The Effect to Shield from Low Frequency Magnetic Field of the Building Construction Reinforcing Steel Bar

  26. 线圈盒对磁场的屏蔽效应则与涡流产生的磁场有关。

    The shielding effect of coil case is related to the field produced by the eddy currents .

  27. 研究了超导环向场磁体线圈盒对磁场的屏蔽效应。

    This paper deals with the shielding effect of coil case on magnetic field in the superconducting toroidal magnets .

  28. 利用涡流磁场的屏蔽作用,在转子保护环和永磁体之间增加一层电导率高的铜片。

    By using the shielding effect of the eddy-current magnetic field , a copper shield with high conductivity was used between the retaining sleeve and magnets .

  29. 动调式陀螺测斜系统是一种非磁测量仪器系统,可以方便地用于大地磁场受到屏蔽或干扰的地层中井眼轨迹的测量和定向。

    Dynamic adjusting gyroclinometer is a non-magnetic device , which can be used conveniently in wellbore measurement and orientation in strata where earth magnetic field are shielded or disturbed .

  30. 在分析了对几种不同电流源产生的磁场进行屏蔽的机理的基础上,讨论了单电流产生的磁场的有效屏蔽方法。

    This pa per presents the effective shielding design for magnetic fields generated by unidirectional current based on the analysis of the shielding effectiveness of several kinds of current sources .