
  • explorer;Pathfinder
  1. 他父亲是一位北极探险者。

    His father is an Arctic explorer .

  2. 罗伯特E皮埃里因其北极探险者的功绩而赢得了世界声誉。

    Robert E.Peary won worldwide fame for his exploits as an Arctic explorer .

  3. 这正是洞穴探险者害怕的那种洪水。

    This is the type of flood dreaded by cavers

  4. 一想到探险者,我们很多人脑海中浮现的便是长途跋涉前往北极的非凡人物形象。

    When we think of adventurers , many of us conjure up images of larger-than-life characters trekking to the North Pole .

  5. 探险者在中非找到了尼罗河的几处源头。

    Explorers traced the Nile River to its several headstreams in Central Africa .

  6. 探险者们谨慎地把独木舟向上游划去。

    The explorers paddled their canoe cautiously upstream .

  7. 这座新的人工空客珊瑚礁将吸引众多探险者和有经验的潜水者,成为水肺式潜泳者的天堂。

    Drawing in adventure seekers and experienced divers , this new artificial Airbus reef will be a scuba diver 's paradise .

  8. 那些探险者进入丛林后,不得不过着艰苦的生活

    The explorers had to rough it when they got into the jungle .

  9. v.遭遇当那些探险者越过急流时,他们遭遇了很大的危险。

    incur The explorers incurred great dangers when they tried to cross the rapids .

  10. 和《迷失Z城》一样,《星际探索》的灵感也源自《黑暗之心》,讲述一名探险者前往危险未知领域的旅途。

    Like The Lost City , it is a Heart of Darkness-inspired drama about an explorer travelling to dangerous uncharted territory .

  11. 并且,在1924年的那次以失败告终的英国珠峰探险之中,探险者就采集到了跳蛛样本,这些样本现在被陈列在英国自然历史博物馆(BritishNaturalHistoryMuseum)之中。

    In addition , several previously unnamed grasshopper species were collected during the famously ill-fated 1924 British Everest expedition and are now on display in the British Natural History Museum .

  12. 在J2EE探险者系列的第三部分中,我们针对数据持久性将实体bean与会话bean和JDBC组合作了比较和对照。

    In this third installment of the J2EE pathfinder series , we have compared and contrasted entity beans with session beans and JDBC for data persistence .

  13. 今年1月份,皇家加勒比游轮公司的“海洋探险者号”(ExploreroftheSeas)离开新泽西港口,前往加勒比海巡游,途中爆发胃肠道疾病疫情。

    In January hundreds of passengers on Royal Caribbean 's Explorer of the Seas ship from New Jersey to the Caribbean were stricken with a gastrointestinal illness .

  14. 在J2EE探险者系列接下来的两个部分中,我们将着重讨论J2EE技术,这些技术有助于您为企业体系结构创建可靠的数据持久性解决方案。

    For the next two installments of the J2EE pathfinder series , we 'll focus on the J2EE technologies that can help you create sound data persistence solutions for your enterprise architecture .

  15. 我们总是在讨论太空,最近他在纽约探险者俱乐部(ExplorersClub)的一次会议上说。我喜欢科幻小说,我觉得太空也充满了科幻的感觉。

    We 're always talking about space , he said recently at a meeting of the Explorers Club in New York , and I loved sci-fi and I thought space was it too .

  16. 凭《悲惨世界》(LesMisérables)赢得奥斯卡奖,并在诺兰的《黑暗骑士崛起》(TheDarkKnightRises)中饰演角色的安妮·海瑟薇(AnneHathaway)饰演团队中的探险者布兰德(Brand);

    Anne Hathaway ( an Oscar winner for " Les Mis é rables " and a co-star of Mr. Nolan 's " The Dark Knight Rises " ) as Brand , a fellow explorer ;

  17. 一个名为Sacagawea的印第安女人和这些探险者们一起探险。

    An Indian woman called Sacagawea went on the expedition with the explorers .

  18. 玩乐达人将享有参加专属悉尼派对和节日庆祝会的VIP特权,而北领地的内陆探险者则能亲身感受澳洲丛林生活。

    The " Chief Funster " will have VIP access to exclusive Sydney parties and festivals , while the Northern Territory ` s " Outback Adventurer " will get a taste of Australian bush life .

  19. 去年12月福特SUV(运动型汽车)车的销量锐减,包括“探险者”和“远征”,于是抵消了福特新车型“野马”和“福特500”的销量。

    Sharply weaker sales for many of Ford 's sport utility vehicles , including the Explorer and Expedition , offset gains from new cars , including the Mustang and Five Hundred sedan .

  20. 一名佛罗里达教师罗宾Gioia,讲述建立圣奥古斯丁佛罗里达的西班牙探险者佩德罗•梅伦德斯的故事。

    A Florida schoolteacher , Robyn Gioia , tells the story of Spanish explorer Pedro Menendez who founded Saint Augustine , Florida .

  21. 福特的探险者是人们用来以旧换新的最热门型号,其次是福特的F150小货车和克莱斯勒的大切诺基吉普。

    Ford 's Explorer was the most popular trade-in vehicle , followed by Ford 's F150 pickup and Chrysler 's Jeep Grand Cherokee .

  22. 我也听说你计划乘坐探险者号从那儿出去。

    Also heard you 're planning to take a jumper out .

  23. 最近,一队洞穴探险者下到了高弗。伯杰洞里。

    A team of pot-holers recently went down the Gouffre Berger .

  24. 肖肖尼向导帮助探险者穿过高山。

    A Shoshone guide helped the explorers cross the high mountains .

  25. 在其余探险者的脸上,答案似乎很明显。

    In this spirit of other explorers , the answer seems obvious .

  26. 我们是从一个叫做地球的地方来的和平探险者。

    We 're peaceful explorers from a place called earth .

  27. 与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个探险者。

    Eg. he is an explorer rather than a sailor .

  28. 探险者们在山脚下建立了基地

    The explorer sets up a base at the foot of the mountain

  29. 探险者二号,听我的号令准备开火。

    Jumper two , prepare to fire on my mark .

  30. 探险者靠吃豆子和米饭这些单调的食物为生。

    The explorer live on a monotonous diet of bean and rice .