
  1. 从而试图克服目前相关领域研究文献基本停留在方法研究阶段、所给的证例过于简单、没有实际运用价值的缺陷,也尝试探索粗糙集理论在风险投资管理中的应用。

    Verified y a actual investment case , the proposed approach try to research the application of rough set theory in venture capital investment field .

  2. SimpleXML扩展:探索SimpleXML工具集,它将XML转换成对象,从而允许通过一般的属性选择符和数组迭代器进行处理。

    SimpleXML extension : Explore the SimpleXML toolset that converts XML to an object for you to process with normal property selectors and array iterators .

  3. 宏观经济预警新探索:粗集&神经网络预警方法

    Further Study on Macroeconomic Early-warning : Early-warning Method Based on Rough Set and Neural Network

  4. 目的:研究龟龄集对大鼠海马结构内神经丝蛋白的影响,探索龟龄集的抗衰老功效。

    Objective : To study the effect of Guilingji on the expression of neurofilament ( NF ) protein in the hippo campus , and explore its role in delaying aging process .

  5. 本论文探索乔伊斯短篇小说集《都柏林人》的主题之一:逃避以及逃避的失败。

    This thesis explores one of the themes of James Joyce 's Dubliners-Escape and fail to escape .

  6. 对典型元数据方案都柏林核心集的应用进行了分析,探索了都柏林核心集元素的格式与应用;

    The application of typical metadata Dublin core is analyzed . The element formation of Dublin core is studied .

  7. 本文探索了基于粗糙集理论的混合智能算法,并应用于船舶同步发电机的励磁控制系统中。

    In this dissertation , hybrid intelligent methods based on rough set theory were pilot studied for excitation control system of ship synchronous generator .

  8. 通过对导电炭黑填充量对导电性能的探索,优选了集经济性、工艺适性于一体的油炉法炭黑。

    Through study the effect of carbon black filler content on conductivity , oil furnace carbon black with good economy and technology was selected .

  9. 众多研究者经过多年的探索发现,随机集理论有望解决这个难题。

    For several years , researchers have explored the unification of theories enabling the fusion of heterogeneous information and have finally considered random set theory .

  10. 这有助于探索一种适合集边疆、民族地区特征的云南省开展现代远程开放教育的有效模式。

    It is favorable to the exploration of an effective model of modern open distance education that adapts to the characteristics of the border and ethnic minority areas .

  11. 同时在数据理解过程中,进行了甲减属性的深入探索,使训练集和测试集的选择具备一般性。

    At the same time , conducts in-depth exploration of hypothyroidism properties in the data understand process , so that making the training set and testing set more general and representative .