
  1. PLC在管端探伤检测装备辅机中的应用

    The application of PLC to auxiliary machine of pipe end detection apparatus for defects

  2. 从监造角度分析特高压HGIS壳体焊接接头的无损探伤检测

    Supervisory Analysis on Nondestructive Inspection of Welding Bond for UHV HGIS Enclosure

  3. 搭接贴角焊接金属薄板的老方法,现今已基本上为对接坡口焊所取代。从监造角度分析特高压HGIS壳体焊接接头的无损探伤检测

    The old method of soldering metal sheets together has now been largely replaced by welted joints , which are made by a special efficient mechanical device . Supervisory Analysis on Nondestructive Inspection of Welding Bond for UHV HGIS Enclosure

  4. 影响表面缺陷磁粉探伤检测质量的研究

    Research on Affecting Quality of Surface Disfigurement Detection to Magnetic Powder

  5. 介绍了一套荧光磁粉无损探伤检测系统。

    This paper introduced a fluorescent magnetic particle Non-destructive testing system .

  6. 近红外光谱可以直接进行活体无探伤检测,使过去无法开展的研究工作成为可能,极大地提高了分析检测效率,对生命化学和临床研究具有重大意义。

    The near-infrared spectrum can detect the body directly with no invasion .

  7. 井口油管无损探伤检测仪。

    The utility model discloses a mine mouth oil pipe non-destructive detector .

  8. 钢轨高速探伤检测系统中的伤损分析

    Rail Flaw Analysis in the Testing System of Rail Flaw High-speed Inspection

  9. 抽油杆井口探伤检测装置及应用

    Wellhead defect detection device of pumping wells and Iti application

  10. 野外施工中超声波探伤检测误差的影响因素分析及对策

    Factor analysis and countermeasure for the open country supersonic defect detecting error

  11. 多规格油管磁性探伤检测线的研究

    Research on the magnetic testing and inspecting system for multiple sizes of tubing

  12. 活塞销涡流探伤检测

    Piston Pin Eddy Current Inspection

  13. 本文介绍了一种新型钢轨高速探伤检测系统,给出了钢轨伤损分析软件的设计。

    A new-type rail flaw inspection system is introduced . The software of rail flaw analysis is described .

  14. 当吊卡主要承载零件为锻件时,必须进行超声波探伤检测。

    If the main load parts of elevators are forged , it must be detected by ultrasonic method .

  15. 提高探伤检测准确率和效率,同时完成缺陷的量化分析。

    With this system , the veracity and efficiency of defects testing are increased and the defects are analyzed quantificationally .

  16. 在产品质量合格的前提下,超声探伤检测的准确率比较高,能够有效地避免断裂事故的发生。

    On condition that post porcelain insulators satisfy quality standard , Ultrasonic crack detection can effectively obviate the accident of post porcelain insulators crack .

  17. 采用了超声波无损探伤检测和破坏性试验相结合的试验方法,得到了一种鉴别陶瓷电容器可靠性的快速判别依据。

    A quick method to assess the reliability of ceramic capacitors were also got through the combination of supersonic wave aided nondestructive test and destructive test .

  18. 根据曲面超声检测的特点,正确进行超声检测系统的运动轨迹规划,是实现高效超声探伤检测的关键。

    According to the features of ultrasonic inspection for curved surface work-pieces , planning the trajectory of the inspection system rightly was key to realize the ultrasonic inspection for flaws .

  19. 电磁探伤检测仪在江苏油田套损检测中的应用分析针对国内现有油管磁性探伤检测线的不足,研制了新型油管电磁探伤装置。

    The application analysis of electromagnetic detection instrument in casing damage in JS oilfield In the light of the shortcomings of the existing tubing magnetic testing line , a new magnetic testing apparatus is developed .

  20. 通过对平板焊管焊缝质量检测系统的分析与研究,本文研制了焊缝质量的涡流探伤检测及有缺陷焊管的自动剔除系统。

    After the analysis and research on the detection system of slab welded pipe seam quality , this paper introduce the system of defecting welded pipe seam quality based on the eddy current crack detection and automatic elimination to welded pipe with fault in seam .

  21. 利用TCK钢丝绳无损探伤装置检测立井在用钢丝绳技术

    Examination of the TCK Steel Wite Lossless Crack Detection Installment on the in-service Steel Wires in Vertical Shaft

  22. 应用超声波探伤仪检测复合绝缘子的内部缺陷

    Application of Ultrasonic Flaw Detector to Internal Defects in Composite Insulators

  23. 荧光磁粉探伤自动检测及图像处理系统研究

    Research on Automatic Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection and Its Image Processing System

  24. γ射线探伤无损检测的现场辐射环境管理

    Field radiation environmental management of γ - ray fault detection of non-destructive testing

  25. 车轮轮箍超声波探伤计算机检测技术

    Computer inspection technology of wheel and ring ultrasonic testing

  26. 小波变换在超声探伤仪检测回波处理中的应用

    Application of Wavelet Transform to the Testing Echo Processing of Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

  27. 机车传动齿轮超声波探伤自动检测装置

    Automatic ultrasonic defect detector for locomotive drive gear

  28. 用超声波探伤法检测硬质合金顶锤质量的可行性研究

    Study on the quality inspection of hard metal cubic anvil by ultrasonic wave flaw detection

  29. 在使用高合金钢或无铁材料时,可用渗透探伤进行检测。

    In case of high alloy steel or nonferrous materials , liquid penetrate method can be substituted .

  30. 材料对超声波的衰减是影响超声波探伤仪检测能力的主要因素之一。

    Attenuation of ultrasonic wave by material is one of main factors influencing detection capability of ultrasonic wave defectoscope .