
  • 网络radionuclide
  1. 森林在净化放射性核污染中的作用

    The Role of Forest in the Remediation of Radionuclide Contaminated Soils

  2. 70MeV质子束轰击~(72)Ge靶放射性核产生率的计算

    Calculations of the production rate of radioactive nuclear beam induced by 70 MeV protons on 72 Ge target

  3. 放射性核束(RIB)的物理前沿

    Frontiers of RIB Physics

  4. BoomClay由于具有膨胀性、低渗透性和损伤自修复等特性,被认为是一种合理的放射性核废料处置的地质屏障。

    Boom Clay is studied as a reasonable geological barrier in geological disposal of high level radioactive waste because of its swelling , low permeability and self-healing , et al .

  5. 在HI-13串列加速器上利用逆几何反应产生次级放射性核束的可行性研究

    On the feasibility of producing secondary radioactive nuclear beams using reactions in reversed geometries at HI-13 tandem accelerator

  6. 批评人士还将矛头指向了安全问题以及仍未得到解决的放射性核废料的处置问题。2011年的福岛(Fukushima)核灾难,就凸现出核电的安全问题。

    Critics have also pointed to the issue of safety , which was dramatically underscored by the Fukushima disaster in 2011 , and the still unresolved question of how to dispose of radioactive nuclear waste .

  7. 描述了兰州重离子加速器国家实验室最近建成的兰州放射性核束流线(RIBLL)的磁铁和电源系统的物理设计和性能特点。

    The design and specifications of the dipoles , quadrupoles lens and its power supplies for radioactive ion beam line in Lanzhou ( RIBLL ) are described .

  8. 以在美国Washington州Hanford市存放的17类不同组成的高放射性核废料(highlevelradioactivenuclearwaste,HLW)为研究对象,设计了含Cr2O3为4%(质量分数,下同)的模拟HLW。

    A simulated high level radioactive nuclear waste ( HLW ) containing 4 % ( in mass , the same below ) chrome oxide , which represents 17 clusters of the high chrome oxide waste stored at Hanford Washington , USA , was designed .

  9. 描述了用于放射性核束18N在9Be、197Au靶上破裂反应研究的探测器系统构成、性能、特点及在线实验的初步结果。

    The constitution and performances of detector system used for fragmentation reaction induced by radioactive ion beam 18 N + 9 Be ( 197 Au ) and the primary on line experiment results are described .

  10. 随着放射性核束技术的发展,基于加速器与在线同位素分离(IsotopeSeparatorOn-Line,ISOL)技术的短寿命放射性核束在线穆斯堡尔测量技术也得以发展起来,扩展了穆斯堡尔谱学的应用范围。

    With the development of the radioactive nuclear beam techniques , dozens of short life M ? ssbauer precursor isotopes were discovered . After educed from the Isotope Separator On-Line ( ISOL ) facility , the M ?

  11. 电子束在放射性核束物理研究中的应用

    Application of Electron Beam in the Physics with Radioactive Ion Beam

  12. 兰州放射性核束流线的磁铁与电源

    Magnet Lens and Power Supply in Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou

  13. 放射性核束为核物理和核天体物理提供的新机遇

    Challenge and Chance for Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics with Radioactive Ion Beams

  14. 放射性核束引起的奇异核反应研究

    Study of Exotic Nuclear Reaction Induced by Radioactive Nuclear Beam

  15. 产生放射性核束的厚靶的物理设计

    Concept design of a radioactive ion beam thick target

  16. 用高纯锗γ-谱仪借助滑动比较方法精密测量放射性核的γ-射线能量

    Precise Measurement of Gamma Ray Energies With HPGE Spectrometer by Slithering Comparison Method

  17. 次级放射性核束反应截面的理论计算

    Calculations of the cross sections of reactions induced by secondary radioactive nuclear beam

  18. 放射性核次级束终端的大面积双叠层电离室

    A Large Area Twin Foil Ionization Chamber for Reactions on Radioactive Isotope Beam

  19. 但放射性核废料是一个尚未解决的严重问题。

    But radioactive waste is a serious unresolved issue .

  20. 放射性核束的库仑激发

    Study of Coulomb Excitation with Radioactive Ion Beams

  21. 碎裂反应和放射性核束的产生

    Fragmentation reaction and production of radioactive nuclear beams

  22. 放射性核废料自埋过程中的热量阈值

    Heat Threshold During Self-Burial Process of Radioactive Waste

  23. 放射性核束的产生

    And then digital terrain model can be generated . PRODUCTION OF RADIOACTIVE NUCLEAR BEAM

  24. 建立了对不明物项进行放射性核材料检测的程序和方法。

    The apparatus and procedure for fast detection of special nuclear material are established .

  25. 射线检测用计算机插件放射性核引起的反应

    Computer Board for Radioactive - Ray Test Study of Reaction Induced by Radioactive Beams

  26. 放射性核衰变统计规律实验的计算机模拟

    Computer simulation of the radioactive nuclear decay experiment

  27. 新疆地区选建高放射性核废物处置库的可能性

    Analysis on the feasibility of high-level radioactive waste disposal repository establishment in Xinjiang , China

  28. 放射性核废物的地质处置是一个关系到国计民生多学科交叉的综合性问题。

    Geological disposal of radioactive wastes is a multi-disciplinary issue of importance for national interest .

  29. 高放射性核废物地质处置库场址预选和矿产资源勘查的关系

    Interaction between site pre-selection of high-level radioactive waste geological disposal repository and mineral resources prospecting

  30. 放射性核束在生物医学中的应用

    Bio-medical applications of radioactive ion beams