
  • 网络discharge time delay
  1. 当充电电压不变,电容量增加时,放电震荡周期和放电电流峰值都会增加,放电时延减小,放电效率提高。

    When the capacitance increases while the charging voltage is constant , the discharge oscillation cycle and the discharge current peak will increase , discharge time delay decreases .

  2. 对于1mm氮气间隙,计算了充电电压波形为纳秒级上升的斜角平顶波时,开关放电时延以及击穿电压随气压和充电电压上升时间的变化。

    The waveform of the voltage applied to a 1-mm nitrogen gap was assumed as a linear rising followed by a flat top .

  3. 另外,对不同试样的放电时延分布进行了比较。

    Moreover , the time lag distributions with different kinds of specimens were compared together in this paper .

  4. 在直流、交流以及宽脉冲电压波形条件下,电压上升速率相对缓慢,放电时延内电压增幅可忽略不计。

    When applied voltage waveforms are dc , ac and slow pulse , voltage amplitude during discharge can be ignored .

  5. 实验结果显示放电时延的统计学分布与外施电压有关,电压增大,时延缩短。

    The measurement with step voltages , using CIGRE ⅱ electrode system , showed that the statistical distribution of the discharge time lag depends on the applied voltage , the time lag being shorter with increasing voltage .