
  • 网络Radiation reaction;RTOG
  1. 鼻咽癌放疗后副鼻窦放射反应的CT变化规律

    The Regularity of Changes on the CT Images of Accessory Nasal Cavity in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma after Radiotherapy

  2. 结果:行家庭阴道冲洗者在阴道粘膜急性放射反应方面与未冲洗者差异有显著性(P0.05)。

    Results : Compared the trial group with the control group , there were significant differences ( p 0.05 ) in the reduction of the acute radioactive reaction of vaginal mucosa .

  3. 目的观察放疗后程同步化疗对Ⅲ、Ⅳa期鼻咽癌局部控制率(CR)、生存率、远处转移率及口咽黏膜急性放射反应的影响。

    [ Objective ] To observe the effect of local control rate , survival rate , distant metastasis rate and the acute reaction of oral and pharynx membrane to x-ray in simultaneous chemo-radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma in late course of radiotherapy .

  4. 早期放射反应主要为骨髓抑制和肺的早期放射反应,骨髓抑制8例(I度5例,II度3例),主要是白细胞和血小板减少;

    The primary radiation reaction is marrow depression , and primary lung radiation reaction . There are 8 marrow depression cases in these groups ,( degree ⅰ: 5 cases , degree ⅱ: 3 cases ) . Leukocyte and haematoblast decreased in these cases .

  5. 结果放疗后两组的口咽黏膜急性放射反应总的发生率基本相似,但A组的程度比B组轻,Ⅰ、Ⅱ级比较差异有显著意义(P0.05);

    Results The total incidence of acute radiation reaction of oral and oropharyngeal mucosa after radiotherapy in two groups was similar , and it was milder in group A than that in group B.The difference of grade ⅰ and grade ⅱ was significant ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 结论3DCRT能明显改善食管癌的局部控制率和生存率,近期放射反应及远期放射损伤均可耐受。

    Conclusions Compared with conventional fractionation radiotherapy , 3DCRT was able to improve the local control rate of esophageal carcinoma , with tolerable acute and late radiation side effects .

  7. 结果:依据CTC2.0黏膜放射反应分级标准,放射剂量≤DT30Gy时,两组黏膜反应相近(P>0.05);

    Grade scale of radiation reaction of mucosa was according to criterion of RTOG . Results : The reaction of mucosa was similar in two groups when dose of radiation was less than or equal to DT 30 GY ( P > 0.05 ) .

  8. 随访期间晚期放射反应较常见。

    During the follow-up , late radiation reactions are more common .

  9. 双黄连雾化吸入防治头颈部肿瘤急性黏膜放射反应

    Goldthread Spray Inhalation Treating Acute Radiation Reaction in Neck Tumor

  10. 头颈部恶性肿瘤急性放射反应的中西医结合护理

    Nursing With Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine f

  11. 分析治疗组急性放射反应的不同阶段与中医辨证分型的关系。

    Relationship between acute radio - reactions and the syndrome types were analyzed .

  12. 全组13例(68.4%)出现急性放射反应。

    Acute radiation reactions were observed in 68.4 % ( 13 / 19 ) .

  13. 观察放疗后口咽黏膜放射反应的情况。

    The reaction of oral and oropharyngeal mucosa to radiation after radiotherapy was observed .

  14. 头颈部肿瘤放疗黏膜急性放射反应的护理研究

    Nursing study for acute radioresponse of mucosa during radiotherapy to head and neck tumor

  15. 异质性小鼠乳癌细胞的放射反应

    Radiation-induced responses in heterogeneous murine mammary tumor cells

  16. 结论A组放射反应重,疗效差,不易采用。聚乙烯醇氧化改性对其生物降解的影响

    Effects of biodegradation of polyvinyl alcohol by oxidation of the hydroxyl groups with hydrogen peroxide

  17. 常规放疗与准适形放疗治疗鼻咽癌的放射反应对比研究

    Comparative Study on Radiation Reaction between Conventional Radiotherapy and Quasi-conformal Radiotherapy in Treating Nasopharyngeal Cancer

  18. 大多数病例副鼻窦放射反应在1年以后难以自动吸收、消退;

    And nasal sinus radioreactions of most cases were not absorbed spontaneously after one year .

  19. 中药减低鼻咽癌放射反应52例临床疗效分析

    Clinical analyses of effect of Chinese pharmacy on reducing the toxic radiotherapy reaction in nasopharyngeal carcinoma

  20. 服药组病人的放射反应发生率并不降低,但持续时间较短。

    The incidence of acute radiation tissue reations was not decreased but with only shorter duration .

  21. 目的:探索四生汤减轻放射反应的作用机制。

    Objective : To explore the mechanism of alleviating the side effects of irradiation by Sisheng Decoction ( SSD ) .

  22. 目的观察全身伽玛刀治疗纵隔转移瘤的近期疗效与放射反应。

    Objective To investigate the short term therapeutic effectiveness and side-effect of body γ - knife in patients with mediastinum metastases .

  23. 目的观察中药加味生脉散对鼻咽癌急性放射反应的作用。

    ObjectiveTo observe the effect of supplemented Shengmai San ( SMS ) to acute radioactive reaction of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma ( NPC ) .

  24. 中药减低两证型鼻咽癌放射反应50例疗效对比

    50 Cases of Comparison of Effect of TCM on Reducing the Toxic Radiotherapy Reaction in Two Types of Pathogenesis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

  25. 目的比较不同照射野或不同剂量分割放疗鼻咽癌的急性放射反应及后遗症。

    Objective To compare the acute radiation reactions and sequelae with different radiation fields and different modes of fractionated radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma .

  26. 结果上颌窦和蝶窦的放射反应可分为片状型、月牙型、环型和息肉型。

    Results The radioreactions in maxillary sinus and sphenoidal sinus might be classified as patch form , crescent form , ring form and polyform .

  27. 结论中药液冲洗是预防鼻咽癌患者放射反应及放射性毒副反应的有效手段。

    Conclusion Flushing nasopharynx with Chinese Medicine Liquid is an effective way to protect and treat the reaction and toxicity of the radiotherapy for NPC patients .

  28. 目的:评价双黄连雾化吸入在头颈部肿瘤放疗中治疗急性黏膜放射反应的临床价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical value of absorbing atomization of goldthread in treating acute radiation reaction of mucosa during radiotherapy to head and neck tumor .

  29. 目的观察评价体部γ-刀治疗中晚期胰腺癌的疗效和放射反应。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy of body gamma knife treatment for stage ⅱ~ⅳ pancreatic carcinoma ( PC ) and investigate the reaction of patients to the treatment .

  30. 直肠与膀胱放射反应,高剂量率组似比低剂量率组高,但统计学上无差别。

    But the radiation reaction of the rectum and bladder within two years of treatment in the high-dose rate group was slightly greater than that of the low-dose rate group .