
guǐ mì
  • secretive;surreptitious
诡秘 [guǐ mì]
  • [surreptitious;secretive] 隐秘不为人知

  • 小姑娘回过头,诡秘地眨着眼睛。--王润兹《卖蟹》

  • 祥林嫂,你实在不合算。 柳妈诡秘的说。--《祝福》

诡秘[guǐ mì]
  1. 这部小说奇异而诡秘,打破了传统意义上的叙述方式,打破了现存的价值理念,打破了理性世界的逻辑和秩序。

    With eccentric and surreptitious style , the novel breaks the traditional way of narration and the existing models of value as well as the logic and order of the rational world .

  2. 此人行迹诡秘,定非善类。

    Secretive as he is , he cannot possibly be a good man .

  3. 他十分诡秘,闭口不谈他要去哪里。

    He was being very mysterious about where he was going .

  4. 这个组织笼罩着一种诡秘的气氛。

    The organization is cloaked in a shroud of secrecy .

  5. 杰西卡看见他们俩诡秘地相视一笑。

    Jessica caught a secret smile flitting between the two of them .

  6. 他诡秘地朝她瞥了一眼。

    He glanced at her slyly .

  7. 他是一个狡猾诡秘的人,我不信任他。

    He 's a devious , secret person and I don 't trust him .

  8. 由于球状闪电行为的诡秘奇特,有人提出大部分UFO可能就是球状闪电。

    The literature on ball lightning is rather fringy , and you have to be careful to separate the credible ball lightning reports from the lightning and UFO lore .

  9. 雪豹伪装得很好,行踪诡秘,很少能够看到。

    Well camouflaged and highly elusive , snow leopards are seldom seen .

  10. 他首先招呼那两个形迹诡秘的人。

    First , he took the two secret men .

  11. 然后他变得十分诡秘,叫我考虑这件事。

    Then he got very mysterious and told me to think about it .

  12. 你这个诡秘的家伙!你从哪里弄到这些东西的?

    You are a sly thing ! Where did you get these from ?

  13. 两个姑娘和乔丹诡秘地把头靠到一起。

    The two girls and Jordan leaned together confidentially .

  14. 他的嘴角慢慢露出了诡秘的微笑。

    A slow sly smile was creeping around the corners of his mouth .

  15. 你最后会发现的,玛丽诡秘地笑着说。

    " You 'll find out eventually ," said Mary with a sly smile .

  16. 我看不出他身上有什么诡秘的迹象。

    I could see nothing sinister about him .

  17. 现在那一双在浓重的灰眉毛下面的眼睛又发出了那种诡秘的表情。

    Now the eyes under their bushy gray brows had that sly look again .

  18. 他们碰头时行动非常诡秘,所以没法发现他们是谁。

    They meet so privately that it is impossible to discover who they are .

  19. 不过在韩国人眼中,三星这个名字也代表着贪婪和诡秘。

    Among South Koreans , though , the name Samsung also evokes greed and secrecy .

  20. 他是个诡秘的家伙!他将遗产的秘密隐藏了十年。

    He 's a sly one ! He kept his inheritance secret for ten years .

  21. 在那里发生罪案后,该地笼罩上一种阴森诡秘的气氛。

    The crime commit there invest the place with an air of mystery and gloom .

  22. 他们诡秘地相互微微一笑。

    They smiled at each other conspiratorially .

  23. 他似乎是个诡秘的人,总是极其秘密地做事。

    He seems to be a secretive person and always does things with great secrecy .

  24. 深深地思索人生的意义那人令人莫测高深(诡秘的很)。

    Pondering on the meaning of life The man is as deep as a well .

  25. 他原本可以做得更诡秘一些

    He could be craftier about it .

  26. 它的诡秘和悄无声息更增添了它的神奇。

    The very stealth , the eerie quietness , of the thing makes it more magical .

  27. 因为你诡秘的微笑掩饰着的秘密。

    Shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed .

  28. 今年,由于两党都是如此行事诡秘,情况就很难说了。

    This year , it is hard to say , because both parties are so secretive .

  29. 她诡秘地向马德琳瞥了一眼。

    She glanced slyly at Madeleine .

  30. 在2010年的大部分时间里,涉及地方债的讨论,在北京听起来就像是诡秘的窃窃私语。

    For much of 2010 , talk of local government debt sounded like conspiratorial whisperings in Beijing .