
guǐ léi
  • booby trap;trap mine;infernal machine
诡雷[guǐ léi]
  1. 另外,普通的物品也被做成“诡雷”用来干任何事情。

    Ordinary objects can be booby-trapped to do almost anything .

  2. 谁晓得这玩意装了什么诡雷。

    Who knows what kind of booby traps this thing 's got .

  3. 他们在地上搜寻诡雷。

    They searched the ground for booby traps .

  4. 放一个诡雷在上面以防万一你的敌人试图占据它。

    Place a Saboteur bomb on it in case your enemy tries to recapture the spike .