
Bā jīn
  • Ba Jin;barking;pen name of lǐ yáotánɡ ;an author of novels popular in 1930s
  1. 巴金:革命年代的五四话语

    Bajin : " May 4 Discourse " in the Revolution Year

  2. 重新思考民族生存与民族文化的关系&从《怀念振铎》论及巴金晚年有关民族文化的反思

    The Reflections on the Relationship Between Nation Existence and Nation Culture

  3. 从巴金顿出发,我还有一百英里的路要走。

    From Parkington I still had a hundred miles to go .

  4. 论巴金小说的西方文化接受

    On the Western Culture Acceptance of Ba Jin 's Novel

  5. 新世纪巴金研究综述

    Summarize on BA Jin ′ Research in the New Century

  6. 浅析巴金《家》中的男权主义思想

    Brief Analysis of Male Chauvinism in Ba Jin 's " Family "

  7. 文学论道&巴金先生的文学空间

    Sir BA Jin 's Literary Space : " Tao " in Literature

  8. 巴金含爱蕴恨的为心中的人民忏悔;

    Ba Jin 's confession consciousness embodied love and hate .

  9. 论巴金家庭小说的主体意识

    On the Subject Awareness in Ba Jin 's Family Novels

  10. 《家》是巴金的代表作。

    Home is one of Ba Jin 's masterpieces .

  11. 巴金:在历史和文化之间艰难地行进

    Bajin : The Person Who Has Been Marching Hard Between History And Culture

  12. 巴金的愿望与住房制度改革谁令居住如此艰难?

    Jin who desire to live with the housing system reform so difficult ?

  13. 《寒夜》人物塑造中的阴影&论巴金创作的男权意识

    The Shadow of HanYe & BaJin 's male consciousness

  14. 最近以来我一直在看巴金的作品。

    I have been reading Ba Jing lately .

  15. 论巴金的审美心理结构

    On Ba Jin ′ s Aesthetic Mental Structure

  16. 青春风骨:巴金的激情叙述

    Youthful Style : Ba jin 's Passionate Narrative

  17. 巴金以一名伟大的作家而著名。

    Bajin is known as a great writer .

  18. 巴金《激流》三部曲中三个体系人物性格特征探析

    Role Character Feature Research in Three Systems of Ba Jin 's 《 Torrent 》 Trilogy

  19. 巴金与现代人学&《随想录》新论

    Ba Jin and Modern Studies of Humans

  20. 这种转换表现出巴金悲剧性生命体验的逐步深化。

    This kind of shift reveals gradual deepening of Ba Jin 's tragic life experience .

  21. 世纪之交的精神界之战士的言说&论巴金晚年散文创作

    The Way to Express the Fighter in the Spiritual Field at Turn of the Century

  22. 巴金是一位文坛巨匠。

    Ba Jin is a literary giant .

  23. 论巴金“家庭故事”与“团体故事”的同构性

    On the isomorphism of BA jin 's " family story " and " group story "

  24. 巴金是中国现代文学史上杰出的文学家。

    Ba Jin is one of the most outstanding literators in contemporary Chinese history of literature .

  25. 家的解构与重建&巴金家庭题材小说的现代性追求

    Deconstruction Reconstruction of " Family " On pursuit of modernity of Ba Jin 's family novels

  26. 生活中的巴金

    The Life of Ba Jin

  27. 鲁迅瞿秋白巴金:主体人格的彰显、追寻和重获

    Lu Xun , Qu Qiu-bai and Ba Jin : Protruding , Seeking after and Regaining Subject Personality

  28. 巴金与西湖同在

    Ba Jin and West Lake

  29. 巴金与重庆

    BA Jin and Chongqing

  30. 本研究将集中探讨巴金散文创作对中外散文精华的继承和发展。

    This research focuses on investigating the influences of his works on the heritage and development of proses .