
  • 网络paris fashion week
  1. 这一潮流始于本月早些时候的巴黎时装周,当时让·保罗·高缇耶带领一众白发苍苍的模特亮相T台。

    The trend can be tracked back to Jean Paul Gaultier 's catwalk show at Paris Fashion Week featuring silver haired models earlier this month .

  2. 苹果正在以这款设备博取时尚和奢侈品市场的好感,包括在巴黎时装周(ParisFashionWeek)期间特意在柯莱特时尚店(Colette)陈列该产品。

    Apple is courting the fashion and luxury market with the device , including a showcase during Paris Fashion Week held at the chic boutique store Colette .

  3. 每当秋季来临的时候,尼娜•加西亚(NinaGarcia)总要穿梭于纽约、米兰和巴黎时装周,整整四周、每天16个小时总是从早忙到晚。

    Nina Garcia typically kicks off fall with four weeks of16-hour days during the New York , Milan and Paris fashion weeks .

  4. 每当秋季来临的时候,尼娜·加西亚(NinaGarcia)总要穿梭于纽约、米兰和巴黎时装周,整整四周、每天16个小时总是从早忙到晚。

    Nina Garcia typically kicks off fall with four weeks of 16-hour days during the New York , Milan and Paris fashion weeks .

  5. 在近期结束的巴黎时装周上,茧型外套、赫本(Hepburn)风宽松裤和对粗犷服饰的华丽诠释成为本季时装系列的特色。

    Cocooning coats , Hepburn slacks and a deeply luxurious take on rugged clothing marked the fashion collections that ended here Wednesday .

  6. 忆起紫罗兰YSL的细节之美YSL2007春夏巴黎时装周

    The Detail Beauty of YSL

  7. 安东尼•瓦卡莱洛此前效力于意大利品牌范思哲(Versus,Versace)。这位比利时设计师的首场圣罗兰时装展将于今年10月份的2017春夏巴黎时装周期间举行。

    The Belgian designer , who was previously at Italian brand Versus Versace , is to present his first collection for YSL in October during the Paris Spring-Summer 2017 fashion week .

  8. 该展览意在提醒观众,Chloé这个法国品牌的历史,与Dior和SaintLaurent一样悠久而辉煌;这一季关于后两家公司的新任设计师的新闻,盖过了巴黎时装周期间发生的所有其他新闻。

    The exhibition was meant to remind audiences that Chlo é is a French label with a history not unlike those of Dior or Saint Laurent , where the news of two new designers this season overshadowed just about everything else happening in Paris .

  9. 在巴黎时装周期间,在东京宫(PalaisdeTokyo)展示该品牌历史的展览上,拉格菲尔德先生与阿格依奥女士再次重逢,这一时刻非常温馨,因为自从上世纪90年代离开Chloé,他跟她就失去了联系。

    During Paris Fashion Week , there was a sweet moment when Mr. Lagerfeld , who had lost touch with Ms. Aghion after he left Chlo é in the ' 90s , was reunited with her at an exhibition covering the history of the label at the Palais de Tokyo .

  10. 章泽天频频亮相巴黎时装周。

    Zhang Zetian makes frequent appearances during Paris Fashion Week .

  11. 春天与我们的约会2007春季成衣亮相巴黎时装周

    2007 Spring Advanced Dress Showed At Paris Fashion Week

  12. 我将跟他一起去今年秋天的巴黎时装周。

    I get to go with her to Paris for fashion week in the fall .

  13. 巴黎时装周期间,游客可在洛朗组织的高档聚会上与参会的名模、名流进行亲密互动。

    Visitors during Paris Fashion Week can hobnob with models and celebs at one of his exclusive parties .

  14. 席琳·迪翁一直都是巴黎时装周的中心,这证明了她为什么永远是时尚标杆。

    Celine Dion has been front and centre during Paris Fashion week , proving why she will forever remain a style icon .

  15. 23岁的章泽天已然成为了京东的非官方时尚门面,巴黎时装周期间亮相迪奥和郭培的秀场。

    As the 23-year-old unofficial face of JD Fashion , Zhang Zetian appeared at shows for Dior and Guo Pei during Paris Fashion Week .

  16. 在巴黎时装周的一些秀场上,来宾的席位被安排得非常拥挤狭窄,你可以从身体上就感觉到那些来宾们的反应,肢体语言已经超出了凳子的范围。

    At some shows in Paris , the seating arrangements are so cramped that you can physically feel the audience reaction in the body language running along a bench .

  17. 纽约时装周的安排总是那么满满当当的,时尚界人士们都盼着伦敦、米兰和巴黎时装周赶快到来,好去享用那些地方漫长闲适的午餐。

    The New York schedule is always so jam-packed that the fashion set looks forward to the London / Milan / Paris circuit for its long , leisurely lunches .

  18. 这场秀将在下周二开幕的巴黎时装周期间举行,组织方巴黎“老佛爷”百货公司有意让其写入吉尼斯世界纪录。

    Held at the height of Paris fashion week which kicks off on Tuesday , the event organised by Paris Galeries Lafayette department store is bidding for a spot in the Guinness Book of Records .

  19. 奢侈配饰网站Editorialist联合创始人凯特・戴维德森・赫德森(KateDavidsonHudson)最近怀着五个多月的身孕去米兰和巴黎参加时装周。

    Kate Davidson Hudson , co-founder of the luxury accessories website Editorialist , recently traveled to Milan and Paris Fashion Weeks while she was more than five months into her pregnancy .

  20. 这样的装扮搭配上精心固定的发髻、清新妆容以及低调朴素的首饰,就算是坐在巴黎高级定制时装周的前排也毫不逊色。

    a look which , teamed with her neatly pinned up hair , fresh-faced make-up and understated accessories , wouldn 't have looked out of place in the front row at Paris Haute Couture Week .

  21. 除了每年要分别给芬迪、香奈儿和他自己的卡尔·拉格菲尔德品牌设计几个系列之外,上周他宣布将在7月份的巴黎高级定制时装周上为以皮草为重的芬迪增加一场高级皮草秀。

    In addition to designing several collections a year each for Fendi , Chanel and his own Karl Lagerfeld line , he announced last week that he would add a show of haute fourrure , or " couture fur , " for fur-centric Fendi during the Paris couture collections in July .