
  • 网络Maritime Silk Road
  1. 2001年海上丝路研究在中国(上)

    Studies on " Maritime Silk Road ", 2001 in China ( I )

  2. 2001年中国对海上丝路的研究蓬勃发展,先后在昆明、宁波、湛江和广州召开了4次有关的学术研讨会。

    The studies on " Maritime Silk Road " in China flourished in 2001 , with four academic symposiums concerned being held successively in Kunming , Ningbo , Zhanjiang and Guangzhou .

  3. 泉州海上丝路文化的普世价值及重要启示

    Universal Value and Important Revelation of Sea Silk Road Culture in Quanzhou

  4. 广东近代诗歌海洋意识与海上丝路

    Oceanic Consciousness of the Contemporary Poetry in Guangdong and Silk Road on the Sea

  5. 从泉州华侨看泉州港在海上丝路的历史地位

    Observing Historical Position of Quanzhou Port at Sea Silk Road from Quanzhou 's Overseas Chinese

  6. 而广东近代文学又反过来促进了海上丝路的发展和繁荣。

    On the contrary , the literature promotes the development and prosperity of the silk road .

  7. 郑和与海上丝路系列专论(五)中国传统商品与外贸

    China Traditional commodity & Foreign Trade

  8. 中国海上丝路始发港探源

    A Probing Analysis of the Port of Departure on " the Silk Road at Sea " in China

  9. 番禺是华南海上丝路最早的始发港&对《关于中国古代海上丝绸之路最早始发港研究述评》的意见

    Panyu : The Earliest Set Sail Port of the Maritime Silk Route of South China & Some Views on A Review on Researches in Earliest Departure Harbor of Silk Road on Sea in Ancient China

  10. 世纪时,蒙古帝国瓦解、明朝实行闭关政策,加上“海上丝路”的发展,丝绸之路被迫走向没落。

    During the14th century , with the disintegration of the Mongol empire , the isolationist policies of the Ming dynasty , and the development of the silk route by sea , the silk road was forced into decline .

  11. 14世纪时,蒙古帝国瓦解、明朝实行闭关政策,加上“海上丝路”的发展,丝绸之路被迫走向没落。

    During the 14th century , with the disintegration of the Mongol Empire , the isolationist policies of the Ming Dynasty , and the development of the silk route by sea , the Silk Road was forced into decline .

  12. 在唐代之前,中阿贸易主要通过陆上丝路进行,从唐代中后期开始,海上丝路逐渐取代陆上丝路,成为中阿贸易的主要通道。

    The trade between China and Arab went on through the Silk Road mainly by land before Tang . In the middle and late Tang , the Sea-lane became the main passway of China and Arab ' instead of the land .

  13. 笔者根据历史文献、考古成果与历史地理条件,逐一分析韩文的理据,得出番禺是华南古代海上丝路最早始发港的结论。

    Based on the historical literature , archaeological achievement and historical geographical condition , this paper is analyzed these arguments one by one , as well as getting a conclusion & Panyu was the earliest set sail port of the maritime silk route of ancient South China .