
  • 网络Overseas Trust;Offshore Trusts
  1. 此外,这些计划将令不在英国定居的居民的海外信托税收更为严格,并将减少他们在英国停留的时间。

    The proposals would also make taxation of offshore trusts for non-doms tougher and reduce the number of days they can visit the UK .

  2. 要收集到具体的所有权信息是不可能的,因为多数俄罗斯公司的控制权都掩藏在模糊的公司架构之下,而且通常由海外信托机构控制。

    It is impossible to gather detailed ownership information , since control of most Russian companies is hidden behind obscure corporate structures , often through offshore trusts .

  3. 为了达成目标,英国、法国、德国、意大利和西班牙这欧盟五大经济体,针对空壳公司与海外资产信托的真正持有人——即“实益”所有人——宣布了一项资讯自动分享计划。

    To that end , the biggest economies in the European Union - Britain , France , Germany , Italy and Spain - announced a plan to automatically share information about the true , or " beneficial , " owners of shell companies and overseas trusts .