
  • 网络Hotel De La Place
  1. 若想享受屋顶游泳池和高端餐厅,不妨前往共有80间客房的酒店L’HotelSaint-Louis(20号;33-4-90-27-55-55;cloitre-saint-louis.com),这里在文艺复兴时期曾是一间耶稣会学校,在现代又由让·努维尔(JeanNouvel)进行了加建。

    For a rooftop pool and high-end restaurant , the 80-room L'Hotel Saint-Louis ( No. 20 ; 33-4-90-27-55-55 ; cloitre-saint-louis . com ) occupies a Renaissance-era Jesuit school and a modern addition by Jean Nouvel .

  2. 这座有368间客房的酒店称,该套房从未打折。

    And the368-room hotel says it never gives a discount on the suite .

  3. 强大的爆炸爆裂酒店的气瓶,并引发大火很快吞噬了300间客房的酒店。

    The powerful blast burst the hotel 's gas cylinders and triggered a blaze that quickly engulfed the300-room hotel .

  4. 防鼾声客房是酒店采取的另一项措施,正在测试阶段。皇冠假日酒店是洲际酒店集团旗下的品牌酒店。

    Snore-proof rooms are an additional measure being tested by the hotel brand , owned by the InterContinental Hotels Group .

  5. 接收各处零散及团体预定,安排客房以及酒店相关各项咨询事宜。

    Receive everywhere zero spread and the group schedule to , arranging guest room and cabaret various related consultation affairs .

  6. 模拟的客房和酒店前台也为学生日后的职业发展提供了机会。

    Mock guest room and hotel front office laboratories also provide the opportunities for students to prepare for their future careers .

  7. 这家五星级酒店享有尼罗河全景,设有带平面卫星电视和大理石浴室的空调客房。酒店拥有豪华的温泉设施和室外园林泳池区。

    Overlooking the Great Pyramids of Giza , this hotel is surrounded by40 acres of green gardens and has a spa , fitness centre and lap pool .

  8. 该赌场于上月开业,其80张贵宾赌桌目前只有26张投入运营,而其拥有216间客房的酒店到7月底才会全部开放。

    It opened last month with only 26 of 80 VIP tables ready , while its 216-room hotel will not be fully open until the end of July .

  9. 兰德伯格带我看了一间大约有170平方英尺的客房,酒店方面称这是一间高级客房,房里有一张床,你只需要按一个按钮,床就会自动缩回去,营造出更多的空间。

    Landberg shows me around a 170-square-foot room , which it calls a premium cabin , with a bed that retracts at the touch of a button to create more space .

  10. 客房部分是酒店收益的主要来源。

    The part of the hotel room is the main source of income .

  11. 然后订房信息被发送给客房部和酒店的会计部。

    The room-booking information travels to the housekeeping department and the hotel 's accountants .

  12. 拥有30间客房的大华酒店,将于本月下旬隆重登陆古色古香的唐人街,为新加坡酒店业带来新一浪潮流冲击。

    An exciting new addition to Singapore 's hospitality industry , the30-room New Majestic Hotel , opens in the historic Chinatown district later this month .

  13. 而坐落于华盛顿广场公园附近的位于第六大道的拥有113间客房的精品酒店是永恒典雅的缩影——包括里面的和外面的。

    Located just off of 6th Avenue , nearWashington Square Park , the 113-bedroom boutique hotel is the epitome oftimeless elegance - both inside and out .

  14. 酒店客房收入是酒店收入中最重要的部分,酒店客房定价的好坏会对酒店的收入和利润产生很大的影响。

    The room rent makes the most important part of hotel income , so the price of room rent play a great influence on the hotel income and profit .

  15. 阿莫多瓦酒店(AlmodovarHotel)是一间共有60间客房的生态精品酒店,已在弗里德里希斯海因区开业三年,采用智能精简设计的同时,也将焦点放在环境的可持续性上,从纺织品到照明再到有机素食早餐。

    Almodovar Hotel , a 60-room eco boutique property that opened three years ago in the Friedrichshain district , combines smart , pared-down design with a focus on environmental sustainability that stretches from the textiles to the lighting to the organic , vegetarian breakfast spread .

  16. 在全球金融危机已经使五星级酒店入住率遭受重创之际,上海仍计划在明年年底前再增加2万个酒店客房,使星级酒店客房供应量增加34%。

    Shanghai plans to add 20,000 hotel rooms by the end of next year a 34 per cent inflation in the supply of starred hotel rooms at a time when occupancy rates at five-star hotels have already been savaged by the global financial crisis .