
  • 网络sandhi tone
  1. 中频电载波频率4kHz,调制频率100Hz,采用连调波型,中频电流为2mA,作用时间为10min。

    The carrier frequency of medium frequency electricity was 4 kHz with modulating frequency of 100 Hz in manner of continuous wave , the electric current of medium frequency was 2 mA and acting time of 10 min.

  2. 而我是从别的连调来的。

    And I 'm from another company .

  3. 五个单字调在连调前字位置都要发生变调;

    Five citation tones will change when they are the first word in tone sandhi .

  4. 其它情况下的两字组连调则与语音环境和语法结构有关。

    Tone sandhi of the disyllables in other conditions is relevant to the phonetic environment and the grammatical structure .

  5. 最后将新派海门话与新派上海话、常州话的两字组连调作比,寻找三者之间的亲疏关系。

    At last it compares the dialects of Haimen with Shanghai and Changzhou to discover the relations between them .

  6. 论文最后对整个系统进行连调,对数据传输和显示的波形结果进行了分析。

    Finally , we connect the entire system to get the result and analyze the data transmission and display of the waveform .

  7. 除此之外,第二和第三章都略微封论了首字凸显型的连调,但未深入。

    Besides , the second and third chapter both simply discussed the " first-syllable prominence tone sandhi ", but not discussed it deeply .

  8. 分层着眼于语言系统,根据连调在语音和语义层面上的不同表现,将其区分为单层面和跨层面两个不同的层级。

    Level differentiation aims at language system , dividing tone sandhi into single-level and cross-level in accordance to their different phonological and semantic representations .

  9. 实验结果显示:以声调语言为母语的泰国学生跟非声调母语的学生相比,连调组命名的总体正确率差别不大,但在不同的声调组合上存在差异。

    The result shows : The Thailand students with a tone-language mother-tongue and other students without any tone-language mother-tongues have similar main correct rate but some differences on each item .

  10. 实验二考察不同母语背景、同等汉语水平的第二语言学习者对包括三声连读变调在内的所有连调组的发音状况,并对所出现的强势偏误进行分析。

    The experiment 2 examine the pronunciation of all 16 tone-combinations by the second language learners of the same level but different mother-tongue background , and analyze the recorded errors .

  11. 通过三轴转台半实物仿真进行了全系统的连调,同时检验了控制系统和主控软件各个模块在各种环境和初始条件下的工作情况。

    Through semi-object simulation in the tri-axial table made the compilation of the whole system , and checked the complexion of control system and all modules in the main control soft working .

  12. 两字组的分析和描写主要涉及两字组连调的调式、连调规律、连调模式、异调同读、阴平字探讨等方面。

    The analysis and description on the disyllabic compounding patters mainly involve in the several aspects , such as the tone forms , rule of tone sandhi , mode of the sandhi , same sound from the different tone , high and leve tone and so on .

  13. 热宽带钢连轧机调宽轧制工艺参数研究

    Investigation on basic technological parameter of edging rolling on hot wide strip mill

  14. 六辊冷连轧机张力超调成因的有限元分析

    Analysing Reason for Excess Tension of Six-Roller Sheet Rolling Mill Using FEM