  • buy;get;purchase;ask for;handle
  • 拿钱换东西,与“卖”相对:~卖。~办(a.中国明代专指对宫廷供应用品的商人;b.鸦片战争后指外国商人在中国市场上推销商品的代理人)。~名。~好。~笑(旧指到妓院寻欢作乐)。~主。~方。~春(买酒,唐代酒名多带“春”字)

  • 招致:~祸。

  • 姓。


(拿钱换东西) buy; purchase; ask for; get:

  • 购买


  • 买便宜货

    buy a cheap article;

  • 贱买贵卖

    buy cheap and sell dear;

  • 那幅古画是1989年以5万法郎买下的。

    The ancient painting was purchased for 50,000 francs in 1989.

  • 他这辆汽车买得便宜。

    He bought that car cheap.

  • 我明天去给她买几件新衣服。

    I will buy her some new clothes tomorrow.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 买洁

    Mai Jie

  1. 对不起,我忘了买牛奶。

    I am sorry that I forgot to buy the milk .

  2. 我到街角的小店去买了份报纸。

    I went to buy a paper at the corner dairy .

  3. 我觉得花100英镑买一条连衣裙太奢侈了。

    I felt very extravagant spending £ 100 on a dress .

  4. 他们中没有哪个拿得出50英镑买一张票。

    None of them could afford £ 50 for a ticket .

  5. 哎呀,我们买两份吧,管它多少钱!

    Oh , let 's get two and hang the expense !

  6. 我在减价期间买了几样挺不错的便宜货。

    I picked up a few good bargains in the sale .

  7. 他把旧汽车折价添钱买了辆新奔驰。

    He traded in his old car for a new Mercedes .

  8. 买尺寸大点的更实惠。

    It would be more economical to buy the bigger size .

  9. 他们买了两英里科罗拉多河沿河的土地。

    They bought two miles of river frontage along the Colorado .

  10. 在他的建议下,我买了那部比较贵的打印机。

    At his suggestion , I bought the more expensive printer .

  11. 开发商们要把岛上的全部土地都买尽了。

    Developers are buying up all the land on the island .

  12. 我们可能买,不过也可能不买。

    We might buy it but then again we might not .

  13. 他们穷得没钱给孩子买鞋穿。

    They were too poor to buy shoes for the kids .

  14. 我想买那东西,但钱不够。

    I wanted it but I didn 't have the money .

  15. 她买了一件尺码稍大的以备缩水。

    She bought a slightly larger size to allow for shrinkage .

  16. 我买不起,太贵了。

    I can 't afford it , it 's too expensive .

  17. 他的新玩意儿是他上星期买的电钻。

    His latest toy is the electric drill he bought last week .

  18. 现在买房子正是时候。

    Now is a good time to buy a house .

  19. 用音乐和灯光刺激购物者买更多的东西。

    Music and lighting are used to encourage shoppers to buy more .

  20. 买房子会是件很麻烦的事。

    Buying a house can be a very tiresome business .

  21. 买便宜衣服实际上划不来。

    It 's a false economy to buy cheap clothes .

  22. 买结婚礼物,他出的钱最少。

    He gave least of all towards the wedding present .

  23. 点击此处查看我们的一些多买优惠商品。

    Click here to see some of our multibuy offers .

  24. 我们每人出10元钱给她买礼物。

    We all pitched in $ 10 to buy her a gift .

  25. 我个人的意见是我们应该买较便宜的那个。

    My own feeling is that we should buy the cheaper one .

  26. 我们凑钱给他们买了一台新电视机。

    We clubbed together to buy them a new television .

  27. 他用全部积蓄买了一条船。

    He put all his savings into buying a boat .

  28. 你可以在邮局买邮票。

    You can buy your stamps at the post office .

  29. 你可以整盒地买磁盘,每盒十张。

    You can buy the disks in packs of ten .

  30. 我买不起,这就是全部的理由。

    I can 't afford it ─ that 's the whole point .