
  • 网络Soft birth canal injury;laceration of birth canal
  1. 产科特殊检查63例软产道损伤临床分析

    A Clinical Analysis of 63 Cases of Soft Obstetric Canal Damage

  2. 63例软产道损伤中,会阴裂伤54例,产道血肿6例,宫颈裂伤3例。

    Among the 63 cases , 54 were perineal rupture , 6 obstetric canal hematoma and 3 cervical rupture .

  3. 无感染、羊水栓塞、大出血和软产道损伤病例。

    There was no case with infection , fluid embolism , massive hemorrhage and the damage of soft birth canal .

  4. 方法对1998年至今分娩总数中的182例软产道损伤进行回顾性调查,探讨软产道损伤的临床特点进行分析。

    Methods conduct retrospective analysis on 182 cases of birth canal injury from 1998 to today and study its clinical characteristic .

  5. 结果失血情况随孕周增加、失血量增多。产后病率9%,包括胎盘残留及软产道损伤等。

    Results The blood losing was increased with pregnancy weeks and incidence of post partum of 9 % that including placenta remain and soft birth canal injury .

  6. 结果:产后出血原因:宫缩乏力、胎盘因素、软产道损伤、凝血功能障碍等。

    Results : The main causes of postpartum hemorrhage were as follows : uterine inertia , placenta factor , some birth canal injury , coagulation functional disturbance and so on .

  7. 采取了系统的综合措施减少产后失血,对加强系统管理、降低臀位发生率以及减少软产道损伤方面也采取了若干积极的预防、控制措施。

    Also , preventive and controlling measures were adopted for strengthening systemic supervision , lowering the occurrence rate of breech presentation , & lightening the injury of the soft birth canal .

  8. 结果胎吸组的成功率(96.50%)较产钳组(99.19%)略低,但差异无显著性(P>0.05);两组母亲软产道损伤及胎儿头颅损伤发生率的差异也无显著性(P>0.05)。

    Results Two kinds of assisted vaginal delivery showed no significant difference in successful rate , maternal perineal , vaginal injuries and injury to the baby ( P > 0.05 ) .

  9. 结果本资料显示急产组产后出血、软产道损伤、会阴伤口感染及新生儿窒息、头颅血肿、颅内出血发生率明显高于对照组,差异有显著意义(P<0.05)。

    Result : Data display that the incidence rate of urgent birth ection is higher than control section in postpartum hemorrhage , soft parturient canal damage , infect of perineal wound and asphyxia neonatorum , cephalhematoma , blooding in the skull .

  10. 结果产后出血的发生率1.7%,产后2小时内出血者占94.7%,出血原因为宫缩无力、软产道损伤、胎盘因素、凝血功能障碍等。

    Results The rat of postpartum hemorrhage was 1.7 % . The rate of postpartum hemorrhage in postnatal 2 hours was 94.7 % . The reasons of postpartum hemorrhage are uterine atony , injury of soft birth canal , placental complication dysfunction of blood coagulating , etc.

  11. 【结果】两组在宫高、腹围、妊娠糖尿病、多产、新生儿体重、第二产程延长,产后出血,软产道损伤及新生儿损伤等方面差异有显著性(P<0.01)。

    【 Results 】 There were significant differences of the two groups in height of the uterus , fetal abdominal circumference , gestational diabetes , fecundity , newborns'weight , prolonged second stage of labour , assisted vaginal delivery , postpartum hemorrhage , injury of soft birth canal and newborn damage .

  12. 结论提示在预防软产道产伤性损伤时除考虑常见原因外,要关注不同民族产妇间的差异。

    Conclusion In preventing of soft canals birth injuries , differences in ethnic factors should be considered as well as the traditional causes .