
ruǎn lì qīng
  • Soft asphalt;maltha;petrolene;earth pitch
软沥青[ruǎn lì qīng]
  1. 建立了煤软沥青庚烷萃取物的HPLC检测方法。

    A new HPLC method for determining the extract content from coal soft pitch using heptane is developed .

  2. 本论文以中温煤沥青为原料,蒽油和洗油为稀释剂调节煤沥青的软化点,再以混合溶剂离心法脱除软沥青中QI,蒸馏出溶剂得到精制软沥青。

    In this paper , medium temperature coal tar pitch was used as the raw material , and anthracene oil and wash oil were used to adjust the softening point as the diluents . Then remove QI from the soft pitch by the method of mixed solvent-centrifugal .

  3. 50t电炉采用软沥青&氧燃助熔技术的应用结果表明,电炉冶炼周期缩短,每吨钢冶炼电耗降低,提高了设备产钢能力,摊薄了每吨钢的冶炼能源消耗,降低了炼钢成本。

    Soft asphalt-oxygen-lance technology has been applied into a 50 t electric arc furnace . Results show that the tap to tap cycle for the EAF has been shortened ; energy consumption per ton steel reduced ;

  4. 实验发现,软沥青非等温热聚合过程中甲苯不溶喹啉可溶物(TI-QS)含量呈抛物线型变化,在480℃~500℃之间出现极大值20.70%~24.38%。

    During non-isothermal polymerization of coal tar pitch , TI-QS content changes as parabola , and its maximum ( 20.70 % - 24.38 % ) appears in a narrow temperature range ( 480 ℃ - 500 ℃) .

  5. 煤焦油精制软沥青非等温热转化动力学研究

    Study on Non-isothermal Heat Conversion Kinetics of Coal-tar Refined Soft Pitch

  6. 顶吹氧平炉燃用软沥青的试验研究

    Experimental study of burning soft pitch fuel in top-blown oxygen open-hearth furnace

  7. 煤焦油精制软沥青组成及结构的表征

    Compositions and Structure Characterizations of Coal Tar Refined Soft Pitch

  8. 煤焦油精制软沥青中硫的分布及热稳定性

    Distribution and Thermal Stability of Sulfur from Coal Tar Refined Soft Pitch

  9. 煤精制软沥青庚烷不溶甲苯可溶族结构的光谱分析焦油沥青碎石拌制机

    Spectral Analysis of Structural of Heptane-Insoluble Toluene-Soluble from Coal Tar Refined Soft Pitch

  10. 煤焦油精制软沥青中氮、硫的分布和热稳定性的分析

    Distribution and Heat Stability of Nitrogen and Sulphur in Coal Tar Refined Soft Pitch

  11. 软沥青热聚合制备高含量中间相预聚体的研究

    Study on the thermal polymerization preparation of pre-polymer with high-content mesophase from coal tar pitch

  12. 沥青路面再生技术运用中,软沥青可以作为再生剂使用。

    In the application of asphalt pavement recycling technology , new soft asphalt can be used as rejuvenation agent .

  13. 然后,以中温煤沥青、软沥青和精制软沥青为原料延迟焦化制备生焦,考察了原料组成、反应温度等因素对生焦质量的影响。

    Then , coal tar pitch , soft pitch and refined soft pitch were used to prepare coke through delayed coking , and the influences of different composition of raw materials , reaction temperature and system pressure were investigated on coke quality .

  14. 提高软土路基沥青砼路面平整度的施工对策

    Construction Strategy of Improving Bituminous Concrete Pavements Smoothness in Soft Soil Subgrade

  15. 分析路面车辙的成因可知,高温是车辙产生的最直接诱因&高温使得沥青变软,造成沥青混凝土的承载能力下降。

    Analysis shows that the causes of rutting , rutting resulting temperature is the most direct incentives making asphalt softening temperature , resulting in decreased carrying capacity of asphalt concrete .

  16. 软土地基上沥青路面应力的有限元分析

    A Finite Element Analysis of Asphalt Pavement on Soft Soil Foundation

  17. 软土地基上沥青混凝土路面动力分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Asphalt Concrete Pavement on Soft Clay Ground

  18. 软基沉降对沥青混凝土路面的影响

    Influence of Soft Ground Settlement on Asphalt Concrete Pavements

  19. 软土地基上沥青路面的分期修建方案

    An Instalment Construction Plan on Asphalt Pavement of Semi Rigid Basement Constructed in Soft Soil Foundation